
Attached: swissmountains.jpg (2048x1366, 310.04K)

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Attached: Macar kral.jpg (334x328, 98.42K)

I wish it was CL night and I was shitposting on spee

Attached: 1583530549827.jpg (8000x10000, 2.89M)

Дaли нeкoй oвдe e Bили гeнг?

Attached: 549A8C7E-96E6-4029-A509-451F74E437BF.jpg (4032x3024, 3.34M)

It is chewy but it's very tasty.

anime thread pls


Muso Tensei!

When I take over the Balkans I will have my personal Serv slave whose only job will be singing.

Attached: Аниме.jpg (1370x1064, 432.81K)

I had to pretend I care about Handball, because that's the only sport they play in Szeged.

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f (1).jpg (976x850, 57.91K)

Why would you do that, Serbs sing like shit

Here's a Hungarian playing the harmonica for Serbian Chads


What were you doing in Szeged?

That feel when 10 cm and thin.

Ai de sora ga ochite kuru
Ore no mune ni ochite kuru

Atsui kokoro kusari de tsunai demo
Ima wa muda da yo
Jama suru yatsu wa yubisaki hitotsu de DOWN sa

Ai de kodō hayaku naru
Ore no kodō hayaku naru

Omae motome samayō kokoro ima
Atsuku moete iru
Subete tokashi muzan ni tobichiru hazu sa

Ore to no ai wo mamoru tame
Omae wa tabidachi
Ashita wo miushinatta

Hohoemi wasureta kao nado mitaku wa nai sa
Ai wo torimodose

Ai de yami wo kirisaite
YOU wa shock
Ore no yami wo kirisaite

Daremo futari no yasuragi kowasu koto
Deki wa shinai sa
Hikitsuke au kizuna wa hanarenai nido to

Ore to no ai wo mamoru tame
Omae wa tabidachi
Ashita wo miushinatta

Hohoemi wasureta kao nado mitaku wa nai sa
Ai wo torimodose

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I'm an honourary Gheg...

Attached: Insult.png (500x557, 27.27K)

Welcome to Bulgaria
- Lowest prices in EU and lowest quality of goods at the same time
- Highest corruption in EU, political mafia is leading the country
- Almost non-existent health care
- Corrupt and ineffective justice system
- Sofia=Dirtiest city in Europa with most polluted air
- Outside of Sofia, everything is dead. Whole villages are disappearing.The growing gipsy minority is destroying the remaining
- Almost all young and educated Bulgarians have left the country. A demographic catastrophe is very near.

18,5 cm and average thickness,
I feel smol

>go on 10 jobs interviews
>don't ask for much money
>don't get hired
Im starting to suspect that its either the way i dress (like a bum) or maybe its because im ugly.
I don't know but since i can't show my abs i think im in a great disadvantage in such situations.

Visiting a friend.
I disagree. Slav languages are melodic.

I know that feel, my Asian brother.

Attached: Wojak sub.png (640x626, 95.18K)


>Slav languages are melodic.
Russian is melodic. Balkanimals sound like Orcs.

How can someone be an incel without physical deformations?


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I wish more Macedonians visited Poland

>I wish it was CL night
but it is a CL night

Attached: Rio.gif (220x285, 377.71K)

By being below 4/10.

Sounds like Hungary, except for the lack of Sandniggers and Chinks.

Welcome to Aerodrom
- Lowest prices in Europe and lowest quality of goods at the same time
- Highest corruption in Europe, GHEG mafia is leading the country
- Health care??
- Justice system??
- Aerodrom=Dirtiest village in Europa with most polluted air
- Including Aerodrom, everything is dead. Whole villages are disappearing.The growing GHEG majority is repopulating the land, however.
- All young Macedonians have left the country. A demographic catastrophe is very near.

You realize you will get to hear this shit every day
Also you will need to get another 5 or so gyppoids who don't know how to play

>bugars are posting pedo shit with mk proxies again

Gonna put a cheeky tenner on Leipzig.

What is a CL night??

Relatable. We ugly beings are the most oppressed beings.

To win the game or to go through to the next round? coz the second one they pretty much have it in the bag

Why do Eastern Europeans care about meme sports like handball, waterpolo and shit like that? LOL

based shipo

autotune sounds shit. The second one sounds better.


Why do people care about sports?

Just because you are 160cm and can't play neither of those sports, doesn't make them meme sports.

Because they're fun.

t. Amateur chess player

To adavance. Mouyes will be exposed tonight.
Because we suck at football.

What about Ukrainian?
I really doubt that you are ugly. I think Turkish guys are generally handsome
I have not really met anyone who really cares about things like that

Allows you to bond with people and it's interesting.

Which /balk/ language is the most relevant one and which one is the easiest to learn?


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how old were you when you actually started to dislike western europeans and put away all former dreams of moving there and realizing that the new world (esp. Canada, USA, Aussie and NZ) were far better than the decaying continent of Yurop?

unironically because of high test
he's been exposed constantly since 2015

Attached: ESf_RHuXQAAW90M.jpg (723x724, 63.27K)

>CL night??
Champions League

Цe мoя yлюблeнa cлoвянcькa мoвa.

No no no, fuck that song

He was doing great at Manure, but Poogba had him fired.

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Macedonia after Cairshqip gets elected president


It was pretty embarrassing when Sevilla knocked him out of CL

I have never really wanted to move to another country. What about you?
Aww, thank you

>I really doubt that you are ugly.
You're in for a disappointment, then.
>I think Turkish guys are generally handsome.
This is a meme.

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I once watched a yugo clip. The plot was about a girl being taken away to a harem and the guy wanted to rescue her, turned out she is an upppity whore and she would rather be the wife of the sultan then to run away with a poor guy. So he rather gfs the poor girl and flees the palace. Can you post that?


No idea what that is honestly
Have this though

Because their lives are shit they self-insert as their team. Same with all pursuits that aren't scientific.

The difference between humans and non-humans. Which one are you, /balk/?

Attached: Filioque Controversy~2.jpg (400x137, 7.92K)

>Poogba plays
>Manure loses
It was embarassing, but I think the main problem is still Poogba.

first chance I get, I'm moving to the new world, friend. the old world is decaying and suffocating

>muh science
Back to Réddit, animetard.

I am Christian therefore the right one.
It was yout typical soft core porn yugo video clip. I think it was Croatian.

Did the father fuck the son in order to breed the holy spirit?

The one that doesn't care about this dumb shit

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Keep bending facts.

Pogba is a locker room cancer with his acting like a diva shit, otherwise on the pitch he can only be a problem for the opposition desu.
doubt he's injured atm

Gnostic "Christianity" is literally retarded and you're being contrarian for the sake of contrarianism.

He is just a flop. If Mouyes gave a chance for him to learn from Bastian he could have become a top tier middfielder, but now he is mediocore at best. The main problem with Poorgba that he can't carry a team and he is not smart enough to be the play maker, so he can only play as seconf fiddle. Manure has no real carry now.

Zdravstvuytye, my fellow yugo bratans

>football talk on balk
Wtf, newfags?

step asside tranny, high test men are talking
i wouldn't call him dumb since he has quite a good vision for a pass and can create a goal scoring chance out of nothing but yeah he can't be a team leader and carry it to glory
we'll see what he can do in real or back in juve now at more mature age

I think you look really nice
I am not religious. What about you?
Good luck with that

cao brate, kako si?

>What about you?
Me neither, but I hate Orthodoxy and like Catholicism (but also kinda hate it at the same time, it's complicated).