/brit /


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Page 8 fuck off janny you sadcunt


he's almost here

What’s the final solution to the janny problem?

Did a get pissed lads
Now I'm finna smoke in my hotel room

i would 1000% do this for $4.5k

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spamming the catalog with our full brute force every time he deletes a thread that is 50+ posts in to warn him off from ever doing it again

am i banned


yeah I would tbf, probably catch it anyway so might as well make some money from it

Deary me, Janny still thinking he's Hercules?

Attached: hellojanny.png (433x507, 177.56K)

it's simple
we kill the janny

Shut up, British scum.

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it's in london, you should do it then
i doubt they'd fly me over for it


Bit dicey no


right that's it lads, off to bump the /qa/ thread

Any cute lads in

no one is stopping you for signing up, so go ahead and sign up instead of claiming you would


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>two aging past their prime actors doing a film
dunno what that's all about eh


I have a job mate, doubt toilberg will be best pleased if I fuck off to London to intentionally get corona

shut up you fucking bent freak
hope you get stoned for this post

signed up for one of those paid medical trials when I was unemployed for a while
dad found the letter and went absolutely balistic at me and rightly so.

kek that production value

we're all in here

Two cerveza por favour.

he doesn't have to know it was intentional
you can get paid sick leave from him while the londoners pay you as well

*steals your gf*
your move /brit/ losers

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no you shut up



black bvlls are impervious to corona

I wanna get stoned haha
Oim english btw

*speaks louder and puts two fingers up*
Two. Cerveza - beer. Por favour.

*continues talking*

*checks flag*

what a waster what a fucking waster you pissed it all up the wall!

Shut up you ponce

oispa tämmöinen tötterö (ei toi jäätelöpuikko)

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I thought the problem is that they already have too many people infected

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Are these those two Viet women that spread Coronvirus to half of Britain.

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>1.4 million Brits illegally buy cannabis from the black market for medical purposes
>2.4% of adults in the UK currently use cannabis for medication

they're only taking 22 people for the trial and it's in london. i seriously doubt they would pay to fly me over and pay me on top of that

When you consider like 80% of uni students do it makes sense


Weed is so overrated

Not really sure what to make of this

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money is money lad
i have a job but i could definitely use this extra money

They would be interested in seeing the virus's effect on such an abomination of mixed genes

well said
not a fan of weeding (smoking marajuana)


I for one love weed, but ket is overrated imo, just makes me feel sick and dizzy

110% irish here

>b-but the war on drugs works bro!
>l-let's keep funding criminals instead of taxing it!!

Mental how easy it is to buy guns or get somebody assassinated if you have Tor and a couple bitcoins

Pastyme with good companye

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looks like one smiley fella :)

shaving the beard off

Weed makes me paranoid, and it stinks
ket is based

mboko with the drip


hmmm, guess I'm lucky, weed has never made me paranoid in my life

personal rankings


thinking of doing the same.

Didn’t ask

lads night out

gf won't let me shave

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they made you sign stuff basically exonerating them of all liability if the drugs they give you fuck you up badly. basically saying 'ye I don't give a fuck about my health, I just want cash'. horrible that people have to resort to it.

positively enraged over the 60 second cooldown between posts but am too poor to spare ~£15 for a Yas Forums pass due to my current situation re: lack of job

NEETs have it worse than any other section in human society today

Never done ket, any good?

I like alcohol a lot but weed makes me a paranoid mess. Cocaine is also good.

Alcohol is more addictive than cannabis.
Alcohol kills a higher percentage of it's users than cannabis.

phwoaring at the visual image of a person falling towards the ground at close to 'terminal velocity' reading WikiHow on how to cope

buying a pass is runtoid behaviour


looking for a zinc ionophore
rec me one bla x

t. wog

that's why i do it, clearly cannabis is for lightweights and women

mental how US farmers lobbied against cannabis because hemp was an effective and versatile crop that would've financially hurt them and then the government adopted their position
then the rest of the world just followed suit

pure blooded dutch
but a manlet muttoid like you can not comprehend that

all this talk about cannabis makes me miss smoking cannabis. soon as I work bitcoins out I'm going to go on't dark web and purchase some cannabis.

>mandy being better than ket
hello 18 year old

weed gives you schizophrenia, panic attacks, anxiety, etc.

t. wog

This is actually very normal and not mental at all

still not as bad as the worst that alcohol can do

That's only if you smoke it from childhood or smoke ultra strong skunk daily

all drugs have possible bad effects. that is why ordinary drugs you can buy in Boots etc have a vast array of negative effects listed. they are all a possibility, just as it is a possibility you get anxious and panicky smoking weed

ahh yes I see someone else has read the album booklet for black sunday by cypress hill

catholic church-esque gaslighting
>it's morally wrong!
spare me

Alcohol > Coke > LSD > MDMA = Ket > Benzos = Speed >>>>>>>>>> Weed

t. knower

Any clean living lads in? I’ve never done weed, ket, mdma, anything like that. I don’t drink or smoke

Really? Mandy is so much better than ket, the only downside is the long period in between taking it

MDMA is pure happiness
Ket is just dizziness

completed an order for some goodies today. used monero however because bitcoins are shit.

Anyone here done DMT? How was it?

that's called being a virgin melt

t. done a small amount of ket once or twice

MDMA > Mushrooms > Alcohol > LSD > the rest are garbage

bet you've never had sex either
literally and unironically who

I just drink spitfire, lads.

admittedly when I take ket I do small bumps (night out would be like 200mg total maybe)

never done a line

sounds pretty hipsterish but i was doing ket years before it was cool. back when it was 15 quid a gram. was doing half gram lines at my peak.
dont touch the these days.

yeah? well i fly them

wish I could say yes but nah
drink on weekends and do drugs if they're offered to me (not often)

everyone does ket and coke these days mate, only 18 DnB fans still prefer mandy, mandy and ket can be a nice combo though