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How to take italian corona refugees?
Hi frens.
Hello and bump
Cute nurse.
what's this bowel thing i keep reading she has
Summer is around the corner
Australian poster or you did it on purpose?
she has no anus so she has a bag and tube attached so her shit automatically funnels into a bag (and smells horrid)
She has Crohn's, which means she does have an anus but she doesnt use it. Which is good, because it means you can fuck her in the ass without having to worry about getting your dick dirty.
We're all gonna die
Is she getting groped? Meds really can't help themselves can they.
What's going on in Spain? Your numbers are skyrocketing
Keep your women away or I'll grope them.
Dumb government said nothing was going to happen. They were obviously wrong and are taking precautions too late.
body's immune system mistakes parts of the bowel for the signature of something it should attack, attacks it. Hopefully she's not going through a severe episode otherwise she'd need immunosuppresant medication that could potentially make a coronavirus infection fatal
This is completely normal behaviour our women are not stuck up bitches but make sure it is not uninvited or you will have the whole town to contend with.
>This is completely normal behaviour
Ok nonce.
its about violation of their bodily autonomy, personhood. If a man is dumb enough to try this without explicit trust he deserves whatever they dish out on him
big bob girl hi
Hi gril
New case.
Sounds like us a couple of weeks ago
Wtf bros I thought you would have been smart enough to shut down the one airport you have.
In case there was any doubt we're the same
France is a week behind Italy. Whatever happens now in Italy is coming in 7 days.
Problem is, we have elections this sunday, in which the government party should get utterly BTFO. They're already planning to cheat, and with the mfing virus few people will even dare protest.
We only halted travelling to and from Italy after Italy went on lock down.
t-that's literally today
Oh come on
My flight and airbnb are already booked I dont need this
schools and unis all closed for 2 weeks
the fuck am I supposed to do now, I will rot away for 2 weeks doing nothing
Νορμιες ουτ
Don’t remind me. Fuck summer and fuck sunshine.
They don't look in shape
Hello frens
Be welcome in this place, friend.
It's only going to get worse
Who's that bitch?
based catposter
>168 new deaths in Italy today
It's sad for their relatives but it's a good thing in the long run.
Too bad Corona-Chan also wreck the economy and cost a lot.
Worst med threat in a long time
Bump before i go watch band of brothers.
>band of brothers.
>tfw watching this as a kid
post more with boobs
It's not Med it's Ded
more with boobs
more with boobs
>this is what Meds see every time they go outside
Just take me behind the shed and give me the old yeller treatment