
Who needs an edition when you’ve got a picture like this

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Other urls found in this thread:


terrible seppo sodomite edition

it's exclusively populated by literal schizo boomers and charlatans trying to make money off them by offering tarot card reading services and crystal ball tea leaves mumbo jumbo

posting in a shit edition of /brit/ with the boys

Hello gay cunt

Imagine that tight blonde ass taking a monster black cock

hit or miss
i bet they never miss, huh?

This is actually

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Is it still fasting if I have energy drinks?

Yeah the boys

Yes all good

Precisely. Paradise. Pure internet culture is at its heart deeply schizophrenic. That's what the late 90s and early 2000s were all about, and it's beautiful.

screen just went orange


Digits edition

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no. energy drinks have calories and sugar

yeah the briyewt

I'm not your boy, pal

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Me? I'm a proud #Simp

unfunny cunt emmett


report him for early new and off topic discussion

leaving until the bad posters go away
you know who you are

just end yourself


i'm 5'9 and i don't care

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>Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up.

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*digs in heels*


shut it gigachad

always thought this game was extremely overrated

Hello Warwick

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Korean barbeque, Ethiopian injera bread, Burmese salads and noodles, South Indian dosa, Middle Eastern desserts, Vietnamese pho... in Rorke's deluded little world all of these would be made by white people

Never eaten any of these.

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Still waiting on the Australians to make a single good post


I imagine this is what the leftymongs look like each time I post

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and BRITISH sausage rolls aha get the beers in lads oioi saveloy

you saying white people in particular are incapable of cooking?
that's racist my lad, hang your head in shame

Alright actual blind man

white people just don't have the ethnic touch I'm afraid
give an indian some rice and a few miscellaneous vegetables and he'll turn it into gold

Might crack open a coke zero

Doubt it

Might get a coffee and drink it.

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pouring expensive wine into a florida gators mug because i need to get drunk and don't have any more shame

Don’t doubt it

minus the gun

It's a certainty

Might make a post while pooping


someone uploaded the entirety of acid bath's first album on soundcloud, prob won't be up for long because rotten records are cunts, listen to the best louisiana sludge ever made while you can


regularly fantasise about doing something significant
something people would recognise as great
but outside of my head i'm just like everyone else

examples of logical fallacies in this thread:
ad hominem
strawman argument
slippery slope
tu quoque
no true scotsman
personal incredulity

why is every single yank post so horrendously dogshit
I don't know how they manage it so consistently

COPS is just pure kino. I doubt a lot of left wingers watch COPS. It really does not portray black people in a positive light.

examples of mondo fags in this thread: (you)

willy poo bum


>purposely go to black neighbourhoods and arrest black people
>wow black people are so violent :O

>purposefully arrest black people
would you rather they were never arrested for their crimes?

black hands

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Alri Dennis.

Fuck sake I'm an absolute fucking FREAK

The time has come for me to tie my shoelaces and walk out the door. Goodbye /brit/, I am going to get a coffee and fresh air.

fucking hell wine makes you feel like shit when you're drunk, why is that, liquor feels so much better

this is awful

Have fun

always felt quite warm and mellow when i got drunk off wine
might have been because i was doing it alone in my flat
white or red? always more of a red man myself

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this album is also tremendous, shame they only released two

things that need to end in 2020:
animal abuse
child abuse
white supremacy
eating meat
domestic violence
nuclear families
video games

>1-2 officers get a call or pull someone over
>guy either is sketchy or completely noided
>1/10 chance he does or says something stupid
>guy gets arrested
>commercial break
Yeah, pure kino. lmfao.

My mate got banned on Yas Forums for spamming and flooding, utter retard. He says he can't post for 3 days. Don't know why he did it.

red, some sort of expensive blend, don't normally drink blends but i've consumed about half the bottle now and this is not a nice chill warm drunk it's a shitty nauseating drunk

ta x


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>the autismoyank is here

couldn't tie my laces until i was 17

how do you cope with knowing that your entire life was ruined because your mum is severely mentally ill?

Shocking admission

Dab on her en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matricide

wine is for girls

Normally am good with spicy foods but just had a rice, sprout and beef dish and my lips are burning.

Tired lads
Early night for me tonight methinks


Listening to Moz

mad how in terminator salvation when the guy was in the source code of the evil AI he didn't just delete a semicolon or something which would then prevent the AI from compiling and more or less render it useless instantly
guess its only something us programmers would understand

You have never been in love
Until you have seen the stars
Reflect in the reservoirs

Haven’t seen that film

Thats filler between the high octane car chases, k-9s biting speed freaks and nogs getting beat up. Are you a woman? Can’t call yourself a real man if you dislike COPS.

dunno what you're on about but wouldn't mass deleting shit at random have a similar effect? or pissing on it or something

searched every single drawer in the house looking for choccies mum might have hidden after her recent shopping trip but none were to be found
its a fucking travesty

Went to that Beigel Bake in Brick Lane today.
It was OKAY.

imagine expecting a movie to be logical

went to a korean bbq place a few days ago and proudly called the server over and asked for a fork
girl i was with laughed and then i fucked her a couple hours later

did you try the high up drawers in kitchen

server made sure to give the coronavirus infected fork



cannot comprehend casual sex

Thats a good canary in the coal mine for judging a mans character
>so...you want to date my daughter...tell me son, do you enjoy watching COPS?
>well no, sir...not really....i find it kinda bo-
*slams the door in your face

Any London anons want to meet up this week?
Please, I think this is the only way I'll be able to talk to people in this city.

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Is that why you started watching
Did he change his mind about you

>implying emmett could ever even talk to a girl, much less her father

I have casually had sex but can’t process to buy definition having partook in casual sex