Does your country have a "Let me speak to the manager" culture?

Does your country have a "Let me speak to the manager" culture?

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>I hqve not been able to afford to go to a dentist in over three years
Thank god for social security.

>I can't afford to go to the dentist
>I can totally afford a lawyer though
Do they really?

Lawyers will work for free on the condition that they get 50-75% of the settlement if you win

Based Tori not giving in to entitled boomers

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lol, he was lying to get sympathy. Dentist arent even expensive if you just want a yearly cleaning, like $100. Even an "award winning journalist" can afford that.

lel only if you have a real case. He doesnt need a lawyer though its small claims court.

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it is a joke probably.
there is nothing wrong with speaking to your manager in general

TRUE STORY (believe it or dont).
I went to store bought a guacamole on sale for $2....took it was all liquidy. I look closer at the package and the sell by was weeks ago.

I went to complaint form online and told them what happened, they gave me $5 (!!!) store credit. I technically earned money buying rotten food. This is why people love to complain because they get extra bonus free stuff

Yes, here we say "deixa eu falar com o gerente!"

Capitalism hollows out people's souls

No, dumbass, you didn't get free stuff for buying rotten food, they just gave you a miserable change so you don't issue them on a judicial proccess that could make them pay even thousands of dollars for selling rotten food to costumers

But muh GDP

It's illegal in France to have only a profit-based remuneration.

I once saw a pretty severe car accident outside of my store and asked if anyone needed help, one of the drivers, bleeding, made his was into my store and made a formal complaint about me "interfering in things I had no business being in" and I later got a write up for it

This man is a walking parody of a jew.

But he's in the right, tho.

>a lovely conversation
Being absolute pieces of shit while putting on an air of niceness?
Yep, this is exactly what americans are like if you work in customer support.

I work in a grocery store and people are so fucking wierd. One time a lady bought 12 bottles of wine and a full grocery cart but when I told her we had no boxes, just bags, to put them in she flipped out. I offered her free wine bags and those insulated reusable bags instead and she fucking wigged out even harder and demanded to talk to my manager. She told him this is bullshit, she's never shopping here again, and she stormed out. This was after I was done bagging all her shit too.

Another time an old lady left a trail of her own shit through out the whole god damn store and everyone saw it. Managers where following her around but she refused to make eye contact or acknowledge what was happening.

Fuck America.

Damn, I wish I could have half the confidence of my compatriots.

>Another time an old lady left a trail of her own shit through out the whole god damn store and everyone saw it. Managers where following her around but she refused to make eye contact or acknowledge what was happening.
Based shartchad


I work as a dog groomer and our salon happens to be halfway between very wealthy and very poor neighborhoods. I've noticed that the most insufferable and entitled customers are usually the retardedly wealthy ones, while folks from the poorer areas tend to be much more agreeable and generous when picking out what they want for their pet

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absurdly based. One of these days I'll follow along the path my ancestors laid out

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>people who get everything handed to them will act entitled
Who knew

>why yes ,I am the cashier as well as the manager how did you know?

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yes I'm aware that's not very shocking, it was the inverse also being true that I found surprising

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We have our fair share of entitled people but thankfully we don't have this fucktarded culture.

I've worked as customer support (I didn't make unsolicited calls) for one of the "big four" telecom providers in Poland while I was in university, and for the entire 6 months I've worked there I never had a customer request to speak to my superior.
We of course had proper procedures for it - it involved setting up a call with a manager to call the customer back at a later date after the manager listened to customer's call history to inconvenience the customer and call him out on his bullshit. But when I was hired they said "it happens once in a bluemoon"

>I have not been able to afford to go to a dentist in over three years

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Okay this is actually based

No, people here dont complain in public and then go home and bitch about getting bad service

This is why I’ll never get a service job. I’ve heard too many horror stories. I’d rather work in sanitation than that shit.

You are not legally obligated to help injured people and will likely be sued if you are perceived to make the situation worse.

You just know this guy is jewish
They cant help but lie

>slip on the sidewalk

Why are Amerisharts like this?

>Dentist arent even expensive if you just want a yearly cleaning, like $100
Hmm hang on, $100 for the cleaning only?

>will likely be sued if you are perceived to make the situation worse.
does america not have good Samaritan laws?

It must be true because it was posted on twitter

Not in all states

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So americans complaining about chineses not helping was never justified. Bamboozled again.

Besides the kek worthy part about the dentist, he's 100% right even though he's overreacting. The store fucked up, they need to honor the price tag. I don't know why the US doesn't have some government body to investigate instead of having to go to court though

Thats like 85% of americans that have good samaritan law

>he's 100% right
why? the contract for the sale of the item needs to be agreed upon by both the retailer and customer

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This is getting into technicalities but by putting up this price tag the store is already making you a contract offer which you accept by expressing the will to purchase. The store is bound to these terms. Maybe in common law jurisdictions it's different.

He's probably including tip in his estimate

yeah I think it's the difference between common law and civil law

Mad how entitled twitter has made people. Think if they tweet a business they’ll be forced to act

think it depends on local legislation and how a specific company manages things but if a carrefour retailer has a mistake like that they give you the product for free

She qt

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God I hate when americans talk about our culture/history as if they knew it or cared about it

To be fair, someone trying to help can make the situation worse in some cases

too bad this didn't stop his game from being completely shit.


>being completely shit.
I enjoyed it a lot, playing through it two times.

He's right. The game is dogshit (oblivion but worse) and its when I lost all hope for Yas Forums when they went after crowbcat for pointing out how the game was a buggy broken mess that didn't deliver on any kickstarter promises just because of muh redpilled dev.

wrong, got a free refund

this only confirms my case considering germans only like the most contrived, tedious, boring video games released every year.

>kingdom come: deliverance
yep it's shit

>muh I lost all hope in le humanity
Ok redditor
Still seething it's popular

me mum do this sometimes when i was young

I remember an article written about this game, more precisely the "controversies" around it, that read like some weirdo's interracial fetish. Something like "a black merchant could have happened to pass through the area at the time, he could have fallen in love with a local, someone could have gotten pregnant."


if you consider a few hundred autistic freaks that spend their free time scouring the internet to angrily respond to people that dislike the game instead of actually playing it popular then you're delusional which is expected since you're part of that aforementioned group.

There's an exclusion clause in the law he repeatedly cites in his twitter rant that specifically states it doesn't apply when there's clearly an egregious error in pricing. Find me a court anywhere on the planet that will agree knocking a single $50 electric toothbrush down to $0.01 isn't an error when it's on a shelf next to a dozen other items that haven't had their price altered.

It sold quite a few more than a "few hundred", and you were the one who started whining about the game in this thread. Of course you're accusing others of your own misdeeds like a good NPC.

It really drops off on the second half
Main story is uninteresting and half the side quests have you running to one town, talking to one person then running all the way back to the other town

I hate when europeans identify themselves as some monolithic lump in order to shit on americans. You have nothing to do with the czech republic, juan carlos.

I was working at the counter at an electric supply company, a guy came in and was very angry about something.
He yelled at me that he wanted to see the President of the company. I said "He's hunting elephants in Africa, can I help you?" He said no, so I said "Okay, next!", and some other dude shoved him out the way and he just walked out.