Maybe the British people were right all along
Maybe the British people were right all along
Post better union flag.
no they weren't
Nah. At my work i've seen the prices that British customers have to pay for any trade barrier between the EU and UK. I'm good in the EU for now.
>infect everyone and then start thinking of leaving
It amazes me how dumb stupid british people are .
I agree that EU has its problems , but the whole populist brexit movement made me realize that life is fragile and most people are dumb , mean and stupid .
It strucked me so hard , that I never want to go to UK in vacations or whatever .
I wish I didnt know this .
>that I never want to go to UK in vacations or whatever
oh no :( an italian from Yas Forums isnt coming to london for vacation so he can cry and bitch about how shit london is :( whatever will the UK do
>Paki rape gangs GOOD
>Merkel not making a deal with Cameron GOOD
Maybe you're the idiot
>Pakis are in the UK because of the EU
By and large the same people who support the EU tried to hide the Rotherham cases. You're not fooling anyone.
retarded whataboutism, as usual.
Nobody has to fool you, you are doing a splendid job yourself
Of course it's Israel speaking.
>group A supports the presence of group B and opposes leaving the meta group C therefore somehow C caused B
I don't know why they won't just suspend the Schengen Area. They're ignoring people's safety so that some multinational doesn't lose 5% in trade but when you suggest it they act like it's pissing on a war grave.
>Man who knows nothing complains to experts that they aren't doing something extremely dumb because he said so
You can cry all you want. Brexit won and was confirmed in another election.
>having borders is dumb
Shut the fuck up paska Ruotsi
that's the thing with Brexit supporters: it's always just about ebin banter and owning the others big time. That's maybe adequate for 14 year olds on Yas Forums, but not for making actual politics. Go giggle about your ebin memes while the Swiss governments adheres to EU regulation without having a say in it to participate in the common market tho.
Shh. You're ruining the narrative. Stick to the script.
Not the other retarded but you perfectly know it's not true
A large part of what enabled Brexit was migration fears. The truth is that nothing will really change, it will only get worse. Farage himself said that he will happily replace all the Poles coming in with africans and poos from the commonwealth. This change is already reflected in the statistics.
but it is. Brexit politicians are clowns who make politics based on lies and memes, that's why Yas Forums loves them.
Oh yes I was talking about us
Thanks to Shitaly, the EU already has more Corona chinkvirus infections and deaths than the whole of Asia except for Chinkland itself. The disease should be reclassified as a Eurangutan virus, and Europeans - particularly the French - should be attacked and sexually assaulted wherever they are caught
That's because you're on Yas Forums you bloody moron. If you wanted to find serious arguments for Brexit, then it's pretty easy to do so
not sure that Farage and Johnson post on Yas Forums
>Dumb manchild can't think of an argument and publicly humiliates himself on a message board
Farage and Johnson aren't the only two Brexit supporters Schlomo. Try reading John Gray or Roger Scruton
The Angloids never were, and never will be, right.
Bro you're swedish get back to making me some 2nd-rate easily assembleble furniture
>leader of the Brexit party and prime minister of the UK don't matter
Didn't say they didn't matter you daft Jew, only that they're hardly the intellectual leaders of the movement. In any democratic system you typically need a populist to front the party whilst the boffins do the hard work in the background
>It strucked me so hard , that I never want to go to UK in vacations or whatever .
If you said you never wanted to go to the UK on vacation *before* Brexit anyway, that would have been based. Saying that Brexit is the cause of not wanting to go there ever however, is cringe.
The brow club
>Trust the experts
Do you realize all these """experts""" are career politicians with self interest?
Go look at our cabinet and all the chiefs appointed by our government. See if you can find anyone that has any experience over which they are governing over.
EU is surprising me that they aren't rushing in to save Italy right now. The only one I see getting supplies and help to Italy is China, which not even in Europe. Germany is super rich and right next door and are they doing anything?
They make our Feds look downright compassionate in comparison.
le epic may may
S is an leeching entity that is only in it for the power and money. They import millions of brown people just so that they'll have someone to vote for them so that they can keep playing with their toy.
Look at their opinion poll results and look at what counties voted for these fuckers.
There's one thing Norrland and ghetto suburbs have in common and that is S.
revenge for being shit in ww2
the eu is preparing to give over 25 billion for all eu members, for this crisis right now.
>Populism is bad
>EU is surprising me that they aren't rushing in to save Italy right now
Save? We were the first but virtually every EU nation is going in the same place m8
>25 billion €
Yes but china sent 100 face masks
Clearly the anglos are right and EU should be dismantled
25 billion each or split?? That is great news, especially for the poorfag countries (to be fair it seems poorfag countries are taking this more seriously than the richfags)
Not if they act fast. Rest of China rallied around Hubei, while containing their own state outbreaks.
To be fair it seems that most of Europe are already past where Hubei was when Hubei got locked down. And then who will save Europe? Its ugly.
China sent a whole lot + ventilators too. Seems like more than what Finland sent. But yes it is good news.
imagine bumlicking the EU LMFAO
>25 billion each or split??
nah not for each
what for masks? the paper ones?
What would it look like if Turkey have joined it.
vladimir pls
The EU is not a federation. Public health is controlled by each member state, the EU can at most offer financial assistance and coordinate efforts to find a vaccine and stop the virus from spreading
I remember like 5-10 years ago Turkey was supposed to join the EU. Now EU has gone Trumpian and totally rejecting new refugee and steaming mad at Turkey for letting refugees in escaping a literal warzone
The world moves and changes fast. What will another 5 years bring?
>people are dumb
Well, yes. Why do you think the US love to spread democracy so much?
we're always right
This is true of USA too except most healthcare is in the private sector obviously which sucks. We have CDC/FDA on the federal level (lot of words to say about these retards) but IIRC EU has a CDC too right? Now is a great time to make an EU army too one focused on helping out sick areas.
Still you are all one land and what effects one of you effects all of you. EU is only as strong and as healthy as their "weakest" nation (Bulgaria?) just like USA is only as strong and healthy as Mississippi or whatever. In the era of globalism maybe in a sense we are all one land worldwide. I am very worried for Italy right now, and all the rest of us complacent nations too (we are only a few weeks behind Italy).
No, Tyler. You will assemble the furniture and pay the swede for the priviledge.