/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico

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Let me see

Oh no

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hilarious funny wojak meme lamoo

Took me a while to realize most people don't do this

i mean, it's kinda expected from him, isn't it?

>made a somewhat funny webm
>post it on a board
>it gets reposted to another board
>it all filters down to some brazilian or balkannegro who spams it constantly
Getting real tired of Yas Forums

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yeah no shit, it was some user putting himself as a wojak/boomer zoomer gloomer edit and calling himself cool or something

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but this is literally me

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I don't know what that has to do with what I said

1-3 find a gf this year
4-6 find a gf next year
7-9 never find a gf

Get crackin'

placer tier

don't be so harsh on yourself, user, and don't think such negative things
try to be more positive
well you were talking about that wojak edit and i felt like telling you something i think about it

No more excuses, time to lower your standards and start dating a large blue haired polyamorous lass.

Yea it does have a little bit of a self-insert air to it.

meme police here

dont ever edit it again

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>blue hair
No, I can sacrifice other things if I want to lower my standards.

For example: I could settle for a cute brown girl instead of a cute white girl. I could settle for a girl that is over the age of 20.

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Personally, I think Trump should put more gay black people on the coronavirus taskforce

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literally didn't change a thing

charlie sheen raped underage corey haim with a bottle with a crisco as lube

I don't believe that guy. If he were a real victim and really cared about outing rapists in hollywood he would put out his movie for free and NAME THEM on twitter.

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how come you never see guys wearing these kinda shorts? don't boys wanna tan their legs too?

you'd see guys wearing tight shorty shorts in warm beaches
saying from experience

I own a pair of short shorts similar to those.


ripped chads wear short shorts

We've probably talked it to death but is anyone else working from home indefinitely because the virus? My company sent me home today and they're telling me to stay home and work remotely.

so what you're saying is that this guy is a ripped chad strolling around the beach?

you see them here very often.


He’s probably phoneposting from the beach right now



my buddy in california got sent home and has been working remotely since yesterday.
doesn't sound like a bad deal.

I hate the beach, I wouldn't go even if the beaches in Ohio weren't garbage.

I think small lakes and rivers are infinitely better for swimming, I hate sand.

not me, but a friend of mine is
hmmm, maybe

Haha get this my bro's uni is closed for a month due to corona


It's not a bad deal at all.I love working from home. I get more done and I have more free time.

Based friend


what's wrong with sand, huh?
i like it, you can build sand castles with it

Grandma bought us chocolate and my brother didn't want his so I get to eat it now heheheehehhee
It's coarse, rough, and it gets everywhere.

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Why is it called corona?

What the hell is wrong with normalfags?

chocolate is goood
tru that about sand but i don't mind it

Short shorts but not booty shorts

It looks like it’s wearing a crown

I'm glad I stopped playing video games.

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>Alberta’s number of coronavirus cases has doubled to 14, with the new cases linked to travel, the province’s chief medical officer of health said Tuesday.

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Wuhan flu? Nah, I'll just stay inside and play Skyrim.


Bros... Is Biden really going to be the next president?

It'll be Trump again. [spoiler]I secretly want Biden to win[/spoiler]

Yikes user, that terminology is racist. The preferred nomenclature is 'Kung Flu.' Please be more careful next time.

Why? He'll just die in a few months and vice-president Hillary will take over.


Boomers get one last win before Corona-chan ends them

Based Hilldawg comeback. Bernie might just have another heart attack at that

I'm surprised there are a bunch of US schools closing but mine and pretty much every other uni in Canada hasn't even considered it yet


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Which girl would you pick and y?

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Can’t go around undermining president xi, who insists this isn’t a big deal.

2 slim, best features

If Jeb gets elected will he inavde Iraq to keep up the family tradition?


A sample of aggressive outbursts from Biden to potential voters:

"You're full of shit"

"Just vote for Trump then"

"I'll slap you"

"You're a damn liar, man"

"Don't be such a horse's ass"

"Vote for someone else"

Based chad

The brunette because I love big eyes and that kind of hair, I wish her forehead was smaller though

Whos gonna win the democratic primary then?

Higher def
Same opinion?

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