
British Engineering edish

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/int.desu.meta/text/">5'8 IT'S OVER"/page/1/
desuarchive.org/int/search/text/pukka gear/

not happening big man. janny boy bins all threads before page 8

toilboss delaying as late as possible before the inevitable work from home order

shampoo is my eyes
thanks neutrogena cant see shit

fucking poo

my hands always smell lik salt n cheese

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I saw the 400bhp shed driving around Cov yesterday
height of British engineering

good save

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Do any other countries have a capital city completely detached from the rest of the country both culturally, economically and ethnically the way London is?

I can only think maybe Singapore vs Malaysia but that's not even the same country.

ohhhh jannnyyyyy booooyyyy
the wog, the wog is calling

The masses in /brit/ love me even if there are a few haters

shut up cunt

janman bootlickers trying very hard even though it was posted at page 8

Literally fuck off

for me, its gold bars

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Paris and France

holy fucking based

me on the left

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I’m one of the most favoured posters
Admit it

mick twat

janny’s page 8 rule is genuinely great
was sick of twats posting new threads at fucking 280 posts

alright greg walice I'll stick to me smart price digestives

not detached at all, centralisation is a real issue here

the scran

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why doesn't janny just delete the old threads instead?

21 for £2

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>Well, there's egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam; spam sausage spam spam bacon spam tomato and spam;

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put a trip on
I fucking dare you mate see how quickly you get filtered

always thought migraines were a meme until i started getting them

Got a headache, blocked nose and feel tired and a bit light headed lads

wow looks like absolute shit!


Making coffee

You lot want anything?

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is that some haiti clay burgers?!

its 9:40pm you utter lunatic

t. janny

pukka a tell thee

itz only smellz

you know it is still winter and you're quite likely to get a cold

coffee? at this hour?

Trips are just cunts begging for attention. I like to be one of the lads


all i have is a small sample of hand sanitiser that's 62% ethyl alcohol. it won't last long but is that strong enough ?

aahh i remember that

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legs brought to you by gaa

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Got to 999 on infinite warfare zombies

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looks like shoe soles lad, wtf is tha?

Will it make me more vulnerable to coronavirus?

pukka gear la pukka gear

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haha same
thought it was something that only women got
but then I hit my mid 20s and I experienced one for the first time and I unironically thought I was going to die haha
threw up a bunch and was reet the next day though

no thanks/ have my aeropress at 4pm daily

you cunts want coffee or no?


Not sure if I'm in love or I just think that because she's the only girl I interact with

You dumb cunt.

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I've never drunk coffee.

desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/int.desu.meta/text/">5'8 IT'S OVER"/page/1/
all me

Feel like having a cheeky cum

big oof
desperation is a powerful thing

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kek this was me

housemate locks and unlocks his door about a hundred times a day
locks it even if he's just going to the bathroom or kitchen
so fucking annoying

I wonder how many world-ending Asian flu scares I'll live through in my lifetime. I'm sitting at 4 or 5 by now. Every 5-10 years there's a new one that we're all supposed to die from. And every time there's idiots screeching about the EvIL ChiNeSeS aRe GoInG tO kIlL uS aLL!!!1 Not to underplay the seriousness of these flu outbreaks but for anyone with a memory longer than a goldfish's this is just business as usual for the scare-mongering news cycle.

my dad does this, drinks coffees well into the night then goes to bed at 3AM, gets up at 6AM to let the dog out to do a poo then goes back to bed for 15 minutes then gets up

he's well overweight as well and gets heart palpitations. Worry about him at the best of times, concerned the ol' 'rona might see him off

3 years cunt
3 fuckin years

haiti clay shoe soles

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Don't confuse love with loneliness, lad. My past relationship made me realise how thin the line between the two is.

daily reminder that if you live in the uk you should be taking vitamin d supplements throughout the winter


Made the fatal error of posting a thread on Yas Forums actually relating to film in the hope of getting recs

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definitely heading to an early grave, sorry.

is he autistic

Never, ever go to Yas Forums for anything serious.

i posted it once three years ago and every other time has been in the past week or so

yeah i started googling the symptoms when it first happened and thought it was a stroke or neuropathy kicking in

I’ve never lost a real fight. Won 1, drawn 1
I would probably be a world champion if I took it seriously

got a cough. got the 'rona. going to die.

you made the fatal error of posting this here thinking anyone would give a fuck

just ate a whole packet of jammie dodgers and a packet of mini eggs

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referring to the australian. not a single yank flag in that link mate

I stay with family in pakistan during winter anyway

OCD you mongo-jongo

what does he fucking do late at night that compels him to drink so much coffee

its time to say good goodbye

>noo bro you just misunderstood and got filtered you brainlet
>noo bro you've got to learn spanish, swedish, russian, french, german, dutch, polish, japanese, and persian to fully understand all of the kinos out there bro!!

RIP in pizza Seamus

Constantly imagine myself in fights with other men. Do other lads do it often or am I just a sperg

*creates my own personal protection zone*

sounds more like trust issues though

nah he's very sociable but not right in the head

Need this post to have a reply with no words but a piccy of a fit bird.

I work outside for big chunks of the year mate
not all officecucks

did you not see the link where i said it was all me?

Viewing amateur butthole pictures right now

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/pukka gear/

fistfights, swordfights or gunfights?



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Literally the loveliest song of all time. Genuinely could die listening to this.

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a duel of intelligence

Pokemon blue on the gameboy colour


rancid trollop


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