Which country is the "main villain" in your nation's history?

Which country is the "main villain" in your nation's history?

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the dark side of our own

I don't necessarily dislike Russia
But after the Great Britain arc and the Germany arc settled, we had a brief Russia arc
and it has been hinted at for a long time that they will become a recurring enemy and perhaps even the main antagonist


Denmark or Russia

England. The Team Rocket of French history.


They are evil incarnate, the spawn of satan, a wicked race of cruel beastmen who delight themselves with the sufferings of others, they know no shame, compassion or pride for their entire existence resolves around their thirst for blood and pain, the border to Belgium is a gaping scar in the veil of reality toward a dimension of horror and hatred

the plot really came together when they were introduced as an antihero during the WW2 storyline and eventually turned evil

My country has a schizophrenia and a multiple personality disorder.
So I don't know.



Human race


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Is that why you bought all these submarines, then?
to thwart Finnish naval expansion plans in the south Pacific?

Villains: Spain, France
Good guys: Anglos

Villain: Sweden
Bro: Denmark

G*rmany and rus*ia

no two countries have fought against each other more than ours

T*rkey and J*pan

Denmark. We managed to escape eventually and become CHADS, but we're just friends now.

Poland. Pay reparations.

escape into our arms

Upper class citizen (上級国民)

Sweden, until it became Germany
Fuck Germany

Gallipoli was just a regular battle in a war, can't see why the Turks should be the villain. Japan is reasonable though


Turkey. Galipoli never 4get.



The fucker that started it all


spain and moortugal

A nations greatest enemy is truely itself

should be USA because they literally control your politics

dying on beaches because some anglo boomer on the other side of the world asked you to

based, fuck moortugal

Australia ;)



Obviously the UK




wat no we r friendos!

Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Anglos, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, ...
Pretty much all of E*rope



Tabgaç (China)

Prussia. I guess we won.

We are.

everyone but poles and finns


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Ottoman Empire, which ironically was our ally during our last war when both our empires went down

Oliver Cromwell probably.

denmark and russia

Japs (formerly)

>pre 19th-century
>post 19th-century
Anglos via Sweden

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North Korea. And it's still on-going. I wonder how it will end


Russia was never a villain.

I believe its China for most small SEA nations. But mostly PH's real enemy is itself.

Long time ago: Rome
Modern times: United Cuckdom
It is satisfying watching England turn into a shell of what it once was. Hopefully Scotland and Northern Ireland declare independence soon.

You literally had nazi engineers to build tech in USA. You had japanese war criminals to build tech too. Dont ever tell me, who is an antogonist, you stupid amerishart.

what has Britain even done to Iran post-Revolution? or do you mean the coup from the 1950s?

>De espanha nem bom vento nem bom casamento

Sweden, but it's cool now. In the future it will probably be zoomers from mars.

>No,you can't just use scientists to benefit mankind and gain an advantage over another superpower!You're supposed to squander great minds and be stuck in the 1940s technologically.

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