
Coronavirus emergency #numbers for North Macedonia


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>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
Can't wait to delete all of your posts

Where are my Rasen Ballsport bvlls?

I only want a good wage at least 200 euro without physical job requiring i would be happy

slavs and turks are subhumans

hope yall get corona'd

Couldn't agree more.

name a more iconic duo

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Hello subhuman NEET. Why don't you entertain me for tonight? Just because you failed at life doesn't mean you'll also fail at entertain. You can do it.

where can I buy Ukrainian gf?

So get a job fag lol


*at entertaining me
You don't have to spend money, they'll come to Turkey and suck you for free


Ikibey does your mom still scold you? If yes tell me few stories. Like, what does she say to you when she scolds you?

>Serbia be like

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I love the fact that corona has beer in her hand
In Ukraine, probably. There are some girls who are searching for sugar daddies
This picture is a whole mood

Are the shiptar girls for sale pretty or they are the uggos no one wanted?

Taka, she umrem li sa kvo?

i wonder where should i be able to print out the stickers and stick em all over my small mountain town.
I bet the boomers will panic super bad.
Pls gib tips.


What a stupid bet on a stupid odd. The sophisticated bet is on 6 odd Valencia since it's all decided now.

i hope normal people see you and beat the fuck out of you

albaboon girls are highly hypergamous and materialistic, they're literally worse than latinas. They wont go near you if you are a neet lardaas so stop trying.

I am watching Gulácsi.

>They wont go near you if you are a neet lardaas so stop trying.
100% based

#4 jerk today, running out of cum

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Hey ikibey don't run to bed with sad face now. I can make your night interesting, I know you like attention. Come to me.

Hope so too, im well prepared.

you are throwing away your testosterone, making yourself weak

>not buying a trad rural Albanian wife

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mi brat ako iskash moje da se uredi

Mouyes have been exposed.

When will this Sino virus dies out ?

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Collab with /luso/?

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epa a dano

Nobody gives a shit about Balkans. They're not even really people, they're some subhuman species. They are the scum of the earth, I wish the entire people were completely wiped out. We need a new genocide there. The land is fine though, it has diamonds and oil, so just get rid of the people and we're good. Ottomans was about 500 years ago. They had these beautiful marble buildings, running water in many places, a basic plumbing system. Look at most parts of Balkas today. Dilapidated buildings with no toilet and shit. They are useless, idiotic, worthless people. Get rid of them all. I'm talking about Slavs and Aoids living in Balkans, not all Balkan people like Albanians and Romanians. Once they move out of that shit hole it seems to improve. It's a hopeless peninsula. We need to stop wasting our time helping them, it wont do any good. Scientists say that life originated in Balkan, meaning they've had more time than any other group on people on the entire planet to get their shit together, but they failed. Miserably. Byzantine is the only exception and that's why they're right by the Anatolia so they weren't corrupted by the rest of Balkans. The Balkan brain is much less advanced than normal humans. 200-300 years ago technology and science and math were much simpler, once it became more advanced the Balkanites could no longer keep up. They don't have the brain power to be able to keep up with modern technology and science. Their brain isn't evolved enough. Organisms evolve to better adapt their environment so while the Balkanites stayed in bALKANS they had no reason to change any further, the people who moved out had to continue to evolve VERY slightly, almost unnoticeable, but it still made a difference in the brain development. They had to evolve slightly further to better fit the new environments while the Balkanites did not. Their brain stayed the same while the others evolved a bit more.

I have info on a shitposter here, won't reveal his nationality yet.

When Trump gives the order to drop the neutron bombs.

looking up lockpicking videos to sneak into the gym at 3-4 am if they decide to close all gyms cause of corona.
I dont want to lose my gains cause of this shit.


>Nobody gives a shit about Balkans. They're not even really people, they're some subhuman species. They are the scum of the earth, I wish the entire people were completely wiped out. We need a new genocide there. The land is fine though, it has diamonds and oil, so just get rid of the people and we're good. Ottomans was about 500 years ago. They had these beautiful marble buildings, running water in many places, a basic plumbing system. Look at most parts of Balkas today. Dilapidated buildings with no toilet and shit. They are useless, idiotic, worthless people. Get rid of them all. I'm talking about Slavs and Aoids living in Balkans, not all Balkan people like Albanians and Romanians. Once they move out of that shit hole it seems to improve. It's a hopeless peninsula. We need to stop wasting our time helping them, it wont do any good. Scientists say that life originated in Balkan, meaning they've had more time than any other group on people on the entire planet to get their shit together, but they failed. Miserably. Byzantine is the only exception and that's why they're right by the Anatolia so they weren't corrupted by the rest of Balkans. The Balkan brain is much less advanced than normal humans. 200-300 years ago technology and science and math were much simpler, once it became more advanced the Balkanites could no longer keep up. They don't have the brain power to be able to keep up with modern technology and science. Their brain isn't evolved enough. Organisms evolve to better adapt their environment so while the Balkanites stayed in bALKANS they had no reason to change any further, the people who moved out had to continue to evolve VERY slightly, almost unnoticeable, but it still made a difference in the brain development. They had to evolve slightly further to better fit the new environments while the Balkanites did not. Their brain stayed the same while the others evolved a bit more.

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It's me.

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like what's the point

if anyone has a link to the balkan discord server send me one, I forgot my password on the old account

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My hero :)

based albro defending europa

Don't get upset like agitated bonobos when you're presented with facts. Act like a human once and think about it for a minute. What did Balkans ever accomplished? Nothing. Greek/Arab religion, Slavic language and Turkish culture. There is nothing Balkan about Balkans, as if they didn't even exist.

poprincip da no zavisi

Hello american, let's talk

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this map is incorrect

y-you too


dosra mi se

ke q preborim mai

friendly reminder that corona travels through the sewers too

What is the difference between yogurt and Balkans?

If you leave yogurt alone for 300 years it'll develop a culture

Anyone has the webm of that Greek tractor spraying Turkish shitskins?

>the refugees are Turkish

82 IQ

i will kill you

wtf bros Baba Vanga was right all alon

Is this bitch still alive? Also why is she called "Baba", is "she" a tranny?

Baba Vanga predicted this.
Baba means GRANDMA on balkan, not father.

>comparing the chad immigrants to roaches

don't insult vanga i will crush your turkish cockroach head

Idk my first thought was more funny so I'll pretend that is the case

Yes. She was the original Tranlo.

She needs to get turked

In early August 1976, Yugoslav actress and singer Silvana Armenulić was on tour in Bulgaria and decided to meet with Baba Vanga. The meeting was unpleasant. Vanga only sat and stared out a window with her back to Silvana. She did not speak. After a long time, Vanga finally spoke: "Nothing. You do not have to pay. I do not want to speak with you. Not now. Go and come back in three months." As Silvana turned around and walked towards the door, Vanga said: "Wait. In fact, you will not be able to come. Go, go. If you can come back in three months, do so."[22] Silvana took this as confirmation that she would die and left Vanga's home in tears.[23] Armenulić died two months later, 10 October 1976, in a car crash with her sister Mirjana.[citation needed]

Come to Poznań bro, plenty of 600 eur jobs there

>[citation needed

>On Sunday, 10 October 1976, at around 9:15 PM CEST, Silvana died in a car crash near the Serbian village of Kolari in Smederevo along with her 25-year-old pregnant sister Mirsada and violinist/Radio Belgrade folk orchestra conductor Miodrag "Rade" Jašarević.

Baba Vangja was in contact with the Bogdanoffs...

Based Vanga dabbing on stacy