Rate your country's preparedness for coronavirus

My country: God-Emperor Trump tried to claim it was akin to the flu today, not taking into account the Case Fatality Rate if it actually manages to infect as many people as the flu (which it probably will, if not exceed.)

We also have to pay for treatment, which is just great for us working-class types. Trump says their will be some financial assistance, but as it stands... WE'RE FUCKED.

How is your country doing in its response to coronavirus? Surely it isn't as bad as the USA's? Rate your country's preparedness.

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We are doom tier.

In my country our tryhard north korean one party policy chinese dictator still suck the tiny dick of the commie chinksand drinks thier cum like it's the sacred blood of Jesus christ.

We only have 2k corona test kits for a population of 100mil.
After one month of questionable no reports of no infections in just 3days we have 24 infecties 3 of them are local flips with no travel history.

Election 2022 is coming soon and they need all the commie chink money kickbacks to fund thier campaign so chinks can continue to steal our EEZ in the west philippine sea.

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Your country is more communist than China retard.

Communist party is a legit part in china and is helping our shithole making politicans stay in power

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We are already infected and about to be next Italy tier

At least Commie countries did shit like closing schools. Imagine how much pressure it will take for Donald Trump to shut down schools and businesses. He will let the disease decimate the population before he does so.


We are still in denial. Should shut everything down right now. NO TOURISTS

some goatfuckers from iran spread it a bit otherwise we are too poor to travel so its literally nothing


The Marquis de Sade would be proud of the shitty response in France, at least. If he were alive today, he probably wouldn't be able to stop fapping.

Same here. Also there are reports of people still flocking together, going to bars, going to stadiums, etc.
People have the mentality of "well it may be going around but it won't get ME, haha!" and do nothing to prevent it.
While people who do give a damn and don't just go out like a retarded sheep are being ridiculed. "Don't panic man, it's just a flu"
But the single most irresponsible thing comes from our own health organization and out government. The sole precautionary measurement is: "just don't shake hands with people".
1/10 Dutch people are arrogant brainlets. Perhaps we deserve it.

Our prime minister said on national television nobody should shake hands anymore. After his talk he literally shook a guys hand and walked off stage

In additionele: this illustrates it all.
Prime minister: "so yeah people shouldn't shake hands anymore"
Couple of seconds later, also the prime minister: *shakes hands with the health departement guy*
"Oh wait haha yeah this we shouldn't do"


>After his talk he literally shook a guys hand and walked off stage

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We're always reacting to everything way too late.

Pretty much what France is doing. Chinese and Italians are the two largest tourists demographics to France. It's going to be worse for us than Italy. We deserve it though, I hate French people - just not as much as Chinese or Italians.

We are sort of treating it as what it is, a nasty new flu. The government is mostly trying to delay the spread as long as possible until the warmer weather gets here. Main advice is just to stay home for a couple of weeks if you think you've got it.

I went out yesterday to get a few weeks worth of food in case I do get this, and there was pretty much nothing different in the way people behave; coffee shops were still as crowded as ever, not a single people wearing a mask, old people were almost deliberately walking up close to people and coughing and spluttering, etc. The only different was my supermarket was low on some things like pasta, flu medicine and toilet roll.

We have plenty of preventative measures in place but what the infrastructure and resources are like in case it spreads? No idea.
We were controlling and quarantining foreigners the first week it became news but of course our own retarded countrymen managed to bring it in and spread it like the reckless, brainless animals they are.
We don't know the places or the numbers. We don't know if all the retards were caught or not. Even if they were, they managed to coof on everyone in public transport already. It's in the wild now and we'll see how big of a mess it makes.

>until the warmer weather gets here.
That's just a meme at this point, right? This is a NOVEL coronavirus. We don't know how it will react in warmer weather. It's close cousin, SARS, showed no slowing in slower weather. We have to deal with Trump saying it will magically dissapear in Spring. Hopefully, it will, but we have no idea.

Swedes naturally avoid people so we should be fine. I feel bad for the US and Iran though; this really hasn't been their decade. It really shows you what happens when you lack reliable people in charge. Too busy whipping lawyers.

Who knows. Trump may be mocked for it over there, but it is official policy here to delay it, partly because flus die down in warmer weather, but also partly to spread flu cases out and ease the burden on the NHS


There are some signs of seasonality. It doens't seem to be spreading as well in Singapore or Malaysia as has in Italy or Korea, pretty narrow temperature band for the most severe epidemics. Also encouraging that all the cases in Kuwait and Bahrain have been associated with travel. On the other hand it seems to be have community spread in the Philippines so who knows

my country: the state epidemologist coughs in his hands and runs away to somalia
he also said that the virus would have peaked and then next day apologized when it basically doubled

Even if that is true, we have the case of the Spanish Flu.

It appeared in Spring, then disappeared (went dormant) only to reappear in fall and wipe out fucking 50 million people. Even if we contain it for now, it might come back with vengeance in Fall.

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This virus better not be a fluke you guys, getting a little hyped here.

Coff, Coff, Coff
Watching grandpas drop

Something like that, I guess.

The media is creating an all-out panic. They are destroying small businesses, crushing 401(k)s, and worse yet, terrifying people.

They are rooting for recession, destruction, and death.

The mainstream media is garbage.

They are the enemy of the people.

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How can it be that bad in Germany, you only have 2 deaths so far?

We're shutting down everything starting tomorrow, so maybe there's still hope to slow this shit down. The government finally freaked out after they found our first untraceable case with community transmission (taxi driver).

I copied a tweet from a burger who worries about his stocks

we're fucked rn both by the Virus and the Zhangs

simple as

The pathetic part is Dutertard is still doing retard shit

>will be some financial assistance
In form of trillions of dollars of free money given to the largest banks, not a single cent to an actual person in need

Unironically very good

We're in deep shit thanks to SHITALIANS and INSECTOIDS

Tell Drumpf he and his boomer fag friend will die if he don't contain the spread

Oh, scrap that, that's good actually

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we started off with reasonably strong measures federally but have been lax since. individual states are co-ordinating a lot of the medical and emergency response, and they aren't going to do anything that harms the economy until its at least a week too late.

Government is treating it as a "controlled situation" but it is uncontrolled and people are panic buying.

I expect we will be like italy in 11 days

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Same, strategy is to delay widespread epidemic until the flu season is over. Atleast diagnosis will be easier then.

Someone got the vid of the Belgian guy who coof and and spit on the subway bar ?

Not yet!

*cough cough*
>where's the nearest nursing homes full of white boomers? got to get there before the November elections!

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there also a video of some fat burger woman telling people not to touch their face and then licking her fingers to turn the page on her notes

more like 7 days since we're directly following italy's trend line up until the nation wide quarantine

Canada is a little behind, last chart from today was 11.5 days, so 10 now.

I'm going to pull my office full remote in 3

You know whats funny? All it would took to stop this from happening was closing airports for tourists. You would be only allowed to take plane home (and then quarantine). Any other transit is too slow and stops all retards who love to travel to infect whole plane full of 300+ people with it.

Sure, it would decimate tourism industry in your cunt for few months. But look at whats going on with tourism in countries like italy anyway... its dead + their whole country is slowly collapsing. The truck drivers and general goods transportation would never carry the disease at such effective and large scale as tourists do.

One of first positive corona cases in czechia were two women who were in different 5 countries in one week, all thanks to airports. This is how viruses spread in such short time. But idiots refused to cripple their tourism economy a little, so now everything is going down in flames.

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She was meant to be a infection control expert as well.

better destroy the whole world economy in 2 quarters than lose some business this quarter :))))

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Tourist may be spreading the virus, but that's not why they are keeping the airports open, they are keeping them open for business travellers. Still all down to money though.

Every country still has a possibility of becoming Wuhan/Italy but
>God tier:
Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong
>Garbage tier:
The rest of the developed world
>Trash of trash:
China, Italy
Italy might be worse than China since they had so much time to prepare for it but no they didn't give a shit until it was too late.

Most of our cases came from our bus tourists who insisted on their Italian ski holidays, though.

>Italian healthcare literally on the brink of collapse
>don't worry bro, it's just the media causing Italy to deploy the army and lock down their entire country

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Nigger, the outbreak has barely begun yet.

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OK here it comes. Dutch preparedness for Corona
- it's just a flu lol
- shaming preppers
- "our healthcare is really good so a disease can't come here"
- shaming people who don't send their kids to schools where corona virus was found
- giving national press conference after Italy was locked down telling people to stop shaking hands after which the first thing the PM does is shaking a hand

you should use meme arrows then, that's what they are originally for


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aw look it's smiling :-)

>so now everything is going down in flames.
LMAO its just a flu, like eat soup and garlic and stuff you idiot.
Fuck the economy, fuck materliastniggers.

>i don't need food