>be american firefighter
>get shot
why are they like this?
Be american firefighter
It's their culture, man
All cops are scum desu
>mfw an amerigordo cop had an IQ of 75, failed his physical test, never opened a book since grade 11, and earned nearly six-figure salaries to beat up people for no reason and show up to actual crime scenes only to shrug their shoulders and say "well dunno man we'll figure it out i guess", only to take 7 months to file out a preliminary report
Yes we do. There's a reason even other first responders hate police.
Burgers are fucked in the head.
Police officers are less intelligent than the average person because if you think too much then you will be less likely to take action
Also bonus video of cops refusing to listen to doctors that they cannot legally do what the police are asking them to do. The doctor that finally went and did it lost his medical license because of it.
Don't forget this gem:
How could I forget? Even other police officers hate police.
Grug no think. Grug act
>fireman is white
>cop is a goblo
really makes me think
what tests do you need to pass in order to become a cop?
IQ test. If you're above 65 you're not eligible
it's hilarious to me that conservatives don't think the military and cops won't order 66 their ass when the time comes
If you cant hadle being FIRED at, dont be a FIRE fighter, duh
I heard something around only 6 weeks training for US cops. Is this true? It would make sense
it's not difficult to understand, the purpose of cops in america isn't to maintain "law and order" or whatever fairytale stuff happens in your first world countries, it's to lock up as many minorities and random citizens as possible
and the people that go into law enforcement are 99% of the time people that got bullied in high school and want to see what it's like to have power. everyone in this country regardless of their political beliefs hates cops unless they have one in their family
all of these emts are short sighted. i know an emt, they can't think about more than one thing than a time, probably the nature of the job. but it's important that an officer have full authority over anyone and any situation because order can break at any time. an officer's badge is the only stable source of the law. these emts are good men but at the end of the day they failed to see what they were doing wrong and they got far too confrontational. if an officer wants something done, there's no more debate. shut up and follow orders
>never opened a book since grade 11
I know you're eager to hate on Americans but reading in and of itself doesn't make you a good or smart person.
But NOT reading in and of itself does make you a dumb person.
sometimes passing the test is bad
Jordan v New London (1997) determined that police departments were allowed to discriminate hiring based on intelligence.
Police departments literally won't give you a job unless you're a retard
It really doesn't.
Macaco intelligence ladies and gentlemen.
Someone who exclusively reads fiction or picture books is not intelligent, and they're still technically "reading."
Yes, that is what was said here That is not what was said here You need to work on your reading comprehension, bud.
Fucking California. #2 state making us look bad, right behind Florida.
and it will keep happening because of thin bIue Iine bumper sticker boomers and bootIickers like
Reading is a necessary but not sufficient criterion to be smart,that's what the brazilanon said.
>"I thought you were a bad guy!"
Literally sounds like satire of cops with the minds of 10 year olds.
Americans know reading is the first step towards communism
shame beat cops are one grade above wal-sharters, giving impossible/damaging instructions on the regular
When your country has such a large private prison industry it means there are tons of rich people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year by incarcerating and keeping their prisons full. they are actively searching for anyone to fill their complexes. searching out black dudes in ghettos who might have weed and coke in their pockets is the bread and butter. the police are fully indoctrinated into the mindset of "guilty until a laywer proves otherwise"
we really are beyond saving, aren't we?
The vast majority of the prison population are incarcerated in public prisons, not private. Not to mention states without private prisons incarcerate just as much people as states with private prisons. The problem with you retards who ramble about private prisons all the time is that you distract people from the true underlying causes of mass incarceration in America.
>I know you're eager to hate on Americans but reading in and of itself doesn't make you a good or smart person.
And this is why everyone laughs at you.
Weren't Chinese people massively illiterate when the Communists took over? Even in the 1980s, they had a literacy rate of only 65% and that's after decades of stability and communism. How many people do you think were reading and writing during the century of humilation?
The "Communism requires education" is a meme spread by none other than commies. Communists didn't like educated people. They dissented too much. Source: Post communist country.
It's a habit in civilized countries to offer the condemned a blindfold.
Wow... just like american history x!
>all of these emts are short sighted. i know an emt, they can't think about more than one thing than a time, probably the nature of the job. but it's important that an officer have full authority over anyone and any situation because order can break at any time.
I'm a paramedic by trade. Worked for 14 months and during university before I went somewhere else for a better paying job.
The hierarchy of authority went like this
Firefighters > Us paramedics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Police Officers
Police people are just plain fucking dumb, completely incapable of work in highly-stressful conditions, their brain just shutdown and all they're good for is following simple tasks. You just pointed a finger and said "go there" so they're off your mind and won't get hurt.
Don't forget to thank them for their service while they taser ya. What color are ya, if brown/black thank them if it's only taser and not lead. Now run along lil boi.
As a kid I always wanted to be a cop, until I discovered the cops were the bad guys.
Give this man the freedomland™ citizenship already.
how was the cop in the wrong though? the firefighter illegally parked and refused to move his truck
firefighters aren't above the law.
>dangerous driving
>breaking and entering
>criminal damage
they are literally above the law
fireighters are kinda based. near my house, (winter time) a car was parked in front of the nearest fire hydrant during a huge house fire, the firefighters broke the cars windows, pulled their hoses through the car and put the house fire out. "accidentally" filled the guys car up with water and let it freeze. BUT took no legal action against him even though he "broke the law". the police tried to put crimes on top of the cars driver for blocking the hydrant, but the fire fighters defended him and said he probably learned his lesson.
They're kill you faggots first, at least we have guns to fight back retard
>illegally parked
You know that firefighters can pretty much park where they want if it's securing a dangerous spot where firefighters are allowed to operate.
The firefighter should've bashed that pig's head in with an axe.
Imagine if there's an accident and a car fire on the road and the 45 IQ inbred policefaggot high on meth is starting to handcuff firefighters because they parked in the middle of the road.
This went on in the courts for more than 4 years.
registered gun owners will be first to be eradicated. simple as. gun owners say "its to keep us free, we can fight back!" but really, you jus signed a paper saying you need to be taken out first and foremost. i know you can shoot paper targets at a range, but you cannot take on the biggest, most technologically advanced military in the world. if they want you gone and you're in their sights, you have 5 seconds max.
every single red team exercise in history disputes this LOL
red team exercises?
Do red team exercises include helicopters and predator drones?
lmao this can't be true
>if an officer wants something done, there's no more debate. shut up and follow orders
police officer doesn't know shit about medical and other energencies, he is the one that is supposed to follow orders from firefighters and paramedics because he can obstruct their work or even get himself hurt. their job is controlling crowd from interfering unless specifically told to do something else, not giving out orders about shit they are not qualified for
wait if 27 is the max and 33 is 125iq , what's the maximum IQ a cop is allowed?
Assuming it scales linearly.
seems like 102 lmao
We are just wrapping up a 20 year one that gave much more favorable conditions to the US military against a less educated and less wealthy enemy.
The results are not encouraging for the military.