Tradional clothes edition.

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I thank arabs every day for civilizing us steppeniggers

i want to be loved


>I'm the Scatman
>Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
>Yo da dub dub
>Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
>Yo da dub dub
>(I'm the Scatman)
>Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
>Yo da dub dub
>Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
>Yo da dub dub
>Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope
>Bop ba bodda bope
>Be bop ba bodda bope
>Bop ba bodda
>Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop ba bodda bope
>Bop ba bodda bope
>Be bop ba bodda bope
>Bop ba bodda bope

Attached: scatchad.png (598x710, 266.22K)

Rest in peace Scatman.

houthis on (((Saudi))) border




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they're "with iran" taking advantage of how retarded (((mbs))) is and the recent mess he made with the princes.

i can smell the end of this disgusting family man

One could only hope, although i can't really imagine a powerless house of al saud, there's probably going to be some sort of peace deal in the near future.

i dont think the houthis can change the saudi regime lol
but the retardness of that zoomer jew king is what destroying his whole familys legacy in 4-5 years.

which is GREAT and probably will get revolted on very soon

Worst case scenario for them is balkanization, really North Africa births a regional power (hopefully a future morocco) and kicks the turks, EU, the americans and khalijis out of the maghreb

really hoping*

can't nafris unite?
at least the "famous" 4.
you've got ton of resources ton of manpower which is what makes superpowers.

The traitors in the head of this state's army and politics are doing their best to take every deal the khalijis propose

gulf/saudi money is dirty but plentiful
the only way to counter them is by having money so you dont need them
eg. qatar and turkey

We fucking have money, I dont know what is wrong with traitors.
Algeria is an oil n gas state

Anyone else scared user?
I feel like I'm living in the end times even tho I try to be an atheist
It just isn't deniable that the world has gone crazy

They dont pay us, we pay them
Algeria got cancer.

can we have like one thread where we don't talk about gay geopolitical shieeeet?

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suggest a topic to discuss asshole

Nah, we be living the start of times.

Silence, kvrd

I am exposing the khaleeji cunts.

i'm all for nuking /mena/ dont get me wrong.

najran is almost fully shia which means they'll& are supporting the houthis because they've been presucated by wahhabist since forever and nowhere more than (((Saudia)))
and they're 20% of the populotion that will help erase the saudi family soon ahahhah

Nuke yourself only, kike.

Algeria was the test zone for the french nuclear program.
Google Reggan.

uhhhh idk

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the civil war and french sucking your blood delayed the benifits of the resources
but its coooming

an economic union + freedom of movement across north africa would be ideal, alot of families were separated when the algerian-moroccan border was closed. However, libya's in shambles+ the western sahara question and arabism are still relevant and the fact that the regime's are now too strong to fall unfortunately, i cannot see a union ever manifesting.


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No, it is traitors.

Attached: dog tried to save fish.webm (224x398, 1.37M)

yes the moroccan regime probably needs to fall for that to happen since the others have/will have democracy sooner or later.
but i dont know and i dont think anyone knows if your king is really popular with the people.
its probably like before bin ali falled when everyone tried avoiding talking anything about the regime
>i'm just guessing lol

Attached: battyrino.webm (854x480, 2.57M)

yes the traitors are what allowed all this shit

شمال إفريقيا تحت الإستعمار الحديث

certified hood classic

Attached: germony banter.webm (1248x718, 2.84M)

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Attached: revolver.webm (640x640, 1.79M)

people think morocco's and algeria's "independence struggle" was successful when literally everything from top to bottom went wrong.
Our current regime's have set us back a century. Unfortunately all attempts to redeem ourselves were absolutely obliterated by the regime's in the 70s, since then, everyone's been lobotomized with fear.

Thoughts on this latmiya bros?
Btw why did all Mossad spies disappear ?
This is much better.

Attached: McPolice.webm (718x404, 788.96K)

Going to tel aviv in summer!!!!
Any niggs here that can hook me up with some israeli hasch?!!!!

Get the fuck out Mossad spy


You got it harder since your state is a monarchy
Ours claims to be a democracy while in fact it is a stratocracy. Kabyles fear nobody and they are still pushing the Hirak with others. There is a slight hope a tiny bit.

Bro do you have palestinian tunnels in ur cunt leading to israel? If so send a guy over with some of that soft sticky brown (not poop)


Fuck off schlomo.
The clock is ticking and one day we will uproot your evil existence from the region.

Is he about to get necklaced?

I've lost all hope for redemption, couldn't give a shit if we balkanize or remain this way until escathon. People are either too caught up in their shitty third eye lifestyle or just don't give a shit at all.

becareful bro
becareful of the jewish succubi

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Another agent comes along.
What intrigues you so much with us?
Why do you spend billions of dollars on making me an Incel?

You wont. Also stop being a sour bitch.

these things are so strange
does the dog realize the fish needs water to breath

they've jailed everyone who's slightly affiliated with Hirak here. I just don't care anymore, i don't really have any fate even in a post revolutionary govt, i'm unironically for balkanization and going back to subsistence agriculture + smaller communities. fuck cities, fuck governments, fuck bureaucracy


Im not israeli dummy I just want some hashish
Ooo bby milk me for cummies o yeeeees yummyumyum


Attached: dog fren tries to wake his dead fren.webm (846x476, 1.98M)

>going to israel for hashish

Good! Now gib me lebanese qt

The hashish is just a nice extra
1.history and architecture

This pic always makes the hair on my hands stand.
Iranians frozen young qt

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