Do this happen in your country?

Do this happen in your country?

Attached: usahandsanitizer.jpg (2048x1536, 479.57K)

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just use pure spiritus bro
why are eurogays so stupid (and greedy)

or could just use regular soap

please explain the hand sanitizer meme to me for a virus that can infect you through your eye when you walk through air someone sneezed in 10 minutes ago

Price gouging? Sure, its supply and demand. Me? I got a big jug of hand sanitizer way back in February, for like $5.

Its called....dont wait til the lemming retards rush in.

Most transmission doesn't happen that way though, theoretically possible in the most ideal atmospheric conditions doesn't mean plausible.

Though once EU/USA are entirely covered by coofers it won't hurt to wear some goggles I guess. Or a giant face shield

We have this

Didn't some kike do this in Manhattan then immediately got dragged to prison by De Blasio?

I went to a pharmacy today and all vitamin d3 supplements are still there, bought enough to last me for 6 months. Good luck fellow neets, the apocalypse is upon us and our sunshine deprived bodies.

it kills germs

Bro just steal them and coof on anyone who tries to stop you

Reminder that normal soap kills the virus 100% and if you buy something more expensive you are being jewed

I literally can still get hand sanitizer at Walmart for like.. 2 dollars.. :/ something is not adding up

>implement price controls
>one smart nibba buys 95% of the stock at below market value
>sells it online for its true price
>gets rich while none of the "downtrodden poor" get any hand sanitizer
leftism is founded on the belief that everyone is as stupid as its adherents

Just have the military line the responsible people outside and have them shot.
There. No more unfair prices.
>B-but you can't determine an unfair price! What you propose would mean that the military would just execute supermarket staff at random!
Exactly. All the more reason for them to be careful not to put up a price the strolling officer would deem unfair.

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You got to wait til panic buyers rush in, then "small business owners" (who everyone forgets about in their rush to walmart/costco/dollar tree etc) can mark up to like $20 a pop.

It happens whenever there's a hurricane, some fucking gas station marks up all the bottle water to some obscene cost. Usually I think they get in trouble, at least in Florida its against the law.

My grocery store put a limit of 3 sanitizers per person so they dont run out.

Soap is still fully stocked though so lol

Definitely legit store printed price tags and not a planted at all by the photographer for the upvotes.

Auschinks circumvented such limits by paying homeless people to buy toilet paper on their behalf. Bureaucracy is no match for innate human mercantilism.

>sinks are clearly everywhere outside you walk

>nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo but the free market

you guys are so last year. it did happened to us last year kek

Good thing i bought this a few weeks ago

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Nah look at the background (the buckets and arm and hammer). Its probably a "small business" they are always getting in trouble doing this stuff during hurricanes etc. They see people doing a run on the big stores so they mark up their prices in their store as they are the last ones to run out

>we need price controls now
God i fucking hate commies.

I really don't see a problem with this.

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Imagine being such a brainlet that you don't understand why this is good. The alternative is that some fuck buys it all up and sells it on the black market.

>tfw not evil enough to do this
How do Americans do it? Is it merely hatred for their fellow men? Or greed?

then we ban the black what?
gonna make a hand sanitize cartel??

I wash my hands with water and detergent for the dishes

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why didn't you just post the reddit link, faggot?

Every retard in a 10 mile radius wants to buy sanitizer and the walmart etc are all sold out.
You have 24 bottles of sanitizer. Do you sell them all at $2 a pop to the first retard who runs in your store, or do you sell them for $40 each to the 24 biggest retards in the 10 mile radius?

Option 2 means more people get sanitizer, and you get more money. Better all around. However you might get in trouble with the govt. Its a doggy dog world

It's not evil in the least. There is a limited supply and price keeps people from hoarding and wasting goods. Price should be a natural reflection of the value of the good. In times like these, the value of a bottle of hand sanitize is obviously greater than in other times.

Normal countries sentence and fine retarded price gougers, while Amerilards try to justify it. It's a 1 million yen fine in Japan, and a possible 1 year sentence to price gouge necessities during disasters.

Just limit the number you can buy lol. Durrrr gotta mark it up 200% to limit people from hoarding.

Stores shouldnt be allowed price gouge like that though. Something should be in place to stop such grievous abuses

>Normal countries sentence and fine retarded price gougers, while Amerilards try to justify it.
And USA doesn't?

>The Florida AG's office said it compares the price charged during the state of emergency to the average price for the 30 previous days. If there's a "gross disparity" between the two prices, the state considers that gouging. Businesses engaging in price gouging can face a fine of $1,000 per violation.

You can see the state by state here:

Gougers can and will be penalized according to local laws. But he asked WHY it happens. It happens because retards pay for it. Unlike water and stuff like that, this is sanitizer. You can just use soap. You'd need to be really really retarded to buy it. But yet I guarantee there will be 24 retards retarded enough to pay. Is that wrong to take advantage?


Nice brain Vladimir Vladimirovitch Vladimirovirchski

That's impractical and it works poorly; price always works. You still haven't understood the main point though: it's about accurately reflecting the value of the good, which will alter behaviors. When supply goes down and demand goes up, the current fair price will reflect this. There just isn't enough to go around for it to be cheap. It's very valuable at this point and people should treat it as such. They will do so if they have to fork up more for it. They won't have the option to be wasteful with resources when they're expensive.

t. have never visited an economics class in his life

I have studied economics.

Very good points made here.

First off fuck the commie scum. Second people don't need masks and the cornavirus is only dangerous to people that are already seriously ill. Third, people can sell their products for whatever price they fucking like. Nobody is ''forcing'' you to buy them and you can get them cheaper in other places. The reality is nobody is going to buy them at that price so people selling them cheaper will sell more.

The people have only themselves to blame. Gone into panic mode because of stupidity and the media. If people didn't freak out and bought only what they needed then there would be enough for everyone. But instead ''THEY'' are the greedy ones who want to hoard everything for their own personal interests. Yet, they'll criticise people trying to make profit off their own stupidy and greed. SJW always create a manufactured and exaggerated ''crisis'' to virtue signal and play the moral high ground while ''forcing'' their will onto people (price control). All you have to do is look at this handicap ejit here.

Congrats on taking first-year microeconomics, but standard consumer behaviours don't apply during times of desperation, which is why all governments appropriately punish price gouging of necessities during disasters. Otherwise, it simply goes to hoarders with great wealth, which isn't a reflection of their fair value nor a proper allocation based on distributional equity.

Granted this is just santizer, which I don't really care about applying a fixed price.

in a synagogue?


Good. High prices prevent hoarding.

If it's expensive, people will ration their own use.

This is not a case of market failure, and these aren't even times of desperation; these are times of hightened concern and worry (which is a good thing desu). This is a case of the market doing what it's supposed to.

>Otherwise, it simply goes to hoarders with great wealth, which isn't a reflection of their fair value nor a proper allocation based on distributional equity.
See What happens when prices don't reflect the value of the good, is that people buy it up and resell it at market value. Why wouldn't they? Price controls are pretty toothless, and so are limits on purchases. It just doesn't work, because people have strong incentives to circumvent them.

Also "distributional equity" is a silly concept anyway. People don't have a right to have hand sanitizer; they don't own any such equity. They only have the right to buy it if it's on offer and they think they need it. It's up to each and every one to determine what it's worth to them and make decisions based on that. I just bought some today, for about $20 per liter (it was the cheapest I could find). I would not have bought any if it was twice as expensive; I'd just have been content with using soap and water, because it's not worth that much to me.

I agree that we should gas the kikes desu. That doesn't mean we should throw knowledge out the window though.

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Mean to quote

lamo I got a 10 pack at home depot for $20

>standard consumer behaviours don't apply during times of desperation
Yes they do. Priorities change but the way people act on priorities is constant.

>it simply goes to hoarders with great wealth
People don't amass great wealth from hoarding lots of perishables like food and other goods that they could never use up themselves. They sell stuff with mark-ups. If I bought enough hand-sanitizer for 30 peoples and was allowed to profit from re-selling it, the excess would go back to the market soon enough because it would be in both my interest as a profiteer and the consumers' interest. Price caps limit the circulation of goods by eliminating secondary, tertiary and other next-order markets.

>Do this happen in your country?
*Does this happen...
Do is for plural, for example "Do these things happen in your country?"

Your English has improved 0.1% percent. You're welcome.

What disaster? The government passing price controls still doesn't stop stupid people overspending and hoarding on shit.
Even supermarkets had stop people from buying to much for one individual. But apparently to people like yourself the ones who see an opportunity are to blame? The same pandemic psychology can be seen anyhere in the economy. If people were knowledgeable then we wouldn't see these things happening.

And if it were water or some actual necessity instead of idiots stocking up on toilet paper?

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>Touch surface that has virus on it
>Touch face with hand that touched surface that had virus on it
Don't touch your face if you haven't washed your hands.

It's a game of probabilities mate.

Kill yourself dirty kike.

I don't see the point of what you posted, exactly. Maybe you could summarize the pertinent bits? (I'll probably read the chapter you posted at some point, but for expedience it would be great if you could do that.)

But let's say that society reaches a point where access to clean water becomes a problem for the masses. In such a situation, there will be massive loss of life no matter what you do. Who then, is to say who should live and who should die? Should the state be the one to have that say, or should it be up to each and every one to provide for themselves and their families as best they can? In fact, your state does reserve the right to end your life should it deem it necessary, so you might argue that it's only appropriate that they get to decide who should live as well. I don't think it is, but that's another relevant dimension of the problem that you probably weren't expecting to discuss.

Butthurt leaf. Typical.

>Third, people can sell their products for whatever price they fucking like.

No, they can't you dumb fucktard. This is pure crissis profiterring, and during WW1 people who were doing that were literally lynched on the streets.

Price control WILL happen eventually, and there is nothing you can do to stop it, you fucking cretin. Goverment WILL step in. Your whole precious (((system))) is allready collapsing, as stocks are going down worldwide. We'll see how much of a smug-fuck you are mr ''muh capitalusm'' when global supply chain breaks down and you will be literally forced to eat your own shit not to starve to death. I hope you will experrience your little ''Potato famine 2 electric boggalo'' firsthand. Retard.

Attached: capitalist vs (((capitalist))).jpg (1127x842, 133.28K)

Price controls don't work though, as multiple people have explained. The only thing that works is price.