
How could this happen in America?edition

I'm innocent! Subedition

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yeah new cod in general is probably, nostalgia aside, the best cod yet



Love mocking the classcucked bugmen at work by pointing out socialist China has almost defeated coronavirus even in Wuhan while capitalist Britain and Italy are in chaos. Also love how people think they have the right to swan about on holidays wherever they want. Runts.

it's alright
it reminded me a little bit of the later Dune books like Heretics and Chapterhouse where you realize that Herbert was a bit weird sexually

Toil in t-minus 34 minutes

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Godamn, man child
You fucked me so good that I almost said, "I love you"
You're fun and you're wild
But you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through
Your poetry's bad and you blame the news
But I can't change that, and I can't change your mood

Would love to kick em full pelt


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stargate sg-1


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come dine with me

it's always sunny in philadelphia

did 5 thinks today

how come people don't really talk about the 2000 dune miniseries anymore?
it was pretty good

Star Trek: The Next Generation



The Inbetweeners

Five Guys a Week

Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter

just ate a whole choco bar during lent fml

Who here /notwashinghands/?

Shan't be denied a Hapooning

would've been a good show if it only followed the younger brother, I forget his name
everyone else was cringey

we talk about it in the /brit/ discord all the time just never when you're in there


Luckily jesus died for our sins so it's all good

Jerry Weinstein did not kill himself.

never washed my hands in my life, not going to start now

it's all fucked isn't it lads

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Guys I don't want to get stuck in my uni town if the country locks down due to coronavirus. I fucking hate it here and the house I share here is small and damp and cold. If I have to self-isolate here for a month I'm gonna fucking lose it.

But I can't go home yet either because I've got deadlines and tests coming up. So what the fuck do I do? I'm scared that one day in the next week the government will randomly announce lockdown and I'll be trapped with no way of going back to home.

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have you ever taken a shower

do sharks really eat people or was it just for that jaws film

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bought vitamin d tablets today on /brit/s advice

tell your teachers that you want to but you still want to get your work done and see if they'll accommodate you

We're not worth the effort
Or at least the avg surfer isn't
We're way too lean.

stupid question

just post on /brit/ and watch some tv shows
oooo ooo a month!! oh no!!

then you've washed your hands

boomers like to talk about how more people die getting hit by golf balls on golf courses than die of sharks

suck it up buttercup

nobody's stopping you from walking home

I thought it was a good show overall (I watched it twice), but I agree that Friedhelm really stands out as the best character.

which is why it was a stupid question
of course i've never fucking taken a shower

Sharks are natures deanos

cant stop shitting yellow liquid

Have just accepted I'm going to die very soon.
No one else is taking it seriously which is about as good as stabbing me dead.

Is that Emma Watson?

shame your demise wasn't a little earlier so I wouldn't have to read this post

>Noooo I'm in uni and my life is bad
Get a grip literal child.

Any Cymry in

Killer Whales = natures chads?

>bruv moment

how do i get close enough to her to put my willy inside

weird ass looking boobs

is you a genuine mong?

you know what annoys me lads
when a girl goes to give you a bj and shes down there all of 30 seconds and then she stops
what the fuck is that

might let /brit/ make all decisions in my life

Want some sort of gimmick that will be bring me ~£10k per year in passive side-income. Any thoughts?

Doubt all these people panic buying supplies have the means to protect them.

rent your arse out

suck golf balls

ah yes the histrionic girl had a tearful breakdown today and walked out crying

holy guacamole

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sell jawbreakers that look like golfballs on brit

Alri moni

They better not cancel baseball.

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Alri Alex Turner

want to rent out my vagina on an hourly basis

Same reason lads can give up when they go down on a bird. Poor technique. Guarantee she's all suck, which is hurting her jaw and makes her give up.

>200 dead in Italy over last 24 hours

Load up at Greggs and sell them by the seaside.

likely to have my finals cancelled due to all this coronavirus malarky, which is actually very annoying as it would likely postpone unitoil by yet another year

I understood the criticisms the show received I should say
it's billed as being the story of average Germans of the time (Our Mothers, our Fathers) but almost all of them are somewhat critical of the regime in one way or another. I mean for fuck's sake they're all friends with a Jew in 1941 Berlin
Friedhelm is the only one with an interesting albeit somewhat nihilistic view into what is happening

nasty smelly penis.


Why the fuck didn’t Boris Johnson visit the flooded towns

if they cancel it then they should suspend all of those astros guys a further year

hard to be too worried because being a healthy 20 year old i have an absolutely miniscule chance of dying if i catch the virus

Not a sport. Bunch of middle aged boomers walking across a pitch. Also least interesting sport to watch. No action.

Mental how despite being 13% of the population African Americans are responsible for 50% of the hate crimes.

err is that what cancelling finals means? you've got to do them later?

so you think

this is just like in harry potter when the disease spread through hogwarts

its a whisperer

fun to watch in person. great to go there and get fucked up in the sun
dire to watch on tv unless you autistically care about stats

You don’t know what you’re talking about

Im not sure if I should
Show you what ive found has it gone for good or is it coming back around

waiting for my boomer dad to go online so I can speak to him, he unironically has more of a social life than I do

need a latex gf lads

Sorry mate, I'll add you to the ever growing list of people I've disappointed.


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classmate committed suicide and i didn't have take finals because of it

I’m not that worried about catching the virus for the same reasons, but I’m pissed off at how badly it seems to fucking up society.

especially since we live in one

At least you're not in China with deathsquads roaming door to door and people throwing themselves off 200 story apartments to get away from the people trying to help then

Well, it's the closest thing we'll ever get to a realistic show I imagine.
Can't produce anything Zog free in the current year.

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fuck his corpse and film it

audibly laughed at this one

Boomers are a socially healthy bunch who love nothing more than pints with the lads at the pubs. It's the zoomers who are miserable shut-ins due to spending every waking minute inside and addicted to their phones and/or gaming

He took one for the team

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I'm studying medicine so they're not exactly likely to let us graduate without sitting finals, and because our osces (the practical exams) are held in the hospital and marked by doctors who'll all be busy it's particularly likely our exams will be cancelled.

Any pint before breakfast man in

my american e-pal commited sharticide in the middle of walmart

Not fussed about dying from the virus tbqh. Been having suicidal thoughts for over a decade now so it'd probably be a relief haha

did you just assume her gender? bigots

based china

Yeah but I might not get to go on holiday and that’s almost as bad

Same, just sad about my mum.

VERY noncey tweet by Dan “foot fetish” Schneider.


I have, on occasion, had a pint or a can before eating in the day soon after waking up.

none of this happened

sending atheist thoughts and prayers his way

I'm a millennial, have no social media and not really addicted to my phone, but also no real life friends, mostly because I moved cities so much in my 20s.

keep having a recurring nightmare that i'm late into a semester at uni and have two classes that i haven't showed up for a single time and will fail imminently
anyone know this feel

Baseball used to be big in Britain

are you an undergrad?

Yeah dont want anyone I love getting hurt by the virus

What a bellend