Der Simmeringer ist unser König und wir sind seine Untertanen. Der Simmeringer ist unser Daddy
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Ja auf alles
To those who are stockpiling over the Coronavirus, fuck you.
Because of you, people are unable to buy the basic everyday necessities like hand soap and toilet paper. Because of you, a 2 pack of Clorox wipes is $50 and a big bottle of hand sanitizer is $50.
Stop stockpiling. You don’t need all of it, and you’re keeping it away from people who really do need it, coronavirus aside.
And if you’re someone who is buying out the stock to resell it for a profit: I hope that every time you’re barefoot or wear just socks that you step on something cold and wet. I hope that you constantly get papercuts in between your fingers. I hope that there is a pebble in your shoe that you just can’t get out. I hope that there in something pokey in your jeans, but when you go to get it, you can’t find it. I hope that you get food stuck in your teeth and you can never find floss to get it out because some freak bought out the entire stock.
Edit: I have to say, I appreciate that feedback, positive and negative. I appreciate hearing your side of things and getting to step into your lives as people in need. Thank you strangers for the awards! I had no clue this was going to blow up so much! Sending happy thoughts everyone’s way!!
Gott strafe reddit.
irgendwie ist 2020 auch so 1 jahr
Farm woanders (You)s.
Es heiBt (Du)'s tbqh senpai
Hab Polenblut in mir
Ich bin arab daddy