
damp chebs and wet cunt edish

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this guy is on the payroll, if you know what I mean

seriously doubt clogwog has ever seen a vagina in person

i am the biggest gay in the thread
had more cock than the lot of you

You jest, but they seriously do.

>"they need a new excuse to be there"
how is this critical? it's a fact of politics, any and every country needs an excuse to justify having a military presence in another country

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>sonicfox endorses sanders
>sanders campaign immediately flounders
don't think that's a coincidence

alri mikey

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more like gay pop
did you you make her "white" looking?

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more like gaybox
because he gets his box fucked on a daily basis


shame she didn't go and address the house of lords about it first desu

>sandy box

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What age do you reckon boys stop growing
My educated inferences are telling me 23 here

if that happened, the vaccine initiatives would at least triple their manpower and budget

6'3 personally

Remember when we were kids and we used to play in the sand

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my dick stopped growing at 19. 7.1 inches. mentally it took until year 29 to get my shit almost straight. my gf since i was 20 (she was 17) always fucking out matured and out being-right-ed me forever. but i turned 29 and im feeling like we are on the same muture level almost. obv shes way smater than me, but ive got some wisdom now.

why do you guys always post what essentially soft-core porn on your threads. You made me start frequenting Yas Forums again and i did not want to do that.

Yeah the boys

have some self control, man

thats my *thinking about profound stuff while reading /brit/* face

that’s great mate

shmoody brian

sneedy brain

Ramallah, West Bank – Porn movies and programmes in Hebrew are being broadcast by Israeli troops who have taken over three Palestinian television stations of Ramallah, irate residents of the besieged West Bank town said on Saturday.

The offices of three local television and radio stations were occupied by soldiers on Friday morning, a few hours after tanks and hundreds of troops stormed the town in Israel’s biggest offensive against the Palestinian Authority and its leader Yasser Arafat.

The soldiers started broadcasting the porn clips – considered extremely offensive by most Muslims – intermittently on Saturday afternoon from the Al-Watan, Ammwaj, and Al-Sharaq channels, the residents said.

“The pornographic movies started on Al-Watan television at around 03:30,” one 34-year-old Palestinian mother named Reema said.

“I have six children at home, they have nowhere to go with what is going on here and can’t even watch TV,” she said angrily.

“It’s not healthy really. I think the Israelis want to mess with our young men’s heads,” she said.

‘Deliberate psychological damage’

Anita, a 52-year-old mother of three children, complained about “the deliberate psychological damage caused by these broadcasts”.

“We are desperate for news and constantly flipping channels and get these terrible pictures instead,” adding that videos of the intifada were also shown backwards with “ideal terrorism” written in red across the screen.

“Luckily, there is no electricity in half of Ramallah,” she said from her house in east Jerusalem where the channels are also available.

A fourth local station, whose premises were not seized by the army, ran a written message across its screen letting people know it was the Israelis who were behind the graphic scenes.

“I cannot believe that Israeli soldiers would engage in such despicable behaviour,” he said. – Sapa-AFP

formerly chuck

Reckon suppression makes people do weird shit

You have been visited by the 4 AM Lithuanian
A Catholic immigrant will steal your minimum wage job unless you post "fuck off cunt"

you have a problem but are too autistic to realize

hehehe. you drugger


Thinking about the Alex Salmond trial

new rochelle
national guards
it's happening

ytl (yeah the lads)

Does anyone else ever get an intense and unexplainable feeling that something is wrong?

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loud chirping of birds outside
even though it's pitch dark 3AM

that italian bird, post it

In the halls of vallhalla
the brave may live forever

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y'all (you all)

Used to live in the same village as him, used to see him in buying his lottery

what do you want

all’y’ds (all you lads)

Trophy hunting is based

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do u ever just wanna yell "fuck niggers" out of pure spite

I know where you are. I know what you're doing.

suck my cock you gay aussie faggot

Yeh, and I usually just go ahead and do it

bless. just ripe for breeding

half price salmon because it had one day until its best before holy fucking mother of peng wish it wasn't normally so expensive

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>you will never experiece having a teen gf
How does that make you feel /brit/.

Come home white man

going to move to ayrshire for a bit, just to see what its all about

stella has weird yet nice pendulum teats

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That’s a bit gay mate

men don't like me because i threaten their dominance
women don't like me because they know i'm unattainable to them


it means no matter what every single romantic experience i do manage to get will now be awkward and I'll be talked about to all their female friends for a long time

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For me, it’s being liked by people generally


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when somebody doesn't like you

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So true x

any a yous reemmeber this game

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I'll fuck your ass you little fairy boy faggot

>toil is grim
>probably couldn't get a job if i wanted to anyway
neet life is THE life

Bit gay mate

Take me back bros.

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toil doesn’t have to be grim

how exactly can you be a neet? how do you pay rent and buy food?


yeah ok what are you gonna do, deepthroat my cock you gay freak?