
tights and that

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Other urls found in this thread:


tasteful cute girls

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been in quarantine for nearly a full week now haha

howling at this

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For me it's Azula

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imagine the temporary sweat marks left on the dashboard

Spain just passed 2,000 corona cases

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Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?

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On this day in British History

>1387 – Battle of Castagnaro: English condottiero Sir John Hawkwood leads Padova to victory in a factional clash with Verona.
>1682 – The Chelsea Hospital, a retirement and nursing home for British soldiers who are unfit for further duty due to injury or old age is founded by Charles II.
>1702 – The Daily Courant, England's first national daily newspaper is published for the first time.
>1708 – Queen Anne withholds Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill, the last time a British monarch vetoes legislation
>1784 – The signing of the Treaty of Mangalore brings the Second Anglo-Mysore War to an end.
>1845 – Flagstaff War: Unhappy with translational differences regarding the Treaty of Waitangi, chiefs Hone Heke, Kawiti and Māori tribe members chop down the British flagpole for a fourth time and drive settlers out of Kororareka, New Zealand.
>1864 – The Great Sheffield Flood kills 238 people in Sheffield, England.
>1872 – Construction of the Seven Sisters Colliery, South Wales, begins; located on one of the richest coal sources in Britain.
>1917 – World War I: Mesopotamian campaign: Baghdad falls to Anglo-Indian forces commanded by General Stanley Maude.
>1945 – World War II: The Royal Air Force sends 1,079 aircraft to bomb Essen, this effectively destroyed the city with 4,700 tons of bombs
>1989 – Sir Tim Berners-Lee submitted his proposal to CERN for an information management system which would be developed into the world wide web.

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not real
didnt coom

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 50% (+5)
LAB: 29% (-4)
LDEM: 11% (-1)
GRN: 2% (-1)

via @KantarPublic, 05 - 09 Mar
Chgs. w/ GE2019, GB results

I shorten Ben Nevis to Benis

Did I ask? Did I FUCK!

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Why do Americans?

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>exposed eyelids

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doing a clear out

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Believe I will get some Cointreau tonight.

gf has just told me to go on a shagging quarantine as she doesn't want the corona

I am Han-Chinese. Feel free to ask me anything.


the absolute STATE of labour lmao

>pasta shelves all sold out at work

That looks peng as anything.

Not enough pickled herring heads in jars for you?

creasing , that's top draw

Could never go out with a northern girl. No matter how attractive and nice she is, I don't think I could ever get past the accent

are you han chinese?

imprisoned for being too cute uwu

Not sure what to do today on me day off.

Could go out and get some paint to decorate my room.
Could go to a museum, perhaps the westminster abbey gallery to see Canalettos work
Could go to Camden and buy some vinyl records
or I could spend all day posting on brit

hmm what should I do lads?

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yeah tights and that


Spain is on the verge of an italy style lockdown mate

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smells like vomit in the toil loos

Can you stop creating world destroying plagues thanks

for me its Han-Solo


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Yanks are fucking fat pigs

Had a delicious cold latte this morning, god it was peng

suffering suffering sufferin IAM SUFFERING

Cannot for the life of me shake this sinus infection, it’s far better than it was but it’s still been giving me minor headaches in the middle of the day for the past 3 weeks or so.

han chinese are extinct lad

they died out in over 1000 years ago, too many generations after generations getting raped and pillaged by hunnic tribes

Literally me

I think we all know what you're going to be doing.

the world went to hell when saturday morning cartoons turned into 24/7 cartoons
zoomers are so entitled these days because they can have whatever they want whenever they want

me? i'm a full-white mix from 4 different continents

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Could be a comedy show bit
Man has stunning hot northern gf but he hates her accent, so he conconcts all sorts of date ideas that involve not talking.

quite like certain northern accents on birds, sound quite hearty and homely. Like it would be nice coming home from a long days toil in the neo mines to hear a sweet soft northern voice offering you a freshly baked pie.

On men its sounds tragic though

been awake since 8 just too depressed to get up even for a wee

Hope we get a lockdown, imagine weeks of “working” from home

Love rape play

sister sent me this

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Gove is such a mong.

Stay away from me unclean peasant

Been there done that me

accent is about 50% of the attraction to someone for me, could never breed someone with a yucky sounding voice

having a hard time believing this panic buying seeing as all the shelves are as stocked as can be here
or perhaps it’s just dumb anglos being manipulated by mediaberg as usual

she fit?

ahahayha yes deano my son working from home wink wink nudge nudge


love play rape

hate rape
love pretend consensual rape

*yorkshire accent*

"alri la"

he's always doing things like this

cant wait for office bugs to lose their useless jobs once and for all in the inevitable recession while plumbers thrive

Why are all Indians like this?
I thought you lot civilised them

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might go and "boost the ol' immune system" wahey

Funny dickhead
europeans are extinct lad
they died out in over 1000 years ago, too many generations after generations getting raped and pillaged by hunnic tribes

why is this allowed

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love shagging the gfs fanny

The British can't even civilize themselves let alone others.

They've reverted back to their old ways in the post-colonial era

more poos, more jobs
simple as

that is what rape play is retard lol

>tfw no gf

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pretty sure taking creepshots is illegal mate

Gotten very cold recently

ahhh sugarplums
oh hey buddy, didn't see you walk in eh?
name's schizy emmy
poppin' down to the tree shop to get more trees haha
(building a dam (have a plan))

time for some "stubby boys" eh?
care to join me? we can talk aboot toboggan riding and seal clubbing eh?

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not much protrusion from that backside to be quite honest
i was agreeing with you you fucking fucker

doubt it

Leeds really reminds me of Southern California.

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Is this the end of globalism?

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love shagging the gf's hairy arsehole

so what the fuck?

I think Britain should take back India and Australia and civilise them

Are Australians even human?

based ausgod shitters

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You WISH you could work it as hard as I do

tragic pair of bolt ons


gf just sent me this

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love when the gf plucks my pubes from her mouth

I read it in that voice lmao

spotted several hijabis

Makes you wonder what they did before bog roll

quite a few wogs in that crowd, the same people i see buying packs of water bottles from lidl

Are you jomon?

imagine the smellscape

same but not hairy
not experienced this

screaming at this

>that fat cunt lobbing around 5 packages

Oh yes, no more H&M t-shirts and dollar store items, the world is absolutely ending right fucking now

the world is absolutely ending right fucking now

Do you think that women are attracted to men with manly full-face beards? Would ask women themselves, but you can't trust a word that comes out of the mouths of those rancid trollops

anyone ever shagged a chinese girl?

I read "The Stranger" by the French writer Albert Camus
It was absolute shite

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depends on the woman, but generally no

as a women (man) i think stubble is the limit
big beards if you're a bear daddy or fat is acceptable
big bears on twinks just looks a bit grim simple as

yeah one of the real legitimate chinese (taiwanese) even

in New York lads. Utter shithole. Thankfully I'm with work so it's all expensed, if I'd paid a penny to come here I would have felt cheated. Grim city full of grim Yanks

thread screeching to a halt as half of our active user base has died off

listen lad biologically speaking women just want a high test man, so yes beards are considered sexy.

But most women will take what they can get

Never read a book by him
can't say anything about it
Need that finger to tickle my prostate ASAP

>needed toilet paper yesterday
>two packs of expensive brands on the whole shelf
It's not just anglos, people are just niggers.

just head a terrible sense of dread wash over me after reading this post ->

New York is the only good city in America what are you on about

Biologically speaking women just want handsome sons

bellend reeks of quavers

gfs fanny reeks of skips

Sunday morning: Oats (and egg)
Monday morning: Oats (and egg)
Tuesday morning: Oats (and egg)
Wednesday morning: Oats (and egg)
Thursday morning: Oats (and egg)
Friday morning: Oats (and egg)
Saturday morning: Oats (and egg)

atrocious post

quarantine this man immediately

wrong, biologically speaking women just want money


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Naomi Campbell has posted on Insta wearing a Tyvek suit, a 3M 1860 N95 respirator, goggles and a pair of pink examination gloves.

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girls just wanna have fun


How does it compare to London?

oats (and egg) wanker sure likes his oats (and egg)

you didn't get it

Gf used to like my beard now she doesn't, fashion plays a big part. Shall be getting rid of mine when I've lost enough weight to get rid of the ol turkey neck

>thumb on d-pad


*coughs on her neck*

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Sick to death of them

better food
much penger architecture

taiwan is relatively untouched by the virus, as our lord in heaven intended

>sudo apt install firefox
>5 hours

thanks for letting us know

Beards just scream soy/jawlet