/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads

Beetroot doesn't go on a pizza edition

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what about brocolli?

>Beetroot doesn't go on a pizza edition

succ dicc

evening, chaps

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Neither does that
No, i am not a pede

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1nd for + /belarus/


>Beetroot doesn't go on a pizza edition
never tried it.
Maybe it does

I thought we didn't had those lads around anymore?

this chap knows, whats up

I'm just saying, beetroot on pizza is good. At least I'm not that guy who puts mayonnaise on pizza.

rather beetroot than mayo, chap


>that crust
>no browning on cheese
you're supposed to knead the dough and use a hot oven

It was kneaded until the gluten was stretchy as fuck. My oven isn't that good for pizza.

why the fuck did i get kicked my word was rectangle so i drew a rectangle fuck you guys

Technically you can skip most of the kneading if you leave it overnight. Autolysis will take care of it and gluten will develop by itself

tfw work in a pharmacy and people driving me crazy with the corona stuff. literally sell out antiseptics in an hour after the stock comes in.

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I never understood the point of antiseptics. Just wash your hands with soap and water.

some clients literally told me they dont have time to shower and have just used antiseptic in the past. rip their skin.

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Do you get to the point where you have a bunch of differrent hobby projects cropped up and no idea how to complete them?
Yeah, it's not great.

what should I play during quarantine? I wanted to play terraria but I found out that new update still hasn't come out


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No, because I didn't fall for the hobby meme in the first place.


is there a /balt/ clan chat on osrs?

Wish all my mods would update sooner, tbqh.

Based brainlet consoomer

got trips in norgay generel
>who else is basert

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how do you pronounce that slashed o letter?

How is everyone’s evening?

ø is pronounced like å but more potatoey. å is pronounced how you'd expect o to be. o makes a ū sound, u makes literally the same sound. æ is pronounced exactly how it looks like it should.

>Music? I prefer African-American war chants

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i want to know how your evening is

having deja vu

I'm fucking gay


so what

what kind of guys do you like

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its ok

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Ones that get drunk as fuck with me.
Howdy there chief.

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I'm hungry but can't be bothered getting up and cooking.

join the scribble, it's fun

why did everyone leave?

a few more

i played 3 games straight got tired

Watched a movie with Mark Wahlberg to kill some time. Old Mark Wahlberg is starting to look like my dad.

pls join

He's like very short. Maybe 160cm.

we need more balts

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Made me Google
Sounds about right. My dad was something like 175. Poor nutrition during childhood, what with being born right after WW2 and all.

join this game, brothers

i want to win again

175 is ok tier. Still bigger than most girls.

I can't draw anything, it does nothing.

italy just went into complete shutdown, like complete. tv channels broadcasted president emergency speech like fucking war mobilization call


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you wait for your turn lmao

3 games played
3 games won

what was your name

im geting swetyy in bed lmao, need to go
cant drwa

i certainly hope so

i bet nobody here can beat me


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why did CSDD send me recommendations about corona?

we are waiting
also checked gj

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im back form toilet lets play

>WHO leader: pandemic in hand
>Prime Minister Ratas will make a political statement on Thursday the government is considering declaring a state of emergency

>Italy prime minister is about to announce Wuhan-level quarantine on a national level.
>The government can now seize buildings required by the law enforcement and healthcare system.
>All non-essential services will be completely suspended.
>Nobody can leave their home.

Shit got real so fast. I remember during the first days a month ago few infections, now fucking month later 110k infections and countries going to complete lockdowns

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need more people

because road safety stopped being their priority long time ago

lets paly already no one join anways

alright starting