
Perry the platypus getting his cock sucked edition

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disgusting and vile edition
take a long hard look at yourself

do krauts really?

does she have a feminine penis?

in my room in bed
the only light source is the dull glow of my laptop screen

fixing this edition

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Well said mate

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do they all gangbang her when they have sex or what

Very odd

very punk rock

Please be a larp

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me but every day for the past 3 years

getting blood all over my sheets

thinking about writing a book lads
i reckon it's going to be about a black person
going to call it, "the black person"

don't think I could ever be a NEET because of the social stigma
what do their families think?

had a blue bird when i was a wee lad but dad fell asleep with it in the top pocket of his jacket and it was crushed to death as he rolled over.
caught a glimpse of it in his hands in the morning and its head was flattened and mangled

was mad

here’s a hint: if you want government arts funding and promotion, make your titular black person a member of the indigenous community

no they are going to be a proper black, an african-american


not even LARPinf, complete serious, just realized I have nothing to lose. i can hurt
Myself all I want and o am in complete clntr. I can acg howeber I want whenever I want, nothing is stopping me. Tomorrow is a new day

will get crushed mate
won’t take off

wait if i make the black person a woman as well?

what do you mean


hmmm yeah probably will get a lot of grants I concede

When I was on holiday once a kid I made friends with another kid
we played together the whole holiday
then at the end he stole my gameboy and it ruined the friendship
kinda sad remembering it

alright and i'll make it about escaping slavery and cutting off the white slave master's penis as well

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FFS I’m the only yank capable of posting news with good or even decent editions.

The is no more social stigma to anything I do, I can do anything I want and if the repercussions are too severe i can just end my life, I am in complete control of my actions and my life now, there is nothing in my wwy

>kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis
How do I get surgery to fix these?

Going out tonight lads. So I'm not laying in bed thinking about killing myself.

now post her naked

a*ians are vile creatures.

What the hell are the yanks doing

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Dang I didn’t know Italy has 60 million people wtf

Just weighed myself lads. I'm 67 kg, and you?

93kg and built like a brick shithouse

Take a look at the other populations posted.

>Every other country measured on the national level
>China broken down by province
Hello CCP shill


and im gonna be.....HIGH

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fucking spastic retard dribbling mong cunt freak twat idiot



5 tests per million people isn’t all that bad considering the number had taken the entire population of the US into account.


Are you a brainlet?


But the other countries have a higher number of raw tests as well. You can literally see that in the same image. The UK has done almost 20X more tests despite having a sugnificantly lower population

It literally says how many total people you’ve tested

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I don't have much savings but i like a buffer should i charge the bank and keep it in a wadge somewhere?

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85 but somehow i don't look much different from when i was 95

you're wasting your breath lad


yanks are literally fucking braindead
I don't understand how anyone can be this thick

>It literally says how many total people you’ve tested
The first positive test only came back a week or two ago. Do try to use some common sense.

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*me sitting at the back of the bar looking down with my face obscured by a wide brim hat*

Cuckio, huh... Now there's a meme I haven't heard in a looooong time

Please answer my question lads I don't know how I'm meant to live like this.

fuck up dumb yanks

what does that have to do with anything

>*Based on CDC and does not include accurate test counts performed at state, local, private and commercial labs

she wants a man who still wears a watch to tell the time despite having a $1000 smartphone on him at all times

this is me except my phone cost $99

watch is more convenient

>tfw no qt jap office lady gf

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ok boomer

*taps on the bar*
*a half pint of dark fruits is slid into my hands from the 'tender no questions asked*

The virgin smartphone in the pocket vs the chad glance at the wrist


The outbreak reached you sooner than us. Naturally we’ve taken less tests since the first positive tests would cause more people to be tested. That chart is misleading.

>bamboo rat-loving sodomite
I hope you're not finlad.

How do i tell the time? i don't. I'm just not a beta bitch so i just ask other people.

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You have over 500 confirmed cases and yet have done less testing than Israel, that’s insane

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should I get the gf this coat? genuinely thinking about copping it

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Stupid fucking retards. I’m not going to spoonfeed you you microcephalic, negative IQ mongoloid dipshits.

>$1000 smartphone
what kind of limp wrist cuckold are you