Be european

>be european
>get 70% of his income taxed in some way

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>also get public services

how else do you plan to pay for abdessalam and his five children and his sick all the time for some reason elderly parents?

>be european
>have 0 income
>pay no tax
i cheated the system

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>but doesn't get shot

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The southrons just find inventive ways to not pay their taxes.

I have high income so it would work out worse for me

Personal income tax
>you were born within these arbitrary borders that were drawn centuries ago? Let me charge you some taxes for that

VAT (sales tax for burgers)
>trying to buy some food and electricity so you can survive heh? Lemme charge some more tax on that

Inheritance tax
>your parents died and they had a house? Let me charge you some tax on that because your parents died

Property tax
>after decades of wagecucking you finally managed to acquire a mediocre fortune? You gotta pay tax for that too bro

Tax on investment income
>trying to cash some dividends are we? I will have to withhold 30% on that as well, even though you carried all investment risk.

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>Tax on investment income
This should be a lot higher and income tax lower. Actual rich people have a lot lower tax rate than wagecucks

taxation is theft

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>take away taxes
>government collapses

Don't talk about your countrymen like that

do you also abuse all public services whenever you can but don't give back to the community because you don't give a shit?

That's why euros negotiate their salaries in after tax amount. Your brutto income is just a number on your salary slip. Remember, Mr. Shekelbergstein would never pay you more than you need to survive month-to-month, if taxes were lower he would pay you the same netto amount and take the rest for himself as profit.

i'm on neetbux and never had a full time job

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man my BASEDmeter is only increasing

>Be english using NHS
>have longer waiting times than colombians and lower cancer curing rate

Here at least the general practicians are shit tier
>here bro just take paracetamol you'll be fine come later if symptoms get worse
But when the shit actual hits the fan specialists are pretty good. Can't complain

fuck i wish i was you desu. i can't even apply for neetbux here

>tfw is the same here but they give you acetaminofen here

>here bro just take paracetamol you'll be fine come later if symptoms get worse
Never imagined Columbia and Finland could have something in common

paracetamol is just another name for acetaminophen. they're the same thing

after all taxes I got 70%~ (maybe little more) on my account.
in Colombia how much money do you get after all mandatory taxes?

The Tax Poem

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed.

Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule.

Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway!

Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.

Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries tax his tears.

Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass.

Tax all he has, Then let him know, That you won't be done till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till he's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he's laid.

Put these words Upon his tomb, 'Taxes drove me to my doom...'

When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply the inheritance tax.
>i didn't make this up

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I only need 500 dollars to afford a middle class level of living.

do you live in big city (Bogota) and do you rent an apartment or just a room? I asked because $500 for a middle class level of living seems to be really cheap, I though Colombia is more expensive btw

>be north korean
>never get taxed

500 dollars is what you need to live as a middle class faggot in Bogota.

minimal wage in colombia is like 270 dollars.

How can you be "middle class" with that? Still clothes, electronics, cars etc. cost almost the same in every country

Exchange rates probably means that $500 is decent when converted, especially now that the dollar is skyrocketing.

you don't buy cars, consoles, phones every month retard.

also most people here use credit to buy that shit.

This, fuck wannabe jews who make money off investments. That’s not real wealth.

So what's middle class like there? Living paycheck to paycheck isn't really middle class

around the same. if you work informally you get to keep 100% though

Big city here you need $800 at least if you live alone, I assume the other user lives with more people/family and shares expenses. it's honestly not possible to pay rent in a middle class area+food+transportation+clothing+random expenses on $500 per month

Earn money?tax
Buy something?tax
Own something?tax

And I wouldn't call myself middle class when I have like 1200€ disposable money after essientials rent, food, other bills

>tax rate
25% for consumer goods, 12% on food
>property tax
150 kroner yearly (15 US $)

Could be worse, I guess

Europe is like three times more expensive I think.

So it would be like earning like 1.500 dollars per month in europe.

less than 15% of the population makes more than 600 dollars.

you are full of shit. You can live on $500 nly if you live with more people.

A middle class rent (estrato 3-4) in Bogota costs anywhere between $300-600. You just burned over 3/4 or even exceeded your supposed middle class income only on rent

average income of families in colombia (middle class, estrato 3) is 500 dollars.

if you have a degree you will be making 700 on average.
Surgeons earn here like 2k per month.
Managers like 5k

>Europe is like three times more expensive I think.
Only rent, food, restaurants. Still most consumer products are the price in every country more or less. Actually countries like Russia they might be a lot higher due to their import taxes etc. Since they come here shopping

>less than 15% of the population makes more than 600 dollars.
agreed, but those people obviously live in household of 2 or more people. My point is that you CANNOT fucking have a middle class quality of life living ALONE while making $500. At least not in a large city

Doesnt Norway have a dual income tax system?

You can invest too, you know. And you're pretty retarded if you're not doing it. Did you think we're still going to get pensions in 40 years?

you need near 600 dollars just to survive as a family here.

yeah, but you don't buy cars and clothes and phones every month.

We usually get two additional paychecks in a year, and that's the time when people afford those stuff here.

>be German
>waiting times among the lowest in the world
and now?

I pay only 2% taxes and get goverment gibs in addition.

According to the largest household polls the average income for a bogota household is 2.7 million ($800), not 500.
>Surgeons earn here like 2k per month.
you are insane. A surgeon here makes well over 20 million easily, and those are entry level ($6k). There are surgeons raking in over $20k per month, but what percentage of the population are surgeons? 0,1% maybe less

And still get more net money than thirdies anyway

> >have longer waiting times than colombians
The fuck are you smoking, ever since Uribe axed our shit Colombia's healthcare might as well be Somalian

I do invest, but it's not really fair when you pay just flat tax 30% on capital gains. Doesnt matter if it's 1000€ or one million. You get 30% income tax like 3700€

less than 2.3% of colombians make more than 700 per month (HOUSEHOLDS).

Correct, I just listed what I paid in taxes and vat last year

>be american
>pay 70% tax
>plus tip
>get nothing in return

I dunno I would consider being middle class when you have a lot of disposable income to buy useless shit and going on holidays . Paycheck to paycheck is wagecuck tier

>be american
>complain billionaires pay too much of your taxes and they should be taxed at the same rate as people who work min wage in their corporations.

They get taxed high, but at least they have free health insurance and their kids go to college for free.

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depends, food here is super cheap.

like I can buy 1-2 kg of tomato for like 1 dollar.

>you need near 600 dollars just to survive as a family here.
and you think the average family here doesn't struggle to make ends meet? When that user says "middle class" he's talking about a relatively easygoing lifestyle, not having to work your ass off. You cannot have that kind of lifestyle with $500 UNLESS you fully own your house and have very little random expenses. Even then, you woudn't be able to travel abroad, not even once a year with such income. Proper middle class, starts at $700-$800 if you LIVE ALONE. For a household, proper middle class (not estrato 3 struggle people) starts at around 4 million ($1.3k)

As you can see, the middle class is very small here under such criteria

>and their kids go to college for free
If you can get in

that's not middle class retard.

you can't argue that the top 2% income of the country are middle class.


>everybody lives happily ever after because citizens aren't actual children that can't take care of themselves
bureaucrats always seek out ways to justify their own existence

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I am a civil servant. Why yes I enjoy my stress free job. Why yes I enjoy my benefits and long holidays :)

Only an amerishit could be legitimately this brainwashed. Jeff Besoz didn't risk shit he literally got a no strings attached loan of hundreds of thousands of dollars from family and family friends.

Look I'm not trying to say this place is not a shithole, but your numbers are way off

"a person making $1k per month is among the top 10%", not 2.3%, I don't think that's even the case in Sub Saharan Africa.

Also, about 20% of HOUSEHOLDS (not persons) bring in more than $1.3k dollars per month (pic related)

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My point is that the middle class here is very small. You are saying that someone living in estrato 3 is middle class. That's not fucking middle class by 1st world standards.

By 1st world standards, middle class here would be estrato 4 (being generous here) and 5

>75-80% of colombians make less than 700 bucks
>but hey middle class isn't MIDDLE CLASS, It's what is considered middle class in europe
>top 10% income is considered now middle class
ok retard.

>bro, middle class in europe and colombia is totally the same

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>only 70%
did you exclude my country?

>middle class doesn't mean the average
wtf does that middle means, retard?

middle european class is considered rich people standarts here, retard.

>Born within these arbitrary borders? Have free education
>Trying to some buy some food and electricity? Remember your legal protections in case the food is rotten or the wiring is bad
>Your parents' ownership ceased to exist because they're dead and didn't bother to give their stuff to you whilst they were alive? Don't worry, we'll let you keep it even though we have no reason to
>You bought a house? We'll protect it and the area around it with proper building regulations, policing and maintainence
>You invested in a company? It'll be much easier to thrive thanks to a stable economy and robust legal system

You've been reaping the benefits of taxes your entire life. Go be hermit or fuck off.

>8 euros per hour wage
>pay 50% in taxes plus health insurance
I pity germs, no shit all of your people either leave or get on social Harz

Colombians are mutt tier when it comes to defending the excesses of the rich. Glad to see you are one of the few rational ones.

What is middle class in Burkina Faso would be considered abject poverty in Colombia. What is middle class in Colombia (according to your definition) would be considered abject utter indigence in Norway. Get my point now?

kys commie

do u think there's no diference in standart of living between africa, europe and latinoamerica, retard?