No matter what the racists of Yas Forums say I am proud to be Chinese

No matter what the racists of Yas Forums say I am proud to be Chinese.
Go China go!

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I am not proud of being Chinese. I'd much rather be a Jap or even a gook

Aren't Australians asians?

it's not about race but you already knew that
fuck the ccp

Aren't you Australian?


*starts 3 new pandemics with the approval of the WHO*

GTFO you fucking commie infiltrator. If you're so proud of being Chinese you'll be happy when we deport your arse.

No. Learn 2 geography faggit.

>*starts 3 new pandemics with the approval of the WHO*

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Based if you think about it. China gets a bunch of people infected and spreads them across the world to infect everyone.
Only china has the political will and resources to stop it in their country too

>whining about the WHO because they aren't putting politics above health
Christ leftists are pathetic. This is why you lose all the time.

Bat soup sir.

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I'm italian so I already have it and have had it since the 24th of January when a german gave it to me.

Then why aren't you in China?

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why yes i am

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same tbqhfam

Hating communists is not racism, it's common sense.


Australia is more communist than China retard. You are just a globalist like most mutts (your masters.) It's alright to admit it. You are a cultural dead end like the rest of the anglosphere. You need us and copy us as a result.


Never will I apologise for my heritage.

Never will I abandon my people.

To australia I owe nothing.

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Whatever you say Kenji-kun

China needs to start funding Chicano movements. I've sent emails to the Chink embassy and they never respond. You guys will never obtain global hegemony at this rate.

Reported, soon to be deported, back to the commie shithole you came from.

I have citizenship of australia, I am just as australian to you.

No you aren't, lying commie scum.

>If you disagree with me you don't belong here
Fuck off angloid. Go back to your damp communist shithole island.


I'm a native born Aussie. On the other hand, the commie infiltrator disavowed their Aussieness in this very thread and thus needs to GTFO.

Being born in australia not what makes one australian. Having citizenship of australia does that. australia is founded on multiculturalism, if you not accept this you are unaustralian.

>Australia was founded on multiculti
What a blatant, incredibly obvious, huge lie you have there. Australia has never been commie, will never be commie, and commie infiltrators who hate being Australian are not welcome here. Stop trying to gaslight me and get out.

What's wrong angloid, are you upset that Australia no longer belongs to you? There's nothing you can do about it, without China your pathetic country would collapse.

You are unaustralian traitor.

Chinese aussies and Chicanos really need to create a cross-pacific partnership or some shit. I think we could both benefit from the arrangement. Fuck anglos and their lame descendants.

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If I wasn't phoneposting I would go find a pic of Pauline Hanson glaring with glowing eyes or something. Would be appropriate. Some of you faggots cannot even into proper English.

thats because you are a lying subhuman
asia, europe, pacifics..
none of these are real concepts
the ccp is terrific
look at how they saved china from the depths of poverty
>commie infiltrator
not op but how is he a communist tho?
because he is australian
chinese is a nationality retard
han-chinese is a ethnicity
keep coping
pauline only dislikes muslims
she is okay with the Chinese because they keep her fat and happy

>Pauline is okay with the Chinese
Hahahaha wow, okay, whatever helps you sleep at night, commie. Your obvious bullshit is obvious.

>Australia is more communist than China
World class American education at work I see, why dont you go take a squiz at the PRC constitution if you think they aren't filthy commies like the Soviets before them.

>To australia I owe nothing.
You are not Australian and you never will be no matter what the government says

If you're so proud of being Chinese then why do you constantly change ethnicities? You said you were Iraqi before, and then white and then Jewish.

Shut up abo.

Commie infiltrators do that. All the better to subvert other countries, you see.

Hmm who is more in position to define australian, random internet racism bogan, or government of australia elected by the people?

the governing authority is the only voice that matters tho

Anglos are all commies except mutts (who aren't anglos really but whatever.) Seriously stop LARPing as some kind of conservative.

>muh authoritarianism
Careful Zhang, your mask is slipping.

it is true tho
the world is full of genetically deficient trash whos opinions should be listened in one ear and ignored in the other
people in general are subhuman
the only whose opinions of worth matter are the elites
the cream of the herd
everyone else is irrelevant

Australia is cucked by China lol.

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based qatari

why don't you go back then?
i never understood people who shill for their country abroad?

Stop larping as chinese

>government of australia elected by the people?
You mean the people who get most of their political insight from the tv? I wonder why they vote liberal most of the time...

I'm not proud of being Chinese, would rather be western or at least jap

i think that some people pretend to be chinese to spread antichinese sentiment through the web
it is deeply distressing

China is like the soviet union, just a shittier version

There are three conditions you must meet to be Australian. Failure to meet any one of them immediately and permanently disqualifies you from being Australian for as long as the condition or conditions remain unmet. The conditions are as follows:
1: you must either live in (permanent resident), or have been born in Australia.
2: you must care for/belong to country
3: you must support the democratic values upon which this nation was founded.
Note that the opinion (and even the existence) of the federal government is not actually relevant to these conditions. Citizenship is a formality and nothing more.

All that is needed to stir up anti-chinese sentiment is to tell the truth about the list of atrocities committed by the CCP.

what problem do you have with one of the most popular information mediums in the world, watched by 92% of the world population and present in 195 countries?

>All that is needed to stir up anti-chinese sentiment is to tell the truth about the list of atrocities committed by the CCP.

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Name 1 after Mao's death

Ah yes, australian as defined by bogan racist subhuman. You are unaustralian, I am australian.

No I argued with an Australian flag on here who was Chinese. I told him about all the human rights violations China commits regularly and he told me it's fine as long as it helps billions of people.

>australia is founded on multiculturalism
Mad that some people (not yourself) actually will believe this.

Whether you believe me or not is also irrelevant.
Go ahead and keep sucking government dick like the slave you are, it makes not difference to me or the rest of the country.

Fuck off Muhammad. China and India are based for dealing with your kind without pity. I wish we could have done the same.

>sentiment is to tell the truth about the list of atrocities committed by the CCP
what atrocities?
china is a very benevolent power
look at the united kikes of america who would bomb an entire country and kill half of its population to then install a nice dictatorship as a nice thank you
china would never do something like that, they are showing the hypocrisy and desperation of western nations

china is the last hope of the world to save them from the international bank

i care very much for this country
but democracy is a weak shitty system that must be shattered and removed