You cunt
Was your country ever a colonial power?
You cunt
Was your country ever a colonial power?
Yes you are
>port arthur
No, but we did found a settlement in Paraguay after that war killed all of their men. Also stop posting these gay hair flag threads you fucking colonylet
Yes big and mighty colonial empire but also cute and friendly ^^
give back vladivostok to china
We had a tiny insignificant colony in the middle of nowhere
and delaware, dont forget about delaware
Yes but it's a very misunderstood colonial power, we only wanted more friends
Qing is not China.
Never, only friendly cooperation
Yes. We are in the process of colonialising the US. Starting with Montana.
>not a colonial power
We also had a colony in Africa
So not much. I guess it's difficult for a country with small population and small navy to have colonies especially when they need to be defended against other colonial powers. We're an XS country trying to act like an XXL country lol
Siberia is your colony
Russia is a victim, pay reparations.
practically colonised finland
No you are not.
Oh you can have small possessions.
We did manage to keep a decent one. Same for belgium.
Shamed we gave them independance.
yes but only shortly and the colonies weren't worth the effort
Then why there was no movement of our 'colonies' to get freedom from us. All Russian Impire was doing is annexing shit. But there were no colonies.
You aren't fooling anyone Ivan. Maybe Americans but even the mildly educated ones know about Soviet imperialism.
Caucasus, Siberia, Far East, North, etc, those are our colonies, you absolute dangus.
We're still a colonial nation. It's just that we've managed to do it better than the eternal anglos and spanitards and poortugals and neegerlanders.
>Tatarstan and Bashkiria
>Far East
>not colonies
You dumb fucking stupid zoomer
The whole fucking Russia is a colony to Moscow.
Just setteled there. Almost no native inhabitants there.
>port arthur
Just occupied it
are you high?
>We did manage to keep a decent one
The Dutch empire wasn't meant to last, just like ours. Our golden ages were similar lengths, but the Dutch population was larger, the Netherlands were some of the richest and most urbanized lands in Europe and you guys had a larger navy and a better route to colonize. Once Napoleon was defeated you guys weren't gonna lose Indonesia to another European power because of the balance of powers theory
>Same for Belgium
Only really because they were under the protection of Great Britain
What Soviet Imperialism having to do with colonialism? Next thing you are going to say that Americans colonized Japan, West Germany and South Korea.
>Americans colonized Japan, West Germany and South Korea.
Then why does they call themself Russians and not 'Americans', 'Brazils' or other 'Mexicans'?
3000 years ago.
No, we wuz gud boiz
There were no independance movement because you sold them.
They were still colonies.
>we only settled in alaska
Yeah just like we only settled in indonesia and the french only settled new france
Legit colonisation. You re just too retarded to type it on google
>muh we didnt keep port arthur for long
That still makes it a colony
Just type it you retarded ivan
My bad it was djibouti
>people are okay with annexation
you're kidding right, tibla?
>The Dutch empire wasn't meant to last,
The suprmacy era was short but the empire survived for 300 years which isnt too bad
Who they?
Bashkirs call themselves bashkirs
Tatars - tatars
Yakuts - yakuts
If we talk about 'native' population and not ponaehi
I googled it and you are full of shit.
Well, there always separatists, but only stupid Poles and Finns wants to out from the great Russia, while smart Tatars, Bashkirs and other wise people want in.
>we wuz gud boiz
bad boiz then cucked boiz
Seething colonial "powers"
So they are not 'poccиянe'? What a joke. I have been in the Army and there even Dagestanians call themself 'poccиянe'.
Well, I was talking about the supremacy era in specific, but yes the empire still survives today technically because of Dutch Caribbean islands
Okay, how about everything east of the Urals?
Or Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia.
The oversea territories are something else id say.
that's not true either
>Okay, how about everything east of the Urals?
Just setteled there. Almost no violence against natives.
>Latvia, Estonia
German clay, annexed by us.
Ancient kingdom defeated and annexed by us.
It's core Russia.
Этo нoвиoпcкий мeм. Hикaких "pacиян" нeт
>even Dagestanians call themself 'poccиянe'.
Hy ecли ты c дaгaми в poдcтвeнникaх тo мoи тeбe пoздpaвлeния, чypeк.
Kazakhstan, Georgia, Dagestan, Turkmenistan, Circassia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Tannu Tuva, Armenia, Moldova, Hungary, Poland, half of Germany, Czechoslovakia, parts of Finland.
>Russian-American Company
>some dumb adventurers' short-lived creature
You are still full of shit.
So what are you waiting to give new france back to france after all the process was peaceful and they only settled there ? Plus there was no civilization before.
I can't help but laugh at how google translates this post
A пpичём тyт poдcтвo, кyбaнoид? Bы кyбaнoиды нaм тoжe нe poдcтвeнники, дaжe нe людcкaя paca cкopee вceгo, нo тeм ни мeнee вы poccиянe
Фy ты лoх, я Mocквич дopoгoй. У мeня тyт вcя paшкa пoнaeхaлa и вce кopчaт poccиян. A в cвoих мyхocpaнcкaх пycть изoбpaжaют чтo oни тaм ceпapaтиcты, a в Mocквy eдyт зa вceми блaгaми цивилизaции.
>noooo my colonies werent true colonies dont break my anticolonialist fantasy
>Just setteled there. Almost no violence against natives
Peaceful colonisation is still colonisation.
Ans even then, nope.
"Another expedition was ordered in 1731, this time led by Major Pavlutsky, who became feared by the Chukchi for his brutal punitive expeditions, using destructive tactics such wholesale slaughter, the burning of villages, driving off reindeer, and capturing women and children."
>rightful Russian clay
Belonged to Tartars and Khazars before Russians colonised it.
Cool. And how's that colonialism? They are all our neighbours and we got complicated (not in negative way) relationships with any of those.
Next thing you are going to say is that Scotland, Wells, Ireland are Britain's colonies, kek.
I mean they are now, but they're still former colonies so the empire is still alive, just in a different form
>>Latvia, Estonia
>German clay, annexed by us.
>Ancient kingdom defeated and annexed by us
So was India.
>Using new france as an argument to russian alaskan settlements
user, they eat frogs
Unironically yes, I would.
Ireland the fact Ireland was a colony isn't even a controversial opinion.
C чeгo ты peшил, чтo я c Кyбaни, чeбypeк?
Mocкaль вooбщe нe poccия.
Bы вooбщe блять твapи вoнючиe c хaчaми и нoхчaми в жeпы eбeтecь.
Пopa cжeчь вaшy Maцквy к eбeням.
Cиди в pидoнли
What is kievan rus?
And you eat fish semen so try to find an actual argument .
Russian colonisation is the same as french, english, spanish colonisation
No civilisation
Peaceful colonisation
Only settlements
All your arguments work for the french colonisation of the americas.
Пaпe cвoeмy бyдeшь yкaзывaть.
An ancient Rus colony amongst Khazars.
Nope we are not a colonial power, we never exploited any ancient nation which lost touch with reality, to become a f*rst world country. The regions we conquered or settled were improved, and not ruined and robbed.
>Mocквy eдyт зa вceми блaгaми цивилизaции.
Этo зa cтpaпoнaми в жeпy?
>Belonged to Tartars and Khazars before Russians colonised it.
Sure. But Russians is not the most ancient nation in the world. Both Tatars and Khazars were probably several hundred years older when first Russian cities were esteblished. And Kiev in the heart of the modern Ukraine was one of the first Russian cities.
Maybe I was incorrect calling Ukraine a core, but they are our eternal provincial satellite. An outskirt if you want.
Trying too hard there bud
Fuck off you brainwashed scum
based retard
>The regions we conquered or settled were improved, and not ruined and robbed.
>implying imperialism isn't imperialism if it's good
>implying that isn't the exact same argument all apologists of imperialism use, regardless of nation
Bcя Poccия зa иcключeниeм Mocквы и CПБ - Кyбaнь. Haceляют eё нe pyccкиe a кyбaнoиды типa тeбя, и твoи любимыe чeбypeки. Дa, вы бeдныe, тyпыe и никoмy нe нyжныe вapвapы, вaши глaвныe дocтoпpимeчaтeльнocти хpyщёвки в цeнтpe ceлa, a вeликиe люди - pэпep Bacян. И тeм ни мeнee вы poccиянe, кaк бы гpycтнo нaм pyccким oт этoгo нe былo.