Post your female version and your ideal gf

Post your female version and your ideal gf
To make this Yas Forums related, talk about your country in 5 words.
Janitor, go have so fun irl and leave us have so fun aswell :)

Attached: 43383_beMuSqhA.png (1250x600, 345.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you didnt post the link joao

Now, if I only had something, I don't know, maybe like a website where I could only do this...


Joao you don't need to be female
You are butiful already

Also this is a tranny groomer thread

Edited my first one, the other was a little too white

Attached: 43383_OHezY89M.png (600x600, 297.71K)

I find threads detestable,like a crucible of trannies and mental illness.You may continue forging and hammering out whatever you like,but you should know you're first on my list.
There won't be a crevice left unchecked to flee to,not a single inch of quarter given.The only quarter you will have will be pertaining to a draw and quartering.
Enjoy peace while it lasts sodomites.
Also,I'm hijacking this shit thread for my own use.This is now an ideal gf ideal gfs.

Attached: ideal gf.png (600x600, 205.85K)

Based tranny thread

These threads*
Oh,and you're not cute.

female me (unfortunately can't make her look more unattractive) and ideal look pretty similar honestly so I'll just post one image

Attached: 1554471813211.png (284x346, 68.41K)

tranny or Ideal gf?

>tfw no me gf

Attached: download20200302210308.png (600x600, 159.05K)

Tranny thread

ideal gf

Attached: me.png (600x600, 216.92K)


I guess that would be female me

Attached: download20200303210836.png (600x600, 142.84K)

There's no option for a monobrown or short unkempt hair


Attached: 15465102386260.png (600x600, 259.3K)

Do I really need to register an account on that site so as to start making my own designs?

no you just gotta press the buttons, helps if you have the google translate extension


pretty good looking

Attached: download20200303202928.png (600x600, 135.23K)

ideal gf

Attached: download20200303202937.png (600x600, 253.45K)

just want a redhead gf desu

Attached: me and my ideal gf.jpg (1200x600, 149.73K)

I don't even look good as an anime girl. go figure

Attached: 43383_0vyYGv3p.png (600x600, 178.78K)

Attached: download20200303223755.png (1232x601, 432.55K)

but that's me...


No bully pls...unless you are a stoic and handsome white euro bf

Attached: 1583889314640.png (600x600, 229.42K)

>To make this Yas Forums related
That's not how it works, but how about this:
"Portugal is really fucking gay"

Hey, do i fit in~?


Attached: mexico is shit btw.png (600x600, 210.99K)

Stop doing gay things, anons.

Only if ya don't mind brown bois~

Attached: 1583421119832.jpg (700x988, 65.51K)

Based lesbian poster

Attached: yuri.png (1200x600, 371.81K)

buenos días chula

Attached: 1494801384867.jpg (640x513, 34.36K)

badda bing
it's female me

Attached: 43383_VXulGq8i.png (600x600, 197.83K)

Ideal female me and ideal gf are the same when you have autogynephilia.

Attached: 43383_epTNP5Mq.png (600x600, 242.72K)

Where's your head at

Attached: autism.png (600x600, 170.52K)

me(female) on the left ideal gf on the right
please r8

Attached: 1583885097905.png (1200x600, 425.36K)

>Female me
Having a sister really kills that fetish for some reason.

not for me, my sister and I look nothing alike

Attached: female me.png (600x600, 149.29K)

I want to COOM in a brown boi

Attached: 1583802578832.jpg (517x468, 28.56K)

way before you there portubro
I have been redpilled on the clonegf question for a while

Attached: Female me Ideal GF.jpg (827x448, 80.83K)

hair wilder irl

Attached: 43383_liQr0FmC.png (600x600, 156.28K)

this is my ideal Med gf

Attached: Med Gf.png (600x600, 210.94K)

this me if i was a woman

Attached: download20200304000914.png (600x600, 219.94K)

Can't we at least have picrews where you can make males?


This is me as a woman

Attached: 1555771141025.jpg (432x403, 26.98K)

And this one my ideal gf.

Attached: 1563130541931.jpg (422x394, 39.91K)

would fuck until you're begging for mercy

male or female?

You're asking this on faggotchan

Attached: 1582676675966.jpg (352x428, 13.33K)

Attached: download20200303023024.png (600x600, 193.36K)

Oh so you're a girl
I'm into American girls but my female clone isn't

Attached: uw).png (328x426, 311.17K)

Ideal girl: Aristocrat, educate, traditional, good person. Basically the female version of me, except I'm not aristocrat, educate, traditional or good person.

Attached: 43383_smCR6nNf.png (600x600, 263.81K)

Female version of me and also my ideal girl. I would like nothing more than to date a female version of myself and perhaps have a child that is a clone of myself. I am literally perfect.

Attached: 43383_khZt7OE4.png (600x600, 175.43K)

anime was a bigger disaster to the human race than the agricultural and industrial revolution combined

foid me

Attached: 43383_0cOmoo2A.png (600x600, 155.34K)

and here is my ideal gf, vastly superior to anything ITT thus far

Attached: 43383_Yk3lHodL.png (600x600, 210.08K)