"Italy, for example, is now just being incredibly stupid," says Helsloot. "They're bringing their own society to a standstill through isolation. Soon the coronavirus will be eradicated, but the Italian economy will be ruined. Then there will be no more money for health care and it will take years to recover."
Italians BTFO'd by Dutch health/crisis experts
you know how many would get infected if Italians went on with daily life?
You know you're white when you value money over health
Dutch Prime Minister Rutte said Monday at a press conference on the coronavirus that he did not want to take any stricter measures for the time being. "We are a sober people and are not waiting for symbolic measures, just because it suits a feeling of now something is happening," he said.
>Keep it normal, the economy = health care!!!
Too bad, the virus only can be eliminated if everyone isolated themselves for some week.
Literally anti-cure for economy.
LOL just a monthly lockdown won't do shit, Luigi will be back to exporting Lambos and macaroni in 1 week
screencap his speech and post it 2 weeks from now
Why did korona spread so much in Italy? Where did it get from?
You live in the country of retards.
In the Netherlands they don't test you if show no symptoms anymore, even though you could still be infected.
Also there are only enough ICUs for 300 COVID-19 patients.
He's right, we should let it spread to kill all the boomers that are taking retirment money, it would be a huge relief for our debt situation
>Where did it get from
>Luigi actually get cured
>Go out
>Dutch cough at them
It may be discrimination but in my opinion Dutch experts are smarter than Italian experts. Dutch think with their brain, Italians with their heart. You can't think with your heart.
>It's just a flu lol let then infect all of EU
Clogniggers are retarded
first cases in italy were chinese tourists in rome, also a lot of people here got infected in north italy, so don't blame this shit on us.
It’s a test run for the chinese take over. Chinks already wear masks and live in a police state.
Dutch people are soulless
Most based way dealing with a pandemic?
>Do we know how many people are infected in the Netherlands?
No, we don't. According to Sjaak de Gouw of the GGD (Dutch public health service) we shouldn't stare at the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health) figures. What is certain is that there are more than those figures show. "There are probably also a lot of people with mild symptoms, who just get sick at home and don't report, but may have the virus. This virus causes 80 per cent mild complaints," says De Gouw. Only people who have a fever are advised to call the GGD.
Also people who have mild symptoms and come from Northern Italy are not tested. Since Friday, this also applies to roommates of people who have the virus and have symptoms themselves, even if that is a fever.
The chinese tourist didn't spread it because they were tested immediately, also that was in rome the german brought it to the north undetected
>first cases in italy were chinese tourists in rome,
it was a german manager who came from china
Shut up subhuman
You are an insolent people, nothing more
>Italian economy will be ruined
It is ruined before corona chan so not an argument tbqh
dont bother
Its bad here, but even worse down there, lmao
Already 500 cases 5 dead and 0 recovered in Netherlands for 1% early death rates.
This gonna be amazing when look at Netherlands citizen continues "normal life" and spread corona nonstop and overrun their hospital thus increase death rates.
Your politician and "expert" unlikely to die anyway. They probably already have a bed ready just for them.
The Dutch Coofers
At least it's not terminal 7
Dutch expert coofer gonna evolve into brain terminal and reinfected Luigi anyway lol.
With neighbours like this I wonder why it's spread so far and mutate so fast.
Since the beginning of February, everyone with flu or respiratory complaints has been tested for corona in 42 general practitioners' practices throughout the Netherlands. So far, only a general practitioner from Eindhoven has tested someone positive.
We don't have a big spread here retard.
Not yet lol.
Peoples that get tested not mean they immunity to virus, retard. It's like you searching for mines, but the enemy keeps planning more every time even in the zone you already check.
Thank to your politicians, they gonna prove my point.
We literally have the best experts in the world. They know what they are doing. Do you really trust Italians to make good decisions? Of coursenot, nobody does.
Can't wait for Sunday when I am going to watch some footy with 52.000 other people.
wont somebody PLEASE think of muh economy
>born too late to explore the word
>born too early to explore space
>born just in time to watch d*Tchoids kill themselves off
maybe it aint so bad afterall
Nobody is an expert on a virus that broke out a few months ago you white trash
>my opinion is better than your opinion because it has a dutch nationality
cool beans
>NONONO IF OUR PEOPLE DONT WORK HOW AM I GONNA ADVENCE MY POLITICAL CAREER WITH GDP LOST, QUICK TELL THE PEOPLE "They're bringing their own society to a standstill through isolation. Soon the coronavirus will be eradicated, but the Italian economy will be ruined. Then there will be no more money for health care and it will take years to recover."
The Italian bad decision literally not believe in pandemic happener and not isolated themselves from Chinese or potential Infected, they even have some movement about hugging those Chinese.
Also one of the reasons why this just a flu spread so far thank to expert keep spreading news that it's really just a flu and even easier to treat than SARS.
To be honest, I like Netherland more than Italy even I like both. If you think i'm more biased to Netherland more than Italy, you wrong.
Shut up sexpat
I'm not sexpat lmao. Literally native, Luigi please.
Do you not see Norwegian people as smarter than Italian people when it comes to making rational decisions? Italians have too much passion to think with their brain sometimes.
It will be a rational infection then. Sober and proper paced pandemic
quads confirm. My passion is telling me to coof in the general direction of the Netherlands, though. What should I do, o rational one?
My country is so retarded.
>but the Italian economy will be ruined
Haven't they been ruined since like 2009?
the quarantine prevention measures are for buying time not eliminating the virus, till the vaccine can be developed
>muh cause we're blond and nordic and germanics therefore zuperiors to idalianz xDxDxD
C'mon be serious, Geert. That's real life not /pol or Stormfront
Don't worry we already know you're a mass of autistic cocaine addicts, you have nothing more to prove
You should never wash your hands like the dutch master race.
>the quarantine prevention measures are for buying time not eliminating the virus, till the vaccine can be developed
do you mean it's going to last until the next year?
>Helsloot, Dutch Health/Crisis Expert and Precious Metals Investor
I only mean about locally or group. Not every single case of virus user. Also
>Implying vaccine gonna cure everyone
Forgot about the anti-vaccine already ?
>but the Italian economy will be ruined
You can't ruin what's already ruined, they are playing 4D chess with us again
Lol this densely populated country with one of the highest rates already and not even really testing is gonna get it bad. Two of my co workers probably have it and I’m now home for two weeks. At least the Italians are doing something
most, but few would die, mostly useless old people
We really have no choice.
Either these strict measures or a full blown epidemic out of control.
Holland is acting armchair general here.
Le Olandese Furente lmfao
Probabily when he was in holidays in 5 Terre a local chad fucked his wife and his daughter and now he's projecting hard
Actually based.
Just adhere to standard flu season precautions more stringently and this meme virus amounts to nothing.
>mostly useless old people
In the beginning yes, not with massive spreading.
In my town a 18 years old guy is unironically near dead cause of covid.
I feel so sorry for Italians. No one deserves such a disaster.
>Sober people
I wonder how high he was when he said this
Marco Zannoni, Director of the Dutch Institute for Safety and Crisis Management (COT):
>Action should be guided by expertise and not sentiment. As far as I can tell, that's what's happening at the moment.
All the Dutch experts say that the measurememts that the national health board has taken is good. Do you seriously not think that some Italians do not think with the heart but with the brain? Of courae some do think with the brain, but you cannot deny that the Italian passion goes in the way of rational thinking.
Netherlands is the worst country in terms of giving a fuck about corona virus, they are worse than the USA. The entire Western part of EU is a disappointment.
that's the date estimate for a vaccine release afaik
what anti vaxxers? they've been really quiet lately and hopefully die first
>Do you seriously not think that some Italians do not think with the heart but with the brain?
Yes, the ones south of Florence and Rimini does it
That is the view of a lot of health professionals. It is backed up by the results in south korea where they went on a testing spree and it shows that the virus has a less than 1% mortality rate.
The number of unreported cases dwarfs the reported ones, but people just take it as a standard seasonal illness, get over it and move on. There is nothing special about this aside from the panic that the media has induced in the populations.
Tomorrow I will travel to Rome, in two weeks I will go to Hong Kong and in May I will go to Japan. Am I worried, am I going to panic? Not at all.
Anti-vaxx people exist purely because they live such comfortable lives they need to make up a new villain--like muh chemicals!! Nooo not chemicals!!
When you have real problems then you dont care about chemicals or artificial or vaxx.
>the italian economy will be ruined
Good. Can't wait for the rise of fascism.
>not about managing capacity
Does he not realize it's about buying time, so the healthcare system doesn't get swamped by sudden peaks of new cases.
Like in Italy where some dude's sister couldn't get help and is literally left to rot.
Very correct. The dutch need a lesson, corona chan will provide it.
>they even have some movement about hugging those Chinese
Will you fags stop projecting a single guy's virtue signaling over an entire nation
That's literally how our leftists reacted here when the epidemic started.
Screencapped this thread, if you'll surive we'll laught at you and dutch intellectuals when the pandemic is over.
I'm sure those guys who still claim the virus just a flu also anti-vaxxers, they just change the way they speak.
Also I start to hear
>80% peoples only get mild sympton, this just a flu !
Surely they believe they don't fall to 20% case.
I never say all Italian do that. Some are enough to spread chaos.
>That is the view of a lot of health professionals. It is backed up by the results in south korea where they went on a testing spree and it shows that the virus has a less than 1% mortality rate.
They didn't just testing spree. They socially distanced, tested, quarantined. This allows for numbers to stay low, this means hospitals dont get blown out, and everyone can be served and given quality care.
Italy and the rest of EU test bare minimum. US tests probably less than bare minimum but who cares, unless you are testing South Korea or Singapore tier it makes no difference. This means the number of cases explodes, so does the number of critical cases, so does the number of deaths. Less than 1% is the best possible result with all good care. Now Europe has to turn away people at the ICU and just let them die. And its only going to get worse, USA in the next few weeks will be the same as in the EU this week
But it's not even some, it really is just that one guy and I'm pretty sure he didn't do it for more than an afternoon
Non dirne
I'm sorry to hear that, netherbro
Now is the time for EU to create the EU army including Medical Corps and send it in to help save Italy.
It's the same thing how attitudes changed from before a couple of months to now and how they changed just this week, here in particular.
Not one guy lol.
I actually read more about this Chinese hugging thing. It's seem like there's actually a movement about hugging them until 25 February with many images of different men and women.
Probably not that big but enough for a thrust.