>Ah my DNA results have finally arrived! Of course I already know it'll be 100% Englishman. Now let's see. Wait... only 75% english? How could this be? And the other quarter is... by Jove no! Its Welsh! I'm an abomination! AAAAAAAHHHH IM GOING INSANE, HELP ME NIGGERMAN!
Ah my DNA results have finally arrived! Of course I already know it'll be 100% Englishman. Now let's see. Wait...
>Ceasing the day's ambulatory exertions, I chanced upon the local—and, as near as I could recall, singular—inn afforded both to the obscure natives and the seldom-seen visitors that the winds of fortune and destiny occasionally ferried to this loathsome port.
>Ill-recommended, and to all appearances deserted, illegible signage (was that a daffodil?) yellowed and fluttering in the lashing gales of the harbour, I confess for all my hallowed family's steeled constitution I then wavered at taking the first step through the tremendous stone door.
>Swallowing my courage, I entered, and I then felt an eyeless black shadow acknowledge the reality of my presence: neutral, yet discernably perturbed.
>Then, through the cracked window, from the queer lighthouse situated at the end of the promenade twenty dozen yards hence, came a thrust of cold, golden light, illuminating my presumed concierge, and my pupils widened: his face assumed that of a man, but with twisted, dwarven features, bronzed recesses sheltering dark cruelties, the whiff of Cymric blood accentuated cleanly by the man's ancient Roman nose. Catching at once my visible discomfort, he flashed a wicked leer; I felt my stomach turn—what sacrificial purpose would I wake up to in the hands of this mad Welshman?
looooooooooooooooooooool we did it fellow non whites!
Inshallah my BLACK BROTHER
HP Lovercraft on New York:
>"The population is a hopeless tangle and enigma; Syrian, Spanish, Italian, and negro elements impinging upon one another, and fragments of Scandinavian and American belts lying not far distant. It is a babel of sound and filth, and sends out strange cries to answer the lapping of oily waves at its grimy piers and the monstrous organ litanies of the harbour whistles.”
>I took leave of my father's decrepit farmhouse in my modest Guatemalan automobile, making reasonable pace across a landscape bereft of anything resembling what I had come to know as modernity. I eventually reached the general store, a flimsy wooden structure that emitted a dark cloud of smoke from a narrow chimney. Two locals sat outside in the midday sun, accomplishing nothing and seemingly content in their doing so. Their bestial stupidity, likely the result of generations of inbreeding and race-mixing, was apparent in both their appearance and vocabulary. My eyes were immediately drawn towards the words emblazoned above the door. These words perplexed me in such a manner that defy ordinary description. I shall not repeat them here, for I fear that anyone who stumbles upon this tome will meet the same fate as I should they read them. I have not slept in weeks, as I have tried in increasing desperation to decipher the true meaning of that inscription. I fear that it is pointless. The fate of this city slicker is sealed.
so this is what not having sex does to you
Based Rhode Islander
>He warned of “the Jew [who] must be muzzled” because “[he] insidiously degrades [and] Orientalizes [the] robust Aryan civilization.” His sympathies with rising fascism were equally transparent. “[Hitler’s] vision . . . is romantic and immature,” he stated after Hitler became chancellor of Germany. “I know he’s a clown but god I like the boy!”
>And his contempt for blacks ran even deeper. In his 1912 poem entitled “On the Creation of Niggers,” the gods, having just designed Man and Beast, create blacks in semi-human form to populate the space in between.
>inbreeding and race-mixing
those are opposites though
They are both degenerative.
He's right about NYC being loud and filthy. Not sure why he didnt mention the Irish, Germans, Jews and Slavs that also lived there then.
From this excerpt I guess he really had a problem with skin color not cultural background.
Irish, Germans, Jews and Slavs were pasty compared to Syrians, Spaniards, Italians and Negroes.
>Lovecraft's stories are actually about his encounters with non-WASPs
really makes you think huh
Yeah and Arabs were basically The Great Old ones. The WASP fears the Arab Bvll
He seems so amusingly English, I didn't know he was American until recently
>Abdul Alhazred, a mad poet of Sanaá, in Yemen, who is said to have flourished during the period of the Umayyad dynasty, visited the ruins of Babylon and the subterranean secret of Memphis and spent ten years alone in the Empty Quarter desert, which is held to be inhabited by protective evil spirits and monsters of death. Of this desert many strange and unbelievable marvels are told by those who pretend to have penetrated it. In his last years Alhazred dwelt in Damascus.
>Of his final death or disappearance (738 A.D.) many terrible and conflicting things are told. He is said by Ebn Khallikan (12th cent. biographer) to have been seized by an invisible monster in broad daylight and devoured horribly before a large number of fright-frozen witnesses. Of his madness many things are told. He claimed to have seen the Iram of the Pillars, and to have found beneath the ruins of a certain nameless desert town the shocking annals and secrets of a race older than mankind. He was only an indifferent Moslem, worshiping an unknown entity whom he called Yog-Sothoth.
what's wrong with his mouth?
I was thinking of writing a story of Lovecraft waking up in a favela and finding his way out
Anglo master race genes
lel that sounds like it would be a great read
He was an Anglo-American. That breed has been almost entirely mutted out of existence in the modern world though.
He wasn't just any burger. He was a Hapsburger.
Oh shit thats a Italian im fucking going insane aaaaaa
*they're both HOT
>Tfw no brown gf
This doesn’t make sense... Anglos were the dominator culture in America but special social privileges was given to Scottish, Dutch, and French and even Welsh while other ethnic groups including Germans and Scandinavians were considered scum unless they were rich of course :P
Nah yanks and ayyrabs manage being an unholy amalgamation of all earths peoples while also being heavily deformed and inbred
>This doesn’t make sense...
Lovecraft was a racist autist with a knack for being able to descriptively write about his delusional projections. Not a lot of his rationalisations make sense but people read his work for the atmosphere, where chaotic nonesense adds to he sense of dread instead of detracting from it.
Trying to make sense of Lovecraft's worldview is not worth the effort to be honest. Enjoy the ride of madness and autism instead of seeing rhythm and reason to it all. After all, it's rare for quintessential sheltered Yas Forumstards of his time to be able to read, let alone write well.
Yea he wanted to be a pure Anglo but pure anglos aren’t even pure. Anyways during his time anglos, scots (protestants), welsh, Dutch and even French were considered the top of ethnic pyramid in America while everybody else were considered subhumans.
>“How many dream-Arabs have the Arabian Nights bred! I ought to know, since at the age of five I was one of them! …I found in Lang’s Arabian Nights a gateway to glittering vistas of wonder and freedom. It was then that I invented for myself the name of Abdul Alhazred, and made my mother take me to all the Oriental curio shops and fit me up an Arabian corner in my room.”
Welsh are swarthy black negroes
Idk where this comes from,arabs arent admixed at all
I would have posted my dna result if i was on pc
Google arab dna result
First result should be a saudi who turned out to be 100% red sea ie arab
Was there seriously ever a greater weeabrit than Lovecraft?
Yeah it looks like he eat a whole marsmallow before taking picture
Wouldn't that drastically depend on where you are from? I have a hard time believing that an Arab from Yemen and an Arab from Syria are genetically the same
In his early life he hated all non anglos but softened later and didnt mind whites as long as they conformed to anglo culture
Probably because he realized he is not 100% pure Anglo-Saxon :DDD
These market genetic tests are totally phoney. Type in marketplace DNA test on YouTube. Literal twins shit out from the same cunt get different genetic results and they used several DNA companies proving that the tests are garbage. Most Saudis have black admixture on the basis that they imported a ton of slaves from Black Africa.
Yeah definitly depend on where a person is from
but both yemenis and syrians wont have much outside admixture
Ill keep in mind to look into it later, but im certain the acience behind it isnt fake at all
>Most Saudis have black admixture on the basis that they imported a ton of slaves from Black Africa.
They didn't marry the slaves buddy
You don't understand how it works
Marrying someone who's not from the tribe is frowned upon, let alone a non arab who's a slave
What are concubines? Arabs always fucked their slaves and had little bastards that they didn’t legitimize. Everybody with slaves back then did that. Those laws you’re speaking of were the same in the American south yet the average white American from those states supposedly have black admixture although that might or might not be true.
>Those laws you’re speaking of were the same in the American south yet the average white American from those states supposedly have black admixture although that might or might not be true.
No. I know the meme you're referencing and it's not true. Unfortunately I don't have the pictures or links on hand. Your average southern White American is more likely to have native admixture than have African admixture. IIRC there were no laws forbidding whites and natives marrying. If there were any, they weren't enforced very heavily
Inshallah my fellow nigga
>is that....is that a..... No no it can't be
When, long ago, moot created Yas Forums
In Futaba's fair image Yas Forums was shaped at dawn.
Then Yas Forums for lesser fags was next designed;
Yet was it too unchained for incelkind.
To clean shitposting, and give an aid to Mods,
Th'Server host conceiv'd a clever plot.
A fag he wrought, a distorted-human tranny,
Working for free, and called the thing a Janny.
>while everybody else were considered subhumans.
Nah, Scots were poor rednecks outside of a select few who were rich plantation owners
t. Inbred descendant
>that post
>those trips
Based and checked.
Scotch-Irish were, Scots from Scotland were better