This is an American congressman. Your thoughts?
This is an American congressman. Your thoughts?
I wish I was french, this country is useless
I wish I was a brave imperial chinese soldier sometimes. I usually just sate my appetite by replaying a dynasty warrior title tho.
based, youre a faggot if you dont agree with him
Holy based
Yeah, I'm sure he does, that's why he's some retarded boomer congressman and not in afghanistan shitting his pants with jimbob and cletus.
Wow really made me think. But more likely I'll just get shot by a police officer or at school
This man is a dentist. He did not serve in the military and has never seen combat. Where did this entrenched siege mentality come from? What is it with people who lead utterly pedestrian lives posturing as if they are grizzled warriors protecting themselves against hostile threats?
He's not the issue. People elected him. They're the problem. You can't stop the weirdos from being freaks, but you can prevent them from gaining office.
The YEAH KILL EM gene in amerifats is very strong in this one, send him attached to some drone and make his wish come true.
those ugly fake armors always trigger me
even suicide is above a fuckinh chink virus
Even if you've never seen combat, you can still think dying in battle is more honorable than drowning in your own mucus while shitting yourself.
He's just trying to look tough because he self-quarantined like a little bitch after learning he might have been in the same building as someone who caught the coof a week ago.
>I'd rather die in battle
Then why doesn't he? His cancerous country is currently bombing a good dozen or so other countries around the world at the moment. Nothing stopping him from going off and getting his head blown apart by friendly fire from a jarhead playing with rockets while on pcp.
because people that say shit like that don't they just get young men to die for them
>all these scared boomers around the world
It's as if 2020 had decided that we have to get rid of all the old people..
thank you ALLAH
I'm gonna miss my Grandma :(
this guy is so bad his own family hates his guts
french guy on vacation...
Retarded LARPer
America deserved 9/11
I wish I were*
Stupid Americans
He knows with the CPAC and AIPAC infections that 90% of the American political class is dead, himself and the rest of congress included. He's entering panic mode.
he's right
Far more soldiers died of disease (such as from viruses) than of battle wounds in pre-modern times.
I bet the tough guy has never been stabbed
Any time you have a large group of humans moving together (such as an army) without modern sanitation/medicine you have DISEASE.
Based subjunctive poster
Ooh I have some
I don't want my mom to die ;-;
I seem to have lost my sides
not a surprise, banzi charges were to die in battle and mass shooters would rather do something "to be remembered by" than just hanging themselves
>he doesn't want to be killed by a horde of demons in the apocalypse among a pile of corpses
chinese full lamellar even looks pretty good for cinematic purposes but they still dont use it
Great find OP! My country fucking rocks!
How do you think you die in battle? Protip it's in your own feces and blood
witty but i have to wonder what it is about white people's names that you have such a hate-boner for xingxing
Maybe if you’re a French surrender monkey
Based. I think we should bomb Iran.
People who feel weak have fantasies of power and delusions of grandeur deep inside them.
No you won't.
our MPs post all sorts of braindead idiocy on social media all the time so this is pretty mild
t. side switcher
Crazy how you have the world figured out before you're 25.
Fucking cretin.
How do you know how old he is? I think around half of all Yas Forums posters are in the 25-35 demographic.
There are dentists in the military ..
What does any of this have anything to do with him being a forklift driver?
Come here, cheeseman