Ugly norwegian guy getting pussy in Brazil

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dude, he has a beautiful head of blonde hair and is 6ft+
he MOGS everyone on this site (inl. me)

That guy is seriously ugly as fuck. Are Brazilian women really this desperate?

>Are Brazilian women really this desperate?

For scand seed

He's tall. Height is all that matters.

Someone teach me how to not give a single fuck about what other people think about you, like that guy.

>Height is all that matters.

just be yourself

thank god i'm 179cm tall, feel bad for these manlets bruh

>he has a beautiful head of blonde hair
His hair is dirty blond, not really blond.

I don't think he looks ugly. Maybe not handsome like a model but not ugly.

1. Be tall

when his competition is mostly greasy 5'6 mutts it's not surprising

literally unironically just b urself bro

bee yourself mane

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Lmao don't ever come to Germany if you do t want your false self-confidence shattered to 1000 pieces
179 is suicide tier and 80-90% of guys will be taller than you including boomers and brown foreigners

>when his competition is mostly greasy 5'6 mutts it's not surprising
I love being racially abused by white guys, but I'm 5'5

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This. I am 170cm and invisible to women - and Britbongs aren't even particularly tall.

looks like an uglier version of Kevin Parker from Tame Impala

ah, the famous german sense of humor

lmao like just stop caring bro


You need a healthy dose of narcissism.

I constantly think I am the best or at least can be the best if I wasn't a lazy asshole.

stealth manlet hate thread

He is a solid 7 and the fact he is a foreigner means he has money and status, especially in Brasil.

I wish i looked this good.

if that is a 7/10 in Brazil, im going to book a fuck tour immediately

>he's a solid 7
All he has going for him is his height and pigmentation (light features are worshipped in Brazil). I'm not saying he's ugly but he gets mogged to death in Northern Europe where he's from

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That sounds like cope.

This sounds like bad reading comprehension.

Maybe you could be confident without narcissism (not likely), but you cannot be a narcissist without being confident.

White feature are almost worshiped here because we are all mutts, so even if he is a 3 or a 4 the fat he is white and looks white and has blond hair elevates him to a high 7.

He's not ugly, he looks like a normal guy. But he has long, healthy hair + good hairline, tallish? and clearly self confident.

The women arent anything special either

This. If he's ugly than I'm fucking hideous.

Lol he uggo
On tinder he'll kill himself after 3 days

This guy unironcially would probaly be an incel here

Of course he would. Canucks women are just like ours. This current year, a random dude flirting with chick get's metoo'd.

the quintessential brownboi cope

He looks not like your average 25617591 sexcore dude. Most dudes look nowadays all the same.
Having his hair and that let you stand out. Plus he's not really a model but not an uggo either. His best asset which is in life everything is his confidence tbqh

This is the reason i will never travel to The Netherlands :(

They would just laugh at me and throw me down in a canal


Oder beides :^)

I don't think the Dutch are noticably taller than Germans
They would have to be 190 on average

god i want to die

>girl starts flirting with you
>starts talking about her boyfriend
why do they do this?

And that sounds like major, major cope.

whats up with all those milkers is this stage or are brazilian women stacked?

I am 187 and I felt average in Germany.
Their torturous way of shit testing you. We both know that modern women aren't loyal to Men. She probably is challenging you to get her to cheat.

They're white so not exactly Brazilian.

When a BWC is spotted we have to use our beast weapons to entrance it, and we all know whites love boobs.

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Thats like shit test 101

he's a normal 7/10, being tall makes him naturally hotter

What are you even talking about?
He just awkwardly talks to girls is all.


I find Brazilian women so adorable. I gotta take a trip down there.

that dude is no way near ugly
he's a solid 6/10 even in scandinavia

He's a 4/10. Are non-Scandi countries really this ugly?

Yes. This has been the point of Yas Forums since forever. Scandis are beautiful people which is why we look at you with disgust for hating yourselves.

i have simply never heard anything come out of the mouth of someone with a Scandinavian accent that isnt either complete soulless narcissistic dribble or rocket fuel powered autism.

Women in their early 20's are always willing to trade up while they still can.

Be aware of this.

Try talking with a Canadian. They are the same, but with more excessively gay overtones.

average guy talks to ugly girls

this guy was chbatting up hotter girls in norway and america (older vids)

>narcissists need to cope

And you sound like a major retard.

be attractive

You like pretending on the internet?

Your biggest musicians and hottest actors are mostly Canadian.

Get cucked amerilard