Reminder, Brevik has better life in his comfy "prison" than most of you third worlders.
Reminder, Brevik has better life in his comfy "prison" than most of you third worlders
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I'm a poor boy,
I can still be happy,
As long as I can feel free.
solution: move to Norway and kill some kids
You say that as if I should be envious.
Guy was a fucking mass murderer.
>firsties are actually ok becoming basically a livestock with internet if they get fed and clean room
Doesn't he have to play PlayStation 3 there? Not even Hitler was this cruel
Will he ever be able to go out
>will never be a free man again
no, his life sucks
good for him, i hope he gets better mentally and that he grows out of the blind hate
He spends his day writing nazi shit, not like his life changed much.
Are you the peruvian that likes Israel?
No, I'm the peruvian who bangs your mum
You're first world too retard
yea, but i didnt kill anyone
>Peru (Gay)
Sakura a shit
Agreed. Rin is the true QUEEN
He hates for all the right reasons.
Shut up, Wladmir
So, what do people that always complain about these Nordic prison stuff judge to be the adequate prison system, one that is not dogshit like the Brazilian or my country's one that "punishment" is too soft a word to use to judge it, nor this Nordic one that gets called a hotel? Somewhere in the middle? Are you looking for rehab or "punishment"?
Based. He deserved it
I dont get your point.
Are you happy that He nas it good despite his rightous acts seen as crime by some ppl, or you are crying that public money are wasted on video games for rapists and niggers in norge jakiś?
Those who complain about nordic prisons are retards. They have been proven time and time again to be the best overall way of handling criminal rehabilitation in back to society. Just because some bad eggs don't crack doesn't mean it's a faulty system. Societally i would take a nordic "hotel" over some gang criminal factory likes of US or LatAm. And for the people like breivik the systems and laws can be abused to such exert that they will never get out to do more harm.
Weird flex but okay
зигa зaгa
>Weird flex but okay
Coming from sweden where people get the mandatory bbc this sounds hilarious.
Its the crabs in a bucket mentality, we can't have it so can't you. Most of these people are broken in some way and putting them in even more stress is not going to make the better, especially when it gets to the point where they rape the new inmate or they themselves get raped. You can't expect much from low IQ people.
>Doesn't he have to play PlayStation 3 there?
>In a letter to AFP in 2014, Breivik demanded that his Playstation 2 be updated to a Playstation 3.
He doesn't have internet access. He's in constant isolation
I have less of a problem with humane prisons than with the retardedly lax punishments. How is 25 years enough to atone for murdering dozens of teenagers?
thirdworlders can have a gf
He's not getting out, they can just keep extending the sentence
And people really underestimate how bad isolation is for you. You're by yourself 23 hours a day with nothing to do
>so am I
No you aren't, you're chatting on the internet with other people. You can't do that in prison
Here is Varg talking about his time in different prisons. Basically he preferred the old style prisons because there was more social interaction, which kept you sane
Breivik is complaining about the same thing, he can't cope with being in solitary confinement for this long
Even if the cells are like """hotels""" because they have wooden furniture, it doesn't take away your need for basic human interaction
>criminal rehabilitation
Psychopaths can't be rehabilitated. I don't understand why he is in a prison and not in a mental hospital for the criminally insane.
Because the theory behind these legal systems prison sentences is not to pass punishment in order to "atone", but to change what made the person a serial killer to begin with so they can be released back into society without murdering a bunch of teenagers again.
So it doesn't really matter to them how bad the crime was, its just an estimate how long it would take to turn them back into functional member sof society.
I don't know why he's alive.
Probably because he wasn't diagnosed a psychopath you retard.
He is trying to get media attention to convince society that solitary confinement is wrong so that he can have an easier life on jail
He is fooling you but not many more
Killed 77 people, most of them white
Can he be anymore stupid
>human interaction
He is not a normal human. He's a psychopath.
Do your parents who immigrated to one of the softest nations on earth know their little boy supports death penalty?
Our family emigrated over 130 years ago. They ask the same question.
They should move to the middle east then.
So a sociopath? He is most definitely not normal. The incredible lack of empathy that resulted is his crime is not something normal people do.
Ok bro.
My post wasn't about Breivik specifically, it's about these "hotel" prison cells as people call them. It's still a tiny cell that you can't leave, and it will corrode your mind
You should have been going to a Norwegian lefty camp in 2011.
He should just hang.
>nooooooooooooo you hab dibrent obinion you must die!!
I'm not trying to say killing them is okay but he did what he thought was the best for his own country which was in no way selfish. They would have caused way more damage.
>And people really underestimate how bad isolation is for you. You're by yourself 23 hours a day with nothing to do
>implying that isn't most 4channer's existence already
I support the death penalty for atrocious crimes such as the one he commited. All child abusers, torturers and murderers should hang.
He's a hero so he deserves it
Yes, but please free asylum for refugrino islamists!
He's not and you're not either
Did you just stop reading the message at that point and write this reply?
I'm not sure that you understand. Psychopaths/sociopaths don't have the same needs or reactions as us.
Are you retarded? What he did shows an incredible lack of empathy. He did not do this for his country, he did it because he is crazy. No human that is OK in the head can do what he did.
empathy /ˈɛmpəθi/ noun - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
>the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Fuck off, gypsy enabler. You're fine when they kill and rape old people and women yet if some is to retaliate I'm sure you will defend the gypoids.
Shhhh, for fucksake Norway, you're drunk, I've called you a taxi, go home and sleep it off.
And 4channers are all mentally healthy.
(But really, they do socialise if only with their parents shuffling some tendies under the door to their basement lair)
Understanding and sharing doesn't mean caring. I can understand a commiecuck's feelings and empathize with them, but I don't actually care.
Why would i or anyone defend sociopaths or sexual predators? You make no sense.