das rite edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
So uh...whats everyone up to on a Monday afternoon/evening?
Jerking off to fat anime girls
damn i really wanna get my dick sucked
I'm about to jerk off to lesbian porn, and afterwards I shall listen to music
same here bro, by a girl
I would nuke
the philipines
the middle east
both koreas
a town with my ex in it
Would you fuck a girl that your best friend has fucked several times?
is she cute?
While they are fucking? Sure, a threesome sounds fun.
i would nuke u with love
I fucked a girl my cousin had fucked... except I met her in a different town and had no idea they had dated
i don't have a best friend or any friend at all so it's a resounding yes from me
Sounds a little too aggressive
yes. i would like to know what sex is like before i die
i accept that but it will not stop me
watching classic family guy
it used to be so good
i have to work on two group projects and an assignment due this week but i cba to do either of those things
How will he prove his innocence ?
Well at least you're motivated bud
My disgusting fat roommate is constantly eating his disgusting junk food and always drinking sugary drinks and it makes me want to murder him, how can people live like this
You’re literally describing me so please don’t tell me you live in Chicago
Fatties need love too
Umm real communism has never been tried before sweetie :*
nuke my bp
>implying he will ever go to trial
shame about the imminent deaths of the key witnesses, guess we have to drop the charges
Does she though? She has her little post
not sure what a "bp" is but let me remind you, before things get out of hand, that gayposting is NOT allowed in this general
dirty bitch
I cant order any bat dick soup! >:P
He wants you to microwave his Boston Pizza
i was a good boi and put on a face mask before going out to not infect everyone, although i didn't sneeze or cough anyway
I mean it hasn't, but neither has free market capitalism.
The US currently practices a neoliberal Frankenstein of Keynesianism, protectionism, and the government nanny-state for business (to protest business by limiting competition, funding technology that can then be sold by the private sector, and outright pumping tax-payer money directly into corporations through contract work, subsidies, and outright bailouts), and fiscal discipline and market-cycles for the rest of the population.
American corporations are strongly opposed to free market capitalism, and want a playing field almost entirely tilted in their favor.
Does she look satisfied to you?
Nope, but don't live like him user, increase your live expectancy while you still can
I’ve had many opportunities for this as I mog all my friends and hoes are disloyal as shit, so when they meet me they often start flirting and stuff right in front of my fuming buds. Especially funny at family gatherings with cousins’ gfs cuz the older ladies all see exactly what’s going on
>implying you're that handsome
butt pussy
i think i'm bipolar bros
I am. My weakest link is that I’m fucked in the head tho so I’m bad at maintaining long term relationships, or even short term in some cases. You win some, you lose some
theres nothing to do around here during the week. everything closes at nine
I feel both good and bad at the same time
i need a neet friend
same here, all the time
I think being isolated and alone for so long has given me autism
didnt mean to (You) you
Given that Yas Forums thinks this is a big deal, maybe that means it actually isn't a big deal
Oh no no no Bernie bros... we got too cocky
I'd take a worker or student friend too, but it would be nice to have someone who is down to hang at weird hours.
Autism, is that where you don't care anymore about anyones problems, achievements, hopes, dreams, solutions, etc?
Can no longer relate to anyone?
>betting odds
Nice meme, these are less accurate than opinion polls
theres no denying that its a big deal. maybe not due to deaths and shit, but look at the stock market. this is going to wreck the economy worse than the last housing market crash.
Pharmacy tech here, if your on meds make sure you have at least 3 months worth just in case
if feels as if it was only last week that berniecels were talking about putting people in gulags...
my professor said classes may be cancelled due to the virus. Its in the next county over
>it would be nice to have someone who is down to hang at weird hours
ya very cool
Um sweetie, those are not the betting odds, that's from 538. The betting odds at least give Bernie a chance :(
Once my brother’s wife even started doing it when it was just me, her, and my mom. Saying shit like “Hey user ;) if we went to uni together do you think we would have dated???” Shared a laugh with my mom and told her to talk about something else. Hoes wildin
How do I support the “No one” campaign?
Doing what?
Sounds like your brother married a slut, but it's not surprising that she'd be attracted to the brother of her lover
joe biden can beat drumpf
Just continue doing what you're doing
Not sure what you’re asking. It was a family party and it was the three of us sitting at a table. Others were in other rooms
Oh. This:
wah wah
Cucked by Allah lmfao
based Dan
where do all these joe biden memes come from
Yes we know demoncraps are low information voters
advanced meme generating ai and bored, lonely losers
Your mom makes them x
Practically all voters are low information voters. Even the online politicos have absolutely no idea what’s going on. You’ve got to be in the inner circle
>Yeah Biden is super duper healthy, just his brain doesn't work lmao
Imagine how fucked he’ll be in the 8th year of his presidency lmao
I feel bad for Joe. Trump is formidable and vicious, and Biden's woefully unprepared for getting on the debate stage with him.
It's gonna be like a quadriplegic put into the ring against Mike Tyson.
i'm living in hell bros
hey hey you you I want to suck your PENIS