>Do you like: Cocks... Gaysex... Anime...
>Do you like: Cocks... Gaysex... Anime...
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Can anybody give me the history on the cocks
Gaysex meme?
I’ve seen it for a while but I don’t exactly know what it’s referring to.
it's not referring to anything
it's just asking whether or not you like cocks, gaysex, and/or anime
I love all those things separately and even more so when combined
yes. also, tfw no bf
theres a bunch of anime i like(or love), most is shit. anime people are attractive though. cocks are pretty good and i like seeing them cum, but i wouldnt touch one irl. gaysex,.. no. i hardly like boy/girl sex. gaysex just is too much. i dont like it at all
being 100% honest here.
it depends on the user
it depends with who
not anymore
I like men but I wish I were a girl too, so no im not really into gaysex
Maybe a little TOO much...
Is that even possible?
Long time no see!
Fuck off retard
made for big dog cock
How have you been holding up Dane-kun?
I bet you're....
........f e r t i l e
I have been fine. What about you?
Why are you always awake so late at night? Do you sleep all day like some kind of gay vampire and come out at night to prey on the sexuality of innocent straight males?
yes, yes and yes
>thread has over 20 posters
its a miracle
Glad to hear that. I've been well.
Hi Killua poster, your Killuas always brighten my day
I do in fact enjoy cocks of all shapes and sizes, but only when they're on traps. Gay sex is gay. Anime is okay I guess
>only when they're on traps
Men are hot
>saying the word "trap" like they are real
really man?
is it possible to like anime without being gay
I just like cocks. But muscular/masculine men don't do it for me. Only traps and feminine/androgynous boys
Yes I am a gay vampire. Immortal and very charming, and very likely to suck~
Yeah but how about you?
i'm glad to be of service fren
i'm always able to peak your posts from the hisoka replies~
>that Spanish cross dresser that admitted to wanting black cock
did he kill himself?
I remember he was suicidal and wanted to cut himself once
yea I like them all but nothing beats cuddling with your bf while watching anime together
Based. What do you watch?
He likes shonen trash so we have been watching black clover and my hero recently but I really like dorohedoro so far this season and am probably gonna buy the manga.
he is making up fake scenarios for replies
did you know im 6 foot 5 with 28 inch shoulder width?
It's been nice seeing you, but I must awake early. Good night my favorite gayposters.
>being a wagie
have fun dying from the virus on your bosses time
Are you the barafag who says I have a manjaw?
I found the euro sissy vs american chad thread if that's the case
but you seem pretty cool
no hard feelings right?
Yeah no hard feelings.
Anyways desuarchive.org
goodnight hisokabro
holy fuck my hair in that image
would kill to have nice straight hair
Blessed thread nonetheless. I feel nostalgic
yes, no , yes
yeah my hair is weird
it looks nice wet
second it dries it looks horrible
My hair looks cute and is very nice to touch
you have a stronger jaw line than me
but you seem to have no facial hair
which is good
i hate breads
my jaw only looks big because of all the fat
Would you still say I have a man face?
I'd like to think I look more boyish.
i think buff koreans are my guilty pleasure
nope because you are hairless
so your face is pretty cute
Nice :3 glad we finally got this sorted out.
too bad you wont get my BNC when i move to denmark after summer
so do cute boys like yourself only cam for other boys with the same body type?
i got turned down from a erp session
because he didn't like my body type
but that was a long time ago
Can't say I care much.
I can't speak for other boys however. If I had to pick from that chart. I pretty much like all except the piggy. But the muscle wolf bison are my faves.
are there many gays in denmark? i think denmark got the cutest boys
man i wish i had not fallen for the bulk meme
now im stuck at 315 pounds
wish i was 250 or 260
I can't really help you with that. But I know for a fact I really like the idea of big men who can pick me up and do whatever they want with my small body.
Yeah there's is plenty, but obviously uggos and average people outnumber them