Egyptus edition.
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first for best levant
niqabs are pretty effective wear for the coronavirus
Palestinians dress like that in Lebanon. should be banned
what did he think of it? my dad went from growing up in south lebanon with no electricity to owning a business here. im proud of you baba :)
Stfu up sectarian faggot.
Your literally Christianaised you don't count as shi3e anymore.
Iraniggers brought coronavirus to iraq
Shias are such massive fucking cucks in the west but so based in their own countries. Don’t they have any middle ground?
interesting choice of image btw
Many shi3as in the west are not cucked
I know a guy like this
niqab is backwards and is a pretty good excuse to make a purge on falesteez
I don't watch any middle eastern news outlet or actually i dont really follow current news except the Liveuamap updates of the war. i just make my own small research online but mostly coom
He went there on a school trip or something I think. He said it was extremely poor and he says the second they got money they used it for weapons + breeding lots of children.
yea that's me I'm basedf
Women get to wear what they want except if it was modest ?
Feminists are so disgusting
Stop being disrespectful
>nooooooo Shias weren't oppressed it's all just propaganda
Thank you for proving truth user, the Christians oppressed us
he's right. supporting Palestinians was a mistake
I'm not sectarian i just want a dictator to take over Lebanon and fix it up so that i can return with you ;)
we were the working class but moving up wasn't impossible but if all you did was make kids and complain then you're gonna stay at the bottom
He says the second you guys started getting gibs from Iran in the 80's you spent it on weapons and terrorism instead of trying to improve your living conditions. Is this true? My family hates Iran infinitely more than I do. Almost all of them served in the army and had to kill lots of them so I think in their eyes it made them hate Iranians or see them as dehumanised, probably kind of like how Americans saw us
I can't fucking sleep, I live near a stadium and it's loud as fuck and they're constantly screaming and cheering reeeeee
It was a raging civil war plus Israeli occupation.
What were we expected to do?
We don't want you back tho.
Problem with Muslims is they breed WAY too much like actual insects and then wonder why there is food and water shortage and don't stop to think that maybe having 10 kids each is a bad idea
Problem with Christians is they breed too little and use birth control even though it's banned by our own religion and the second a Christfag gets some money they apply for visa to the west and go "I AM AMERICAN NOW BRO!" and turn into selfhating cucks like nassim taleb or whatever his name is
Wasn't the civil war mostly between Christians and Druze+Palestinians? You guys didn't need to drag yourself into it
>moving up wasn't impossible
That's not the point
The Christians took gibs from France and started getting rich while they stole our resources and did nothing for us.
We were living in the 16 century while everyone else was in the 20 can't blame Shias for having lots of kids when all the job that we had was farming
Yes i will come back with money make businesses and hire only lebanese
nassim taleb isn't self hating. i know what u mean but he aint a good example. also tbf all poor people make allot of kids for some reason not exclusive to shias or muslims
there is no future for us in this region however you want to put it.
They literally started genociding us.
They had searching points in which they'll stop your car and look at your id, if it wasn't Christian they'll kill you.
Moussa Sade tried to stop the civil war but got killed and then Israel got involved
thing is christcucks like the wild animals they are, targeted everyone not a christcuck
If you want to make a business only hire Shias
The other sects deserve to be treated bad just like they treat us bad fuckign faggots
Criminal scum
When you are a minority the west cries over you and when you are a majority you start fenociding people
Here is moussa Sade talking in a church
He held no grudge over you even with everything you did to us.
What a great man
you don't need "our" help to genocide you, you already do that on your own.
The final solution to the shia question is a book written by the notoriously infamous anonymous online user know simply as "user". In it, user lays out his visoin for " fixing the middle east once, and for all, and forever" by offering radical critique of the way the arabs have been handling their international affairs and relations in the past 150 years or so. The Arab revolt, The Sykes-Picot agreement and The Belfour declaration are but a few of the topics he touches on and he greatly demonstartes the consequences of said events and much more in a way that really hasn't been done before. As the first part of the book briefs the reader on the recent history of the middle east, the secod part claims to give "remedies" to revive the middle east and restore to its former glory. some of these include, but are not limited to:
- " the complete annihilation and genocide of the the shi'te people " which he sees as heretical and more astray than even jews or christians, and as the cause of most of the catastrophes that have plagued the middle east for well over a century.
- " racial profiling in the middle east " much of user's description of this " remedy " is vague and contradictory,
however it seems from his writing that he was a staunch believer in afro-turkish supremecy.
- " no anime " user deeply believed that anime was "degenerate" and he described it as " the opium of the sunnis, for when the sunnis wake up, they will be able to conquer the world ". he also strongly believed that anime was created by shi'te clerics with help from the jews for that very specific purpose.
during an interview conducted by the Jew York Times with user, he was asked by a journalist about the "bloodshed" his ideology could add to the already deteriorating situation in the middle east.
"niggers" was all that he replied.
I can't think of anytime Shias genocides themselves.
Only Sunnis and christcucks fight amongst themselves
Thing is, Lebanon was an infinitely better country under "Christcucks" until people from your shit religion ruined it just like the ruined Iraq and Syria and every Arab country. I swear even Israel is better than Islam at least they can manage a functioning country and not run it into the ground over stupid religious shit like subhumans
At least now that we're gone you won't have anyone to blame but yourselves for your shithole being a shithole, as you descended into sub-Africa levels of dysfunction while the rest of the world leaves you behind
>gets btfo by based kadaffi
It's a shame they didn't finish you so there wouldn't be حزب الشيطان today
>Lebanon was better under Christians
For Christians
Shias now live infinitely better than before.
The country is shit because the system is shit and distributes power if it was given to a Shia he will fix it
For your information the ministry of power has been with Christians for the last 30 years and it is the ministry in wish we have most debt and don't have electricity
Explain this
go back to /tr/
I found and killed the wojaks and frogs
>oh noooo I'm very peaceful
>hehe I I wish you were genocided
For your information if حزب الشيطان didn't exist the Christians of elbanon will be sold as sex slaves by Isis.
shut up arab dog
Thank you based Greek.
based greco-roman
True. It pisses me off but at least we can live comfy lives in the west while watching the people who kicked us out descend into a storm of corruption, coronavirus, civil war, beheadings, no water or electricity and feuding gang militias except this time they won't be able to blame it on a نظام مسيحي
Now, I must rest
i know it's not fair but if you have to start there you start there. It's shitty but it's out of your control but what's in your control is decisions you make for ur future
I will hire any lebs. everyone has to work
it was literally Arab Nationalists (arafat) that destroyed Lebanon.
i donated money to Lebanese army when they invaded lebanon in arsal :))
>Christians genocide us when they are strong
>we protect them when they are weak
We are literally the best sect
>I iwll hire any lebs
Proving again that Shias are the best sect with the biggest heart that fits everyone
ISIS wouldn't exist if Iran hadn't dismantled the very existence of Iraq and if that idiot Bashar had placated the Saudis even a little bit by cooling ties with Iran but he had to go full axis of resistance causing Saudis to pour lots of weapons and money to al Qaeda and other "moderate" rebels yet here we are.
I hate Hafez but he was infinitely smarter than Bashar, Bashar can't 4D chess for the life of him
fuck america, but fuck pisslamists too.
If you're for this niquab bullshit you're a brainlet who fell for Saudi judeo-amerigolem propaganda.
Shia is a plural. There's no such word as Shias. When I hear Shias I think of some Pakistani-Anglo salafists in londonistan going "You is probably Shi'a innit"
Christians. Syrians are the best Christians
>it's all fault of the Shias
For your information Isis began in 2006
>Iran dismantled IraQ
Nice cope
>if Iran hadn't dismantled the very existence of Iraq
Lmao, what? What the fuck are you on about? The Iran-Iraq war had ended years prior. The US was dragged into a war with Iraq on the behest of Israel.
My point is that you are hypocrites
You fight for women wearing what they want if it means her showing as much skin as possible but it becomes oppression ones she chooses to be modest
The highest form of hypocracy
you shouldn't take this board seriously to be honest. lole
2005 bro, when the Syrians got kicked out of Lebanon
I'm extremely autistic and mentally ill Plus emotional.
I don't hate anyone seriously tho.
Christians were just practicing their religion of killing non believers and so were Sunnis so I don't blame anyone
also, why is there a turk that's obsessed with shi3a lebs?
>mfw i realize mashriqi (geo)politics is gay and homosex
I just want to grill in impartiality for fugs sake.
I always reply to his posts telling him to apologize for the famine.
That could be it.
how do you feel that libbe is shi3a?
You think most of these women wear it by choice or because of their cultist ape husband? Imagine getting shit for showing your hair, so much abuse and niggery things going behind closed doors.
America invaded and completely overthrew Saddam in 2003. Then the "Iraqi" in exile opposition that has supported the Americans like Ahmed Chalabi convinced the Americans that the Ba'ath were like the Nazi party and every single baathist had to be fired from work even random pre school teachers or accountants or lecturers. Then they convinced them that the fart-sniffing mullahs that had spent the 80's and 90's chanting "death to America" would make best allies. Then when the mass killings between Sunnis and Shiites started, they told them they were just letting off steam. Eventually America was somehow convinced everything was fine in Iraq and they withdrew leaving an Iranian puppet completely in charge. Basically the Americans invaded and destroyed Iraq and fought Iran's war for them and handed Iraq over to Iran free of charge. Iran achieved what they had spent a million lives in the 80's trying to achieve but this time without during a shot. The only two countries which benefited from the invasion are Israel and Iran.
Most women wear it because it's like a political armband. It's basically in your face "this is my political ideology and there is nothing you can do about it"
Ask them?
Why is it impossible for you to understand that some women are modest and don't want every stranger on the street to look at their cleavage or asses.?
Is it that hard that women want to feel sherished and pure?
>inb4 brainwash
You brainwash women into being slut while we brainwash them into being modest
Serious question: do you honestly believe Iran is innocent and dindu nuffin? When you have Iraqi Shi'a in fucking NAJAF of all places burning the Iranian consulate you know something is wrong
It feels weird
Most lebs on the internet seem to be shi3a.
I don't know why
اريد اموت
>I'm just modest habibti
>wear 6 million kg of make up and a pair of jeans that has her butt leaking out like mount vesuvius
Here maybe, not in KSA and other salafist shitholes.
There's a difference between being modest and forced to wear a trashbag over your head when you're outside. Just because some femen flash her tits in the street doesn't mean all women do it retard. At least they have a choice.
I don't.
I think that 90% of all the news about Iran is prophanada
Also burning the Iran consulate isn't special
Shirazis and non-religious Shias don't like Iran
What does that have to do with it?
If she does this then she isn't modest but most of them don't do this
You are getting redicoulous
>being forced
I don't agree to forcing women to dress it (and very few places do)
But at the same time sexualising women like the west is doing isn't acceptable
Most women out of Saudi Arabia wear it by choice
كسمك كلكم
اقذر منطقة بالعالم هي الشرق الأوسط لو ما إسرائيل كان أمريكا ضربتها صاروخ نووي
اقذر بشر هم الشيعة وبعدهم المسيحيين وبعدهم الإسلاميين
بسببكم ضاعت فرصتي بالنيج بسن المراهقة
>inb4 هههه سني حاقد هههه
كسم لبنان بالمناسبة