so fucking lonely
grow up
Got me janitor acceptance letter in the post lads
Genuinely suffering in the cold snap that has plunked itself down on top of Sydney. 15 fuckin degreeeeeeeeeeeees
i alredy am
Sure they're hiring more jannies because I got the previous Yas Forums one fired by complaining to his superiors.
used monero for the first time earlier today.
im likin it
15 degrees is warm you nutter
got called an ugly little gremlin in picard
Heatwave at 15 degrees lads
ah yes another perfect opportunity for janberg to swoop in at 100 posts and take the piss
well done everyone
they've autosaged
went to restaurant and no one else was there
Is there any coronavirus madness in paris or can i still go
got a gay friend who blatantly hits on me and tells me i could get any girl i want
he doesn't know how demanding girls are though
where did my post go
phone is at 100% battery for the first time in over a month
new series of undateables kino tomorrow
my mum’s the same
am i autistic if i dont understand schrodinger's cat?
theres nothing difficult to understand about it
it’s just too useful to leave charging for hours
Fuck's sake Barry, what are you doing in Australia? Get back to the UK and answer my bloody emails you nonce
the world's gonna be empty soon. you'll be alone. poo poo pee pee
On the way to Gatwick. 1.6k corona cases in Spain now, rip me
my charger ports fucked i ve had this piece of junk for over 4 years
Perfect, another good job well done.
Taking the poo
just seems nonsensical. the cat is either dead or alive. we dont know until we look. how does it become dead and alive at the same time and then some crazy quantum physics gets involved. why? its either dead or alive but we dont know for sure until we look.
Tried to convince boomer parents to stock up on supplies.
They basically bought 2 weeks worth of groceries instead of 1 and called it good. Then got pissed at me for suggesting that it wasn't enough.
i LOVE to travel!
you can come mate
wow a whole 0.00003% of the population?
have sex
>steals your gf
The Harvard epidemiology professor Marc Lipsitch predicts that within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19
Anyone else unable to go online on cod?
Make a new one, it's on page 8 after all
>it's alright if coronavirus only kills a small number of people
the utilitarian cope
toilmate has just mate this so called "cuppa"
don’t care
sounds good to me. more men for me to fuck. yay
is this the 22yo virg? I’m not surprised
>40 to 70
could he be a bit more precise
>everyone listen to me my opinions are important
>*is deliberately vague*
i despise academics
looks like dishwater
I’m practically GUARANTEED TO GET IT
it's actually an aussie who posted it a few days ago
*picture of Drake gesturing disapprovingly*
*picture of Drake smiling and pointing in approval*
£14 winnings all gone de lads
its a bad analogy but good imagery initially developed to discredit quantum mechanics look for another and work backwards. It also dosnt make sense because quantum dosnt really play by the rules
0 - 100% of people on earth will die of corona lads
its over
only girl who has ever touched my willy was black
had a gay mate like this, ended up shagging him after i broke up with my ex. not bent tho
probably just a different type of tea.
Bad day of betting all told then.
Very articulate my short, brown, friend
oh no
well what does your hair look like?
do you guys kicked more chinks in your streets for bringing convid-19?
b-but some mong on /brit/ said it was just a cold
willy didn't actually go inside her
she was fat as well wasn’t she
this post is sponsored by audible
are you watching through my webbie? hen-tai
If only your retarded gook race didn't eat bats...
Yeah she was actually and quite ugly which is why i couldn't get hard
was it your nurse maid?
Yeah I remember your story
Good on you for giving a go mate
It is.
ImmuneSystemlets seething
going to start putting my pronouns in my work emails
much better
Keeping the old thread open just incase
the vast majority of people who get the coronavirus wont even notice, it can be basically symptomless
this is one huge nothingburger
Gonnae get changed into me jimjams
>The average adult gets two to three colds a year, while the average child may get six to eight
sounds about right desu
bit early for that
been raining all day
would be quite comfy if i didn’t have this long, boring, mind numbing task to do
anyone else here like listening to proper good choons?
Got coronavirus five times now. Don't believe the whole gay and effeminate hysteria surrounding it one bit.