Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg.png (1200x600, 11.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Republika Sprska and Brcko District to Serbia
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia

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kinda prefer their old flag desu

Attached: Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992–1998).png (800x400, 18.04K)

we should all be killed

NOOOOOOO don't let me ever catch you saying that again! no no no!

why everyone hates us

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i do :)

yea, like i said everyone....

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isn't me.

I like you.

why? we have nothing to offer

Attached: koljachi.png (1118x884, 764.92K)

Just by existing you have something to offer, please don't feel that you don't. I don't know whether you're Bosniak or Croat or Serb, but no matter which it is you shouldn't feel worthless!

thanks user :)

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don't listen to he's trying to fool you. take it from a fellow aussie, he just wants to make you feel good so he can shoot you back down again. don't listen to him.

o-ok thanks, haha int is the one place where im not constantly on edge around people, thanks for reminding me i should be

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honorary french

see? he's pissed off now because i pointed out what he was about to do, just lending you a helping hand discount serbia

thanks mate

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Imagine being a white muslim

Bosnia is based
Croats are half-based, half-autistic
Serbs are full blown autists
Simple as

This person is being cringe, here I've added a tripcode.

Are you the person from Mostar I was speaking to in a previous thread?


Attached: Screenshot_20200310-172558_DuckDuckGo.jpg (1440x3040, 694.19K)

woops, now it's working.

Imagine using a tripcode because there's one too many of your own flag in a thread

Wow, you showed a screen cap of my post in which it highlights your posts, which I called cringe. What are you trying to prove?

your names duvan? lol that means tobaco in our language also checked
and also checked these>mostar
im from ljubuski a small town close to mostar

It was some loser being unfunny while I was trying to speak to Bosnian.

no my name is not duvan, I was going to use it as tripcode word.


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>stars are cut off
>random blue space to the right

ah, that would be quite the coincidence then, regarding the name, i go to college in mostar tho, well everyone does since the only college is there

the stars are meant to go on forever and they represent europe, people here joke that its like that because we will never get in to the eu lmao
the flag is horrible but it never went to parliment and was imposed by nato on us, every ethnic group (serbs, croats, bosniaks) have their own flag

I'm from mostar

000oo00000 rode, moji su porjeklom iz ljubuskog

I wish i was in Sarajevo

Attached: Trebevićka_žičara_2018_07.jpg (3800x2533, 1.92M)


Attached: 1583438340878.jpg (1080x607, 88.18K)

Why isn't the yellow triangle touching the right side
it's like you offcentered your flag, it's bothering me

you got autism user

It's okay, I forgive you I just wasn't in the mood for any fellow Aussie tomfoolery.

Well yes the reason I chose Duvan was in reference to to Duvan čvarci, which happens to be my tripcode so I will drop it now.


i agree ljubuski is very cute!

forgot the song
>duvan cvarci
are you diaspora?

it is!

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>are you diaspora?

Nope, just learnt about cvarci through reading.

Really pretty song btw.

I hop over the border to get cheap booze there. Pretty based ngl

In Herzegovina or republika srpska?

Herzegovina, it's a short way away. We buy meat and booze there and then grill it back home.


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thnx have another



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Not him but drop the first part and il marry you



>BIHians wanting to join the EU since forever, it's the only thing that keeps them going in that enforced artificial multiethnic hell
>finally you're at the doorstep, even Macaron agrees to let you join
>the EU collapses
Now wouldn't that be funny?

That's another joke we tell kek

I gotta say, it's respectable that you have such a sense of humor about all of this
good for you
also is there anything to call your country that most people are okay with that isn't so fucking long?



Herzegovinians :3


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quick get the ćevapi