/balt/ + /ausnz/

Made due to popular demand.
Ananāss belongs on pizza edition

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more like ananus >:)
pineapple is such a more appetising word

what do you say?

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> ananāss

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"you ready for...


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if you could dissolve one other baltic / north euro nation, and absorb it, which one would it be?

in high school a girl accidentally brushed her shoulder against mine and it gave me a shortness of breath because i have never had a woman come into any contact with me before and still haven't since

stop asking this

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sad existence
why are you single mate?


if you could KILL one other BALTIC nation and consume its CLAY

WHICH ONE would it BE?

Ok, this is important, do you have this in your kitchen?

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years of isolation has made me incapable of holding a conversation beyond greeting them and asking how their day has been

why would you eat clay? are you a toddler?

no thanks

tf is that

they're just people like you and me lad, just a bit more effeminate

cunny feels too good for you to dwell in despair, get drunk and talk to people lad

An old piece of plywood?

>delfi commenters are pissed off at tourists and says that corona is much more dangerous than some shitty flu
>people on local forums, twitter, facebook don't care and keep comparing it to the flu
>tfw delfi commenters somehow became smarter than most people
Am I living in some kind of bizarro world?

Years ago, when I was in 11th or 12th grade, I was at school, going down the stairs to get my jacket before going home, I tripped. Didn't want to faceplant on the floor so I just looked for the nearest person and automatically extended my arms towards them.
Ended up with each hand on a titty of a girl named Dovilė. We were like 17 or 18, but her tits were absolutely massive. Ridiculously huge.
Dropped my spaghetti then and there, but she said it was ok.

i have never been drunk before and have only had a little but of wine during an easter lunch. i don't want to consume it just to talk to people because i want to have full cognitive control over what i say

look at this and tell me it doesn't make sense

absorb it's land and peoples, then.

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>People getting pissed off that events are being cancelled and travel is being limited
>They say that anyone who falls for the corona meme is a retard
These are the best ones desu. Dunno how you can be so out of touch and so deep in denial.

if you don't mind me asking mate, how old are you?

22 and a half

>Eating Čiekurs
okay, squirrelboy

Okay if you put it that way, Italy or Switzerland. Because I like Alps. I want some mountains!

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>poland closing all schools for 2 weeks
oh fug

You can always try getting tipsy alone at home and let yourself become comfortable with the affects. I'd suggest something like pre-mixed drinks cause you're probably not accustomed to the taste of wine / spirits / beer.

make sure to drink 1 cup of water per 1 standard drink and eat a big meal before-hand, you won't have much of a tolerance and it'll hit you hard.

your brain doesn't shut down it's just altered, you still "feel" like you're in control

>schools close
>zoomers run around getting infected and infecting others
great idea

not cool

>always try getting tipsy alone at home
fuck you
I'm going to liquor store now and getting drunk today!

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Nevermind what it is, just tell me, DO YOU HAVE IT?

i don't know if i want to do that. i just need experience with socialising but have no friends and don't want to resort to alcohol. in my high school i was the only student of 60 who wasn't invited to the popular guy's house party. even my only friend who is more of a social outcast with no other friends was somehow invited.

pineapple is just such a refreshing word though, brings a minty smell to mind

ananas or the variations of it just sound like "an anus" and brings forth a poo-ey smell

nice choice, love mountains too


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kill finland
fuck estonia
marry lithuania

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Looks alright, how much does pizza cost in Latvia?


silly lithuanon, that thing is clearly in your home in the picture, i live in Australia, you dingle berry~, how could I have it?

You might have to resort to alcohol for now so you can build up enough confidence to communicate with people sober. They call it "liquid courage" for a reason.

I fucking hate pizza like that. It's the same kind we have here at most pizza places. Dough tastes like a pancake.

Why would I have a piece of old plywood in my kitchen?

This one was €7.60

what did finland ever do to you? :(((

Fuck jannies.
Thank you.

Marry Lithuania
Marry Estonia
Marry Finland
simple as

you guys are literally my only friends

what did jannies ever do to you? :(((

Little bitch detected

kill latvia? i agree

nothing, but I wouldn't kill other balt countries

yeah op's pic looks shit. I yesterday ate a pizza for 9.50 euros, but it was cooked at least. The dough was great and toppings were good too, not some sliced ham.

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why are you guys so friendly with eachother and yet the balkans will froth at the mouth and kill each other over the mere thought of clay?

hurts my brain :(((

>I yesterday ate a pizza for 9.50 euros
do europeans really? that sounds like an expensive 'za

because white people are friendly with eachother

EU gave us EU prices, not EU wages

post good pizza

thoughts on britain leaving EU?

We don't have as much diversity as the Balkans anymore so random groups cant really chimp out at each other and we've all got nice beaches to relax on.

sweet of you bud, lemme give you a hug

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dark mode

light mode

in all seriousness, it's kinda heartwarming to see, what's the language that you guys speak as the lingua franca? Russian?

they can do whatever they want


bonsoir kop1s

i have an embarrassing story that happened today that i would like to share
>be me

Boomers speak Russian but young people don't understand itl. As you can see from this thread we all speak English.