Stay strong Italian frens. We are thinking of you

Stay strong Italian frens. We are thinking of you.

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Yes. But please also stay away.

Fuck Italians, I hope you grease Arab monkeys die.

The italianfren I have is hopefully safe.

Stay strong Corona frens. I hope you infect many spaghettians.

1/36th Italian American here. How can I volunteer to repopulate Italy after this?

Just kill travelfags. You have my blessing. If an Italian go there for turism reasons shoot him in the head on spot

*coughs in mic*

Italy, 2 weeks ago, had 124 cases and 2 deaths.
Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Japan, USA, Spain, and France are all past where Italy was 2 weeks ago.

Hubei went into full lockdown at 17 deaths in order to contain the virus. Proving it can be contained when a nation has the willpower. Korea has proven it can be slowed down greatly with social distancing and massive testing. Iran is trying their best.

sure, you'll play moor

BREAKING NEWS: Quarantine for the whole country

So it begins

Le Gagnon furént
Kys Jean Pierre

I hope all polentone die

stay the fuck away from me mario

Thanks bro

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I live in the canaries and we are fucking full of italians and I hear people speaking in italian every 5 minutes when in the street. Unlike the germans and brits, italians visit and stay around the main cities, not just the tourist traps. I mean, I don't mind at all, but now I do. Also we are retarded as fuck and seems like the carnival closure is still happening with thousands of people and shit.
Under normal circumstances I like Italians (and pasta) but now I stay away from there as much as I can.

>raiding Sicily for a qt harem
not a bad idea..


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ok, I'm playing moor too

I hope all polentoni will be fine

t. terrone

Conte is live right now

Our PM is speaking right now. The whole country is in quarantine

Why do Italians desperately want to live in Africa?

>can't leave house
So nothing new

You can't deny the weather.

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What does the quarantine entail? I mean some people have to leave their house to deliver food etc


>riots in jails

I dunno yet. It's not possible to travel, sports are stopped, people can't go out unless for a valid reasons. I guess, I don't know very well yet

Is it over for us guise? Were all our efforts for naught? Are we going to die? Is this the end of the glorious roman empire as we know it? Wait, that happened already, hmm....

>Were all our efforts for naught?
Italy barely made an effort at all. I am not throwing stones here because USA isn't either (muh election year) and neither is most of EU (muh economy?).

Its just pure ugliness and disappointment

Italy is done, next in Europe are France and Spain
Damned germans are not dying for some reason

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Uh yeah I was kinda being ironic there but we really brought this upon ourselves, it's quite sad really. I'm guessing Amazon will stop shipping now?

Germany might be trying to pull a South Korea or something. Good for them if so.

Cringe fat. Die already disgusting autist

Goodbye Italy. As someone whose favorite food is pizza and pasta, I'll miss you dearly.

Please remember to stock up on food, water and porn so that your last few days on earth are as pleasant as possible. Keep a rope or gun on hand so that when you run out of olive oil you can spare yourself starvation.


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Plz stay safe italy
I love you all very much

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Cringe goblin virgin street shitter

My house is full of pasta

Why is the country being locked down so heavily when the virus has such a low fatality rate?

because they don't want to cause panic and mayhem
the numbers are probably higher

The fatality rate is actually pretty high compared to seasonal flu

Most Italians are old fucks and overall stupid

3% is high.
It can mutate and get worse, SARS was 10% and MERS was 33%

w-what do you want, Giuseppe?

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1) Italy is mostly old people they are peak boomers right next to Japan
2) It only has a low fatality rate if you can stop hospitals from overflowing. If hospitals overflow death rate will go to 10-20%

Ideally you slow down the # of new infections like in Korea, Singapore, etc then anyone who catches can get treated. Italians meanwhile, in spite of being very old people, are running around kissing each other and I heard they are treating the "1m away!" thing like a meme (meme that the bars are open to begin with, drink at home dumbasses). Their R0 is through the roof. Hospitals can't take it anymore.

What's the mood like in Italy? Are the streets empty?

sorry, I called it first

Halp mee

Quindi raga cosa facciamo adesso, chiudiamo gli aeroporti agli italiani (?)

a gf

Iran also had a very high R0 because they would all run up to kiss and lick a special gate in the city of Qom.

South Korea has a lower R0 outside of this one church group that all hug and kiss like they were Italians

I wish I had my own Akarin

It's about 5% now in Italy, 463 deaths for about 9000 cases

Drop pants and I give you cure
Trust me. I am doctor.

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Fuck you shitalians for spreading chink virus across Europe. Varg was right, shitalians are not white nor European.

Italy is undertesting same as France and USA, in Italy you need to be symptomatic and I think even severely symptomatic before they give you a test. Even though its been shown pre-symptomatic people are some of the most infectuous.
USA its because election year, I have no idea whats going on in EU.

i hope the italian bitch that rejected me is infected


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mfw a retard I know returned recently from Iran and medniggas here won't even test him cuz he has no symptomes.

it's actually the opposite
it spread so much because of an overabundance of stamp testing fueled by panic

why is your penis so smol?

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