*has no sense of humor in your path*
*has no sense of humor in your path*
Sounds like my kind of people
Japanese humor is great
It takes long to take in and get adjusted
t. Zainichi Korean
It's Anglo chink. They can't meme. Their try hard meme images are always cringy,
japs here are terrible ngl but i find posts by japs on 5ch funnier
Japan have best sense of humor.
Anglo chinkoid can't compete
than anons here
They can't take banters for some reason.
judging strictly by what little I saw on Japanese media they do have humor, it's just that it's either grade school toilet humor or based entirely on reactions of others.
which is peculiar because when just ad libbing a joke (like between friends) they're perfectly fine, it's the media that perpetuates some sort of horrible trash.
>which is peculiar because when just ad libbing a joke (like between friends) they're perfectly fine, it's the media that perpetuates some sort of horrible trash.
Can't you say the same thing about media in every country though? Maybe the only mainstream commentator that was actually funny here was Jon Stewart.
Why do they find rape funny? The only time they put any “humor” in their cartoons its just some old guy molesting someone
japan has the highest rape rate of asia, they love rape
Do they really?
I dont know probably
what does japanese humor look like?
Is it true that sarcasm just isn't a thing over there?
Rapes are extremely underreported in Japan so one no really knows how bad it is for sure
Not sure whether or not to reply with "based" on this one...
>However, the Japanese government’s own figures show that more than 95 percent of rapes are not reported to the police.
How can they know that 95% aren't reported to the police when no one reports them anywhere else either
It's just sensationalist journalism garbage as usual.
I don’t speak Japanese so I couldn’t tell you. It’s estimations from what I gather. Rape in general is an underreported statistic everywhere. Just seems to be worse in Japan. They also apparently don’t count the rape of men in the rape statistic
i have been laughing at japanese mangas ever since i could read
A friend or mine had an italian classmate who went to study in Japan. The woman was raped in the campus by the clerk. She was paid some money and told to shut up, expelled from the place and banned from entering Japan in her life
can you please stop posting this reddit meme over and over again for over years? ive once gone after one buttmad chink poster probably you or your ilk but he only showed me one shitty article about an osaka polices fuckup.
all of them end up running away not showing a single evidence. this shit is a pure conspiracy theory akin to the un hag attempt.
its really sad actually today western liberals easily believe such stuff and are too religious and ideological to spot a lie. thats why i cant western progressives anymore despite being liberal myself.
dont forget the fact that they have 0 critical thinking schools beacuse of their education system
0 critical thinking skills*
They are extreme black chads
Dumb bitch deserved it.
Look at how defensive you are at the thought of some aspect of your country not being up to par. Seems to be a common theme among Japanese people, if you are actually one anyway. What the fuck do you know about rape and how it affects someone? Your entire opinion is based off of something you’ve never encountered, seen, or experienced. You’ve never lived that life. I’ve known people who were raped, I know what it does to people. If you’re totally incapable of putting yourself in a victims shoes, the least you can do is avoid talking about shit you know nothing about.
Don’t doubt it user, sorry to hear that
this lmao
were you raped?
i wont talk with you anymore. you are broken. why dont you talk about ccps tyranny instead of the conspiracy theory. chink society is much more problematic for real, and its much easier to talk about it because its full of evidences. liberal-wise you should address it first.
so what if i say SHOW ME AN EVIDENCE here again.
of course you will chimp out and only keep spamming long posts without any evidence to make up for the void and just repeat the same bs like a scratched record endlessly repeating.
please speak english unironically. if you cant then you just learn it hard or go back to 5ch
>never watched Gintama
*need to
Just because I don't wanna talk with the American poster, I posted these in Japanese. Do you speak Japanese by the way?
It's funny British joke is only "criticizing" of weaks (women, racial minorities or victims) by other minorities (mainly homosexuals or racial minorities)
so why did you post it? nobody can read this except for japanese, which also use 5ch
zero critical thinking
I wanted to tell these to my fellow countrymen. That's why. It's alright for me nobody can read them except for Japanese.
you dont have any right to police here. only japanese can read your post and this thread isnt exclusive for japanese.. you dont need to post it here. i mean fuck off to general.
I'm not policing. I was just checking if you are expat or Japanese. That's all. You don't have to be hostile. I often find us Japanese are too high-context.
i can't understand what you're saying
Just go back to your 5ch shithole.
speak american motherfucker
The moment Japs lose the argument they retreat to speaking Japanese.
Did you know that 20,000 Koreans and hundreds of Chinese were killed and vaporized that day? and that was the only good aspect of 2 nukes.
There's always a silver lining, even in the worst atrocity ever in recorded history, user.
>According to recent estimates, about 20,000 Koreans were killed in Hiroshima and about 2,000 died in Nagasaki.
>It is estimated that one in seven of the Hiroshima victims was of Korean ancestry.
Wait, psuedo-human gook-roach kimchi insectoids have been making fun of 2 nukes, despite forming a large part of the bombed victims??
How can one race be this retarded. Holy kek.
pls be my gf
>2nd 3rd generation in japland
>calling them koreans
Do you claim Trump as german instead of american? Retard Jap.
To their defense, lawyer system in Japan is shit. They only take case they believe 100% they can win. If how the lawyers work is fixed, probably more people would bring case into the court. Also some retard sexual predator there actually think if the girl didn't answer, too scared to say no, or enjoy the sex even if she said no at first, its consent.
Speaking of rape, what rape doesn't count as rape in your country? In mine, raping your unwilling wife regardless of reason like she is menstruating, simply too tired, or only 5 days since she give birth, it will never count as rape. Also the police will ask rape victim "did you enjoy it" which can save the raper. Another case is if they're both student, if the school work hard enough, police intervention can be blocked. Also you can win rape case in suburban and rural place by bribing the judge.
お前なにいうてるの? 鏡持ってる? 今のお前はくそ白人の同じだよ。