Are dating apps racist against Asian men?

Are dating apps racist against Asian men?

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>I don't think I'm ugly
Poor deluded soul.

Why do asians and indians think that attending top university and going into STEM programs is their ticket to hot girls ?

It's like they are looking to fit the role of beta provider. This guy just comes across as being fat and awkward. I beer drinking hockey guy working as a plumber can probably get 10 times the girls as this guy

My Taiwanese friend literally complains about this every conversation I have with him.
The ricepill is hard to swallow but Asian men need to accept it and move on.

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That's what works in their countries, women are gold diggers and want a man with cash. Also, they're raised without ever being taught how to properly socially interact, much less with women, so they think putting their credentials or major in their bio will lead to hot women wanting to fuck them. Often times their own gold digging mothers encourage this kind of behavior (the father is mostly absent from his life, having to work long hours and so says nothing).

And you're right since this guy straight up says his fat redneck friends get way more pussy than he does.

there are plenty of attractive girls out there who will have children with people who have good jobs just so they can be financially safe
the problem is that these asian guys are going on the wrong places, the internet is terrible for finding girls like that, and many are too shy or beta to find those girls irl.

Like if I was a girl, I would totally try and hook up with one of those shy asian nerds, why not? The chance of that guy being an abuser, or a terrible father is really low.

I agree women find things like wealth, ambition, confidence attractive but that doesn't mean they want to fuck a fat sweaty guy with a computer engineering degree which is what I think they don't understand.

Asian men can be abusive and I've known people with deadbeat Asian fathers who were otherwise relatively successful, it can happen. Also sums it up well.

no but there are girls out there who can see potential in guys. If I was a cute girl right now, I'd have no qualms with dating the guy in OPs pic because I know I could probably whip him into shape.

No, you wouldn't, hence why he gets no cute girls. And besides, men with good degrees are a diamond dozen, if you were really a cute girl you could get an attractive, or at least not fat, and non-Asian guy with a good degree.

They aren’t attractive.

you're also missing one key component. power dynamics in a relationship.
if you're attractive and you marry someone equally attractive, the power dynamics shift frequently, leading to tension at times.
if you marry someone below you, you might always have the upperhand in the relationship.
Most unattractive people are unattractive because they don't put effort into looking attractive.

women wan't a man who can protect them more than balancing the chance they are a "abuser" or a "terrible father" you autist

>grow up in middle America
>one of my neighbors was literally a redneck family
>still got to fuck their daughter
>family decides to come back to Thailand
>mfw I left just in time before the great corona panic and the inevitable asian purge

That guy really is butt ugly though, I also doubt he has the body of a linebacker or whatever.

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I don’t even find supposed 10/10 Asians attractive though. Same goes for all non-whites desu. This is how most white people, especially women, feel.

Girls prefer ambition to wealth though, unless they're only in it for the money and don't plan to get emotionally attached. Making 15$/h but having clear goals and dreams >>> Making 30$/h +

if he wasn't fat he'd be in.

korean brad pitt

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zoomer white women worship Asian men

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Weeb white roastie are very easy.
They are sex toy for us.
They worship Japan and Japanese men.

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10/10 white girls are always with Asian guys.

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Weeb white worship worship we superior high IQ Japanese men

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Truth is that Asian women don’t want Asian looking kids. They’re literally so many of them and they all look the same, nothing special. Asian women want round eye and light skinned babies because they’re “cute”. Also the small penis stereotype doesn’t help.

>10/10 girls
>proceed to post a whore

We had this thread last week...

It's not a stereotype though.

>be an ugly fat fuck
>blame race

American are dicklet.
Your weeb girls worship high IQ hard dick Japanese men.

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Even 3/10 Korean can fuck 10/10 white roastie.

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I think personally if you're not used to or normalized to other features it's hard to find them attractive from a non-fetishization perspective.

Because asian women dont like fatso, they think fat people are unhygienic, messy and chaostic

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Blaming their lack of success on "racism" is such a massive fucking cope.

A ton of Koreaboo and weeaboo are sex toy for us.

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Damn Koreans really got the smallest dicks in the world ?

Koreans on suicide watch

but Korean have no stinky body odor.
Japanese cock is biggest in Asia.

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Woman don’t need protectors in this day and age

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why are ukrainians such chads ?

now now that's ok you'll be fine

Hunnic ancestry

>0-4 is as long as 4-5

This image is designed to make dicklets seethe

The average woman has the strength of an 80 year old man and they sublimate their total lack of autonomy, physical strength, and independence into sexual desire for the kind of brutish, violent, aggressive, and malevolent men that they themselves were denied the ability to be by mother nature.

Most men learn to deal with their violent and evil urges on their own, and choose to ignore them in order to live virtues lives. Women don't even have the option of choosing virtue, they were never given a choice in the first place but were forced by nature to live at the mercy of men. If fucks them up in the head and makes them generally bad people, and hypocrites as well.

As for the OP, or generally any Asian men who are tired of women's bullshit, it is possible to be a charming and sexually active man. Pic related was short, bald, had bad teeth, and was by all accounts a neurotic effeminate drug addict yet he managed to fuck and rape half the women in Italy, and not only single-handedly established a European city state but also single-handedly infected it with a syphilis epidemic.

How you ask? Pre-war Europeans were experts at the art of seduction and charm. Read the biography of Casanova, and emulate him. You'll soon be swimming in so much poon you wont know what to do with it.

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society and media is racist, not women and dating apps, they are merely tools which produce outputs from inputs according to functions

yes, fat is ugly in the current year and that's a good thing

One of the most pathetic and unironically cringy things I've ever read lmfao

>t. woman

Ayyyyy mgtow-bros, how we been lately?

No reason than 6'2 gook can't protect them.

Wrong and seethe

>The chance of that guy being an abuser, or a terrible father is really low.

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Based and PUApilled

Come home asianman

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How many wh*Teys have you fucked ? Lemme guess, 0.

None of the condoms they sell at convenience stores or most drug stores fit a non asian man (including ones claiming to be large). Only this one does and it’s difficult to find it.

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Seethe about what? I've spent enough time around women and had enough pillow talk about their sexual fantasies to know that I'm right.

It's not like men are angels either, but if you think that the general passivity and good behavior of women is due to anything but lack of opportunity, or that there aren't millions of f*moids seething over loosing the biological lottery you're delusional.

You know that feeling of anger, jealousy, humiliation, etc. you feel when you get mogged by a much taller, more muscular, etc. man? That's how women feel all the time, and they sublimate it into sexual attraction. If you pay careful attention, most woman end up despising and looking down on the men that date them, that's how deep their self loathing goes.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot I admire in women too. But you aren't doing them or yourself any favors by building them up into some sort of virtuous ideal. Ask your girlfriend, she'll probably agree with me.


They're both cuties.