German breeds > British breeds

German breeds > British breeds

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The smartest dog is British. How will the Krauts ever recover?

what about labs or border terriers or whippets or greyhounds or bloodhounds or foxhounds or pudlepointers?

I like Beagles. One for the Brits.

>cropped ears
>docked tails
NOT THE PUPPERINO FLUFFERINO but actually unironically.

I really want a corgi

Dogs are all useless shitting machines

For me, it’s the beagle

Im on uk side too. Can burgers do anything right? Check these digits mutt

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I don't know how's that breed called but the bottom left british dog is the cutest.

>Ostensibly German dog
>has roachback
what did they mean by this?

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UK is more cute.

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ngl all dogs are lovely

what's your fav dog

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Border collies are my fav dogs

alpha mop

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>blocks ur path

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I really like the way rottie dogs smile and how their fur pattern makes it look like they have pecs.

All I see are heckin good boys.

>All I see are heckin good boys.

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And spaniels

>removing Labrador from UK dogs

Labradors were bred in Scotland from dogs taken from Newfoundland and various English and European hunting dogs.

Germans know how to breed, never doubt it. Not so much with the warfare thing but breeding is definitely top notch.

I have a dachshund and a Jack russel. I much prefer the dachshund, the jack russel is really stupid

Bottom left Shepard is honestly one of the best dogs a person could own. They're highly intelligent, loyal, and friendly.


one of our first dogs we had, i was too small to remember her properly. rip little jenny.

>"What if you choose to penetrate even among the Britons? How great your reward, how great your gain beyond any outlays! If you are not bent on looks and deceptive graces (this is the one defect of the British whelps), at any rate when serious work has come, when bravery must be shown, and the impetuous War-god calls in the utmost hazard, then you could not admire the renowned Molossians so much."


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border collies are based though

top kek

I think it's a border collie

Isn't that an English Shepherd? They're great dogs either way

good post

bordercollie>corgi>german shepherd
everything else is trash

>liking actual mutts

just stop it retard

UK dogs are GOAT just because of Jack Russells

Attached: jack-russell-terrier-4291.jpg (480x360, 26.86K)

>fastest dog

>smartest dog
border collie

>best hunting dog

conclusion: krauts btfo


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ALL of UK dogs = shit besides the corgi

corgis are so cute tho

rough collie or border collie?

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Yes we know winston churchhill was british you fool

collie, corgie and beagle vs rottweiler, doberman and german sherpherd.
they all adorable, I can't chose a side.

Grew up with a Beaglier named Charly. Gotta go with UK here, sorry.

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The first dog I ever had was a dachshund.
I still miss him :(

My dog is a German Shepherd Border Collie mix, so I have the best of both worlds

English Shepherds are a different breed, created in the US as herding dogs. They're called English Shepherds because they were a landrace of dogs that all came from the original herding dogs the settlers brought with them from England.
But yeah, the one in the pic is a Border Collie, the single most based dog breed in existence

Every sane person knows border collies are the best breed of dogs, no, the best single animal bar humans.

Nothing wrong with this. If I'm minding my own business and an unwanted dog comes up to me, it's getting kicked out of the way. People who let their dogs just roam around off leash are scum.
And I say this as an owner of 2 dogs.

Leafs win this easily.

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>potato dogs

Oh and thank you UK and all brits for creating such a wonderful dog, you're based as fuck.

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>Heard you talking shit about UK dog breeds. Why don't you say that to my face faggot... woof!!

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the humble Scottish West Highland White Terrier is a natural born killer when provoked

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Czechslovak Wolfdog > all

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Aussies are better though.

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