Talking to a bird at toil yesterday and noticed she had considerably hairy arms, needless to say I was instantly turned on
Corr I love hairy birds edition
Talking to a bird at toil yesterday and noticed she had considerably hairy arms, needless to say I was instantly turned on
Corr I love hairy birds edition
not sure about actual hairy pits
but i did kind of like it when the gf got a bit stubbly
On this day in British History
>1387 – Battle of Castagnaro: English condottiero Sir John Hawkwood leads Padova to victory in a factional clash with Verona.
>1682 – The Chelsea Hospital, a retirement and nursing home for British soldiers who are unfit for further duty due to injury or old age is founded by Charles II.
>1702 – The Daily Courant, England's first national daily newspaper is published for the first time.
>1708 – Queen Anne withholds Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill, the last time a British monarch vetoes legislation
>1784 – The signing of the Treaty of Mangalore brings the Second Anglo-Mysore War to an end.
>1845 – Flagstaff War: Unhappy with translational differences regarding the Treaty of Waitangi, chiefs Hone Heke, Kawiti and Māori tribe members chop down the British flagpole for a fourth time and drive settlers out of Kororareka, New Zealand.
>1864 – The Great Sheffield Flood kills 238 people in Sheffield, England.
>1872 – Construction of the Seven Sisters Colliery, South Wales, begins; located on one of the richest coal sources in Britain.
>1917 – World War I: Mesopotamian campaign: Baghdad falls to Anglo-Indian forces commanded by General Stanley Maude.
>1945 – World War II: The Royal Air Force sends 1,079 aircraft to bomb Essen, this effectively destroyed the city with 4,700 tons of bombs
>1989 – Sir Tim Berners-Lee submitted his proposal to CERN for an information management system which would be developed into the world wide web.
tell me more
britain has no history
doing a read
Alexa, google 'Hairy women wearing tights'
love when the gfs moustache and monobrow brush against me
>britain has no history
don't like a bald fanny
like a bit of a landing strip
>imogen west-knights
where do they even get these people?
shave the nads y/n? might trim soon
Alexa google 'Hairy french women wearing tights'
literally a higher brow version of the sunday sport
just sheared 8 years of matted hair off my scalp
literal weight off my mind
our women don’t have monobrows you’ll need a lesser race for that
>The Department of Health says a total of 456 people have tested positive for COVID-19 coronavirus in the UK up from 373 at the same point yesterday
we're accelerating lads
had too many cookies now my stomach hurts, what do lads?
>>britain has no history
nah the itch isn't worth it
trim any hair on the shaft
you should sell that to a wig maker
wew had no idea google images still showed porn
Detroit as a city is a great metaphor for modernism as a whole
It was here where some of the best modernist architecture and art was made, where men of industry believed they could create a new world of machines and science and art, where the new cars of the future were made: Modernism was a philosophy that was optimistic about the future and progress, and had profound ambitions
Much of modernist thinking has now been abandoned. Postmodernism came to replace it, far more cynical, subversive and ugly. The vision of the future was lost, modernism dreamed of a future that never came to be. Detroit reflects this lost future as it's now an absolute hellhole of a city
Finally got the broken finger sorted lads
Useless cause its matted
thoughts on art nouveau and alfons mucha, lad?
stick it in a blender
Local school has sent out emails telling parents that one of the kid's parents is being tested and if it's positive, all the kids and their families will need tested and the school will be closed. This is the new plague.
Sick of people not taking this seriously.
whites are in fact more privileged than ethnic minorities in america
your word games won't change this
>all the world's ills
She's more ignorant than her sons are desu
and given what general this is, which British county is "Detroit" in again?
getting my daily dose of anglo-saxon runes
Skinny pussy fingers
>you’ll need a lesser race for that
you cannot go lesser than a white woman
you can not go less than the degenerate and filthy european race
i saw your mum on telly
>art nouveau
Adore it
>alfons mucha
Going to confess I'm ignorant about what this is. Where should I start?
For there are brighter sides to life
And I should know because I've seen them
But not very often
Name 3 ways that this is true
got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus
bigger hands than you lad
don't think anyone is denying that, but what's their mother trying to put them down, lol,
also white women are just as privileged these days
People say i have big hands so i doubt it
all women are subhuman
I'm denying it
all buildings should be brutalist in style but made from white marble or granite instead of concrete.
blah blah blah white privilege blah blah blah systemic racism
ah yes the underemployed white steel worker in small town michigan is far more privileged than the millionaire black college professor in new york city
the mom has a right to take her sons down a notch every day
and white men are certainly responsible for every one of the world's ills like her retard college roommate wrote about
cashier: I've put your receipt in the bag
me: you too
cashier: *reluctantly climbs into my bag*
well for me personally it’s his flowers series
got a princess jacinth at home myself
Whats the instagram of this girl? I’ve seen her before
Brutalism should only be allowed with heavy greenery
dawn french isnt herself anymore, she's too skinny
quite like lime jelly myself lads
didn't realise I was in the American general of the International Races board
Can't take anybody who uses the word "postmodernism" seriously
Pretty much everyone who didn't take it seriously is braindead.
Just came 7th on warzone
*coofs on you
Don’t know about yankland, but in my field you get preference for pretty much every job in London if you are non-white. >We value the diversity of our employees, and aim to recruit a workforce which reflects our diverse communities across London.
Similar shit with top universities these days
just got really faint then
like i was gonna pass out at my desk
she doesn't have Lenny Henry treating her to Premier Inn continental breakfasts any more
Brutalism should never be allowed. It's the greenery that's beautiful there, not the architecture.
Any time anybody from a UK flag talks shit to me I post rape gang images.
Any time anybody from a French flag talks shit to me I post terror attack images.
ye that too
We are all postmodernists, like it or not
how come no black people have died of coronavirus?
how do you know they haven’t?
Watching the untouchables
Anyone remember Caroline Flack
maybe blacks should try speaking properly and not stabbing each other. they might actually get on in life then.
Sounds like she's raising two future republican voters
Black don't crack
Brutalism has the look of a castle of fortress from the dark ages adapted to the modern age. It can work if done well
different genetically
Is this the person you dreamed of becoming as a child?
if something looks like shit 99% of the time, I’m going to have to call it shit
that's like saying you should pull a wild ape out of the jungle and expect it to act like an educated, respectful member of society when it can't even understand basic language
Brutalism done well is class, problem is a lot of it is just shitty concrete with minimal design
got some left over lasagne for tea tonight
suspect i'll be greedy and gobble it down as soon as i walk through the door at 6pm, so i will likely have some sort of supper later in the evening
This word does not mean anything, modern means present, you can't be post something present.
can you back up that claim?
10000 cases in 2 weeks. Willing to put good money on it.
We'll have 100+ deaths as well.
everything done well is “class”
Every zombie film I've watched in the last 15 years starts off because of some virus. And not in one single film did anyone survive because they had 86 rolls of bog roll in their garage.
it's almost like they're a different species
read a really good bit the other day that framed things well
Basically saying that after ww2 the cold war emerged as a battle to see which doctrine worked best to build the world of the future, capitalism or communism, when the iron curtain failed and all the nations of eastern europe founded new capitalist governments it looked as though capitalism really was gonna lead us to a better future especially since at the time it was the 90s and the west was experiencing economic prosperity.
But then Iraq/Afganistan happened and the leaders of the free world said they could bring the middle east democracy and freedom the same way it did with eastern europe which of course failed miserably and the whole world witnessed as the middle east became breeding grounds for extremism and oppression. Then the financial crises happened and the worlds economies sunk, All those promises of a better future crumbling in before our eyes. We are one of the first generations to grow up in a world where we know things are just gonna get worse, which is why politics is such a mess because in order to get votes politicians need to promise a better future but because we all know thats false they have compete with their adversaries not by promising a better future but by arguing that their opponent is gonna make things worse
Post some supposedly “good” brutalism
Modernism ended in the 1970s
Lads, just drank some cranberry juice
shan't employ any one of you wastrels in my used condom warehouse
On the one hand, I want to get the Kung Flu sooner rather than later just to get it over with.
On the other, I'm a bit concerned about the reinfection rate so trying to delay it as much as I can.
Talk down to me one more time you arrogant french bastard.
i went there and i can confirm that it's built to house manlets only
ever played left4dead? top game that
Lad, no one's reading all of that
nay a pixel
1% mortality rate is laughable
no wonder you went then
don't @ me
was on the tram today and saw two Arab looking fellas giving each other signs from the front to the back of the carriage; thankfully turned out they were just train conductors checking tickets
it's an engineered bioweapon, once you get it it stays until you die
Alright paki
>when it isn't utterly shit, it's "decent"
Like I said, fuck brutalism. Dirty Jewish bullshit meant to destroy the beauty of Europe. The architectural equivalent of forcing the population to eat bugs and enjoy it.
why? you will just say it's ugly and go on a r.scrotum rant.
They literally have to say that mate to make their business look more attractive, doesnt mean they actually take favour to browns. Although some might.
i just did
good post
Source: dude trust me
You've not been paying attention if you think the dream of building a better future ended in the 21st century. It's been dead for a while
Do you not know what modern means?
Alri lads
Tsubakuro, the mascot for baseball team The Yakult Swallows, wears a black mask to avoid Covid-19.
I won’t say it’s ugly if it looks good, that’s why I want to see some good brutalism.
Pretty sure every example I’ve seen irl looks like shit
don’t you have quotas where there HAVE to be a certain % of browns, benders, women and trannies?
what's this mean? is st peter's square closed?
Shut up soyface
its over lads
everyone to the fucking bunkers NOW
was actually quite weird, there were 5 in total, 4 guys and a girl, and all of them were Arabs, I think they hire them on purpose to make it look less racist or something, but it didn't quite work out, only guy without a pass was a Slavic kid of some sort
London Paki is here
To SCREEDLE is to sit or linger by the embers of a fire.
just infected the whole of Cheadle with corona virus
formally chuckle
Na they definitely do in my field, I work in the heritage sector which is one of the whitest sectors going. Turns out black people who have only been here for 2 generations don’t give a shit about UK heritage, who would have thought?
They literally jump on any chance they can to get more non-whites working in the sector
I would smash and burn every single cathedral, library and museum to make way for the new age. It's Trads who keep Europe imprisoned to the past. They can die in their old world.
>shoves them into the water
nothing personell
Feel like Dark Souls expects you to SCREEDLE a lot but I literally just sit level up and gtfo
i didn't live there mate
tough day it was pouring rain right as we went to take our photos
Anyone you know have Corona virus?
screedling at the remains of Cheadle
just smeared snot all over your arm, what you gonna do about it?
Not worried one bit about the virus or anything, just can't be arsed to go to the funerals if some of my old family members die.
libraries and comfy ass, don't see how you can improve on them
going round drawing big crosses on the doors of everybody with coronavirus
ahh I remember being 18
have sex
Berkley library in trinity college
chop it off and lob it into the nearest womens refuge
how far is it away from other buildings
the (post)modern rootless disenfranchised man in all its splendour
you wouldn't know what looks good though, would you? your aesthetic sense is based of what charles said about a john madin building.
going to a party in cheadle tonight
corrrrr look at that sandwich
Finished him
well there have always been pessimists saying its the end times, but I dont reckon they had grounds to be considered realistic until the 21st century. Maybe briefly in the 70s things were bad but the 80s/90s were definitely progressive in terms of forging a better world
>As of 9am on 11 March 2020, 27,476 people have been tested in the UK, of which 27,020 were confirmed negative and 456 were confirmed as positive. Six patients who tested positive for COVID-19 have died.