DO you like Portugal ?

DO you like Portugal ?

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Chill people.

I don't know anything about portugal to love or hate

I wish I was Portuguese

Is it possible to NOT like Portugal after sampling the unparalleled earthly delight that is Portuguese girls?

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White girls with dark hair and light eyes

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classic Portugal
a beberem minis

Portuguese girls with Portuguese hair and Portuguese eyes.

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Fertile portuguese girls...

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Thão usão toão manão ãos and look like a ripoff of Epão

How do I cope with the fact that I’ll likely never have a portugese cutie

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I've developed quite a good strategy for coping. Basically what I do is I weep profusely into my pillow every night while blaspheming God for his abject cruelty.

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So it was those lads ancestors... that discovered or conquered 1/3 of the wrld?
by the way i love your country

What was she thinking?

I love Portugal.

I think what happened was that someone told her to cook the most delicious thing she could think of, so she tried to put herself in the pot.

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No, I think it should be absorbed by Spain. Nothing personal against them, it's existence is just anathema to my ideal world.

sfu sudaca

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Yes. It is a land of wonders

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more like sudacaca

Ask a descendant of sephardis anything

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I've only been to Madeira but it was pretty nice, Portuguese seem more chill compared to Italians or Spaniards. They also speak way better English.



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That's budget Sasha Grey right there

>DO you like Portugal ?

I don't like Portugal, I LOVE IT.

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are the Portuguese usually proud of their country?

She is Portuguese, Sasha Grey is a budget version of her.

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Why do you like this grill so much

She is preternaturally beautiful and I want to kiss her face (also she is Portuguese, which is of course a big bonus)

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She was some user's girlfriend, just a heads up.

Why the fuck did my parents decide to move to this hell hole
I could have been a true based Portuguese but now I'll always be a "muh ancestors" larper

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t. Shawn Mendes

she's better than this whore

What's not to like

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I mean there are QT French and British girls, no?

He's a mutt with a Portuguese father

Looks Portuguese to me desu

His mom's English

Oh. Really?

>His father is Portuguese (from the Algarve),[4] while his mother is from England.

Uh. Thought he was full tuga desu.

Madeira is full of actual poopskins, they mixed with slaves unironically there.

Ronaldo had a mullato great grandfather or some shit.

Maybe he'll share her.

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It's not like most Portuguese here have much connection to being Portuguese anymore anyway
I'm unironically the only one of 5 grandkids that can speak to our grandparents

Don't think so user

Good job Nelly Furtado

Para de chamar-me estas cenas joão
And I'm pretty sure she's from one of the islands, can't remember

Sure why not?

Para de me chamar cenas destas João*

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lies, its all rumors made up by tabloids who uave nothing yo write about. Years ago it was his grandma.

madeirian here, we really dont and majority of brown people are gypsy/morrocan descendent who are segregated in a shitty neighbourhood.

we never had any blacks here until recently and still they arent that many.
my high school which was the worst was
near that neighbourhood where most brown people live and yet we only had one nogger and a few brownskins.

theres a lot more non portugese descendent living here than actual portuguese disapora and its slave human resources.
same as azores that is compromized of french ethnic background

lately theres a huge influx of returnee venezuelans though.

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Really? Didn't know desu.

his oldest son definatly has a nigger mom though

Why does he have a boner? Deficientes mental man. Doentes da cabeca.

Eu tento, meus pais burros não me ensinaram

I came to this thread looking for Joao, but there is no Joao, what is wrong with you people?

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yes I do
thank you Libyan friend!

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too forced your morrocan friend pic, brazilian vpn


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It's ok

Eu tento, mas os meus pais são burros e não me ensinaram*

Nunca serei fluente, faço tantos erros estúpidos

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>ele escreve corretamente em português

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