They have no creativity or original thinking.
That's why they have no high -tech start-ups.
Israel's high - tech industry is much bigger than theirs.
The only thing they have is 100 years old car companies.
That's it.
No high-tech, nothings.
They are no match for Jewish intelligence.
Why do these autistic robots think they are better than everyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
We were very creative about 80years ago
Because they literally are. They make tons of shit, what do you make? porn, and marvel movies.
nah nazis just copied everything from russians and romans
jelous "gods chosen", chosen for what? to be special snowflake arabs?
Your entire meme economy is based on car companies.
You don't have creative high tech companies like Israel.
You are no match for our intelligence.
Hey, jew. Don't talk shit about my german brothers, or else
>Your entire meme economy is based on car companies.
Is that really a bad thing tho..?
> german brothers.
They only wanted to genocide you.
Them and Nordics are superior to any other population on this planet, objectively. Then come the rest of Europeans, East-Asians. The rest can barely be considered human
Shahar you're a fucking retard stoo embarassing us
>Your entire meme economy is based on car companies.
We have the biggest software company outside of america tho.
>They only wanted to genocide you.
My answer? Forgiveness. No hate among brothers
You have nothing but car companies mr. hans shubezauchershnauzer from frankfurt.
Because you are a bunch of 60 million evil, autistic robots, with no creativity.
why do critics and analysts push only high tech shit. i cant trust those "innovative” country/company rankings anymore cause its heavily biased toward globalism defined by globalists. its becoming old and oversaturated.
german pop culture is dying but they still make good traditional and analog shit, and the demand has gradually increased like analog synthesizers. i see a paradigm sift coming. digital isnt all.
he'll never stop until he'll finally off himself
Go on Mishael, tell us what your economy is based off of
Hint: the answer's got the very important letters. First is a U.
>why do critics and analysts push only high tech shit. i cant trust those "innovative” country/company rankings anymore cause its heavily biased toward globalism defined by globalists. its becoming old and oversaturated.
It's based on our superior Jeiwsh intelligence and creativity pablo you smelly arab.
I'm gonna fuck you in the ass and squeeze your mantits like a pig when I see you Shahar
Or until we find him and beat the shit out of him.
Let's see you do that hans.
This time shitler won't be able to protect you.
your country literally exists because of them brainlet
>It's based on our superior Jeiwsh intelligence and creativity
I'm gonna astral project Hitler in front of you when I have you pinned down. Than we will gangbang you and shave your monobrow
>Your entire meme economy is based on car companies.
Thats not even true schlomo. Cars are a smaller part of our economy than they are of japans. Our economy is one of the worlds most complex. We build the machines that build all the other shitty consumer goods. We are also the third largest producer of chemical and pharma products right after the us and china.
I've suggested him a few times to at least namefag his posts, but he never interacts with other israelianons unless it's for calling them smelly arabs/russians etc.
Suck my dick hans you evil, autistic german robot.
If your car companies will go down your entire meme economy will collapse.
Deep down you know that you germans are a collection of 70 million evil, sadistic, autistic robots with no creativity or original thinking.
All materialistic considerations aside, Germans and Nordics are the most revered humans while the Jews are universally known for being repellent and vicious
> what is BASF
Shlomo you fucking retard
All your creative and smart people got bought out by the USA and even now they're highly recruited becoming pseudo-americans.
I'm so sorry you had to see this.
German economy
Holy fuck talking soap
Israels economy.
Your largest export is from the primary sector. Your shithole can barely be seen as industrialized.
actually because of the british. nice try, come again.
Not really. They invested everything in perfectionism, discipline, aggressive dog-like conformism and attention to details, totally ignoring empathy, compassion, imagination, self-reflection, sense of humour and social skills. Their societies are very repressive, authoritarian and intolerant to anyone who is slightly different from the clean-cut, goose-stepping and sieg-heiling norm, akin to the East Asian ones. Normal people won't kill children in gas chambers, but Germans, Swedes, Danes, Japanese, Koreans (both North and South) certainly will.
Another shitpost on int, nothing out of the ordinary
Hitler never planned on genociding you and he would never ever do that. The lies were created by the evil Angl*s and the Jewish media.
Hitler wanted to unite Europe, unlike the English.
You have a great country and a rich history. The loss of the national-socialist Germany meant the death of the whole Europe (as you can see now. And it's only going to get worse).
>t. holodomor
>60 million evil, autistic robots,
>70 million evil, sadistic, autistic robots
>Deep down you know that you germans are a collection of 70 million evil, sadistic, autistic robots with no creativity or original thinking.
Why are you lying?-We are very creative and original.
Very interesting insight Mr. Shmuel Kaganovitch
Shave your brow shahar
because you are endowed in empathy, compassion, imagination, self-reflection, sense of humour or social skills you soulless fish eating soviet metal sculpture?
shut your mouth you russian kike rat
>defending jews
One of their main exports is actually military stuff, they're one of the largest military exports, mianly in UAV stuff, but military industry isn't included in those charts
Also OP is a known retard on this board in case you didn't know
Did you happen to live in Germany Vlad? Because having visited Russia I can say Russians themselves are similar in some ways to Germans believe it or not.
hardware and analog matter anyway. ive trashed software and digital nowadays. the japanese and the german industry are alike. not only the car industry but also the musical instrument industry for instance. producing such stuff and keeping the traditional industry isnt easy. it requires creativity craftsmanship and talented designers/engineers, but globalists never rate it. they only keep rating new digital protocols and pushing software despite everything becoming the same. its becoming shady.
sorry don't expect me to use my brain i can only post dumb memes. im sure you are saying the truth however
Sounds more like russians than germans.
Humongous cope
We also export tons of military stuff. We have for example been arming greece and turkey against each other for decades.
Because again hans,you are evil, sadistic robots who love to see war and destruction.
But we export tons of military stuff too you fucking retard, just kys already fatty
They are both nato allies :^)
kek I think Israel is now even before France in terms of military sales
Good thread