Republics were a mistake, yeah monarchs weren't perfect but they kept degeneracy in check

Republics were a mistake, yeah monarchs weren't perfect but they kept degeneracy in check

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>yes i'm neo-feudal anarcho-monarchist
>how could you tell?

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This but unironically.
If Kaiser Wilhelm was still in power Hitler wouldn't of been able to conduct all those sneaky tricks and deals with other political parties to get seats in the Reichstag.

>Constitutional Monarchism? Get that shit out of my face

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Charles II was extremely based, shame that the treasonous faggot parliament hated him


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Cavaliers should of won the civil war to be honest.
Fuck Cromwell and Fuck William of Orange.

there are still jacobite pretenders and heir of jacobite pretender is married to heir to Liechtenstein

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Like United Kingdom and Sweden today right?

Yeah, Sweden is really a example of virtue

I thought the heir to the jacobite throne was bavarian?

They're like 1/24 stuart by their mother's side though.

>parliamentary monarchy
and these two don't even have rightful kings
for UK it is duke Franz of Bavaria and Swedes literally asked random frog to become king

Based Prince Charles is effectively orthodox though.

retarded cunts, a constitutional "monarchy" is not what I'm talking about. Those are basically republics with some old fuck siphoning millions of tax dollars

yes but his niece married heir of Liechtenstein
current UK dynasty is also german so it's no problem

There's no such thing as rightful monarch in this world.
Even the Capetians came to power through betrayal


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Absolute monarchies died with the french. No one wants to be enslaved by the will of a inbred manchildren that hates its own people

there is and He is crowned king of Poland

What's with catholic Spain and Belgium then? They're both degenerate af
In absolute monarchy your dear kang could steal all your income and you will be shot if you try to protest against it

No they didnt?

I like you, user.
Vive le Roi

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monarchists are cucks

rightful king is carlist pretendent

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You can't deny that if a gigachad was an absolute monarch, it'd be the best form of government

lmao how is serfdom real hahahahaha just move to a free imperial city hahahahaha just live in city walls for 2 years

Then why modern Monarchies such as Sweden Norway or England are so degenerate you monarcucks

Many Brits fought for the Carlists funnily enough. Including J R R Tolkien
Also French Monarchists and remnants of the Russian White Army did too.

Monarchy ensures tradition does not die, user. Liberal shit is caused by parliaments, not by kings.

same reason why modern republics are shit
same reason why medieval republics seem like theocracy today
republic and monarchy doesn't make a difference. it is up to the people to decide if they want a king or not
it's just that our culture has degenerated so deep in the last century (dark ages)

>keeping degeneracy in check
Historylets please go and stay go

>J R R Tolkien
wtf can this man get even more based

>hurr durr monarchies will give you shitty rulers!

Alright name one good ruler that a republic has produced in the last 50 years, I'll wait


except roman republic was less degenerate than imperial rome, also reminder than christmas used to be banned, not so long ago even, cuz people on that they were complete degenerates, drinking, fighting, fucking, etc etc

Yeah, like when a fat king broke up with the Holy Pope because he wanted to divorce his wife

Sweden is a monarchy and the most degenerate state in the world.

shut up france

This too

Xi Jinping

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Absolute monarchy is the only way to go, look at Italy vs China and tell me you disagree

both are/were dictators AKA monarchists without a crown

>Absolute monarchy is the only way to go
if your goal is to be a complete serf with no rights, sure

Hoyl shit, you can't get more american than this

Based and trad general franco wouldn't agree with that. He had a chance to make Spain carlist monarchy instead of it he somehow choose old Bourbon dynasty and kept Spain republic through his whole life
Interesting facts I think
You can't deny that if Soyjak was an absolute monarch it'd be the worst form of government

No, they were Republics,
It is not a monarchy. A monarch is appointed by God whereas a dictator is usually appointed by some council or senta.

>my political ideology? white juche

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I miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe.

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Many of the monarchs were "degenerate" as fuck.

>elective imperialism

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>A monarch is appointed by God
god doesnt exist, then who the fuck appoints monarchs? nothing, there was no gods interference in 1789

A meme and do not exist anywhere.

My goal is to be a humble peasant in service of the absolute monarch who does what it takes to protect her people, instead of her profits or her re-election prospects (see elected tards). Democracy has failed every single time. Why the fuck are we still pretending, that a bunch of retards voting for most charismatic sociopath is good for anyone? Its clearly not.

that's why i prefer medieval feudal monarchy

>there was no god interference in 1789
are you crazy?
Of course there was,
God just chose to not uphold the monarchy of the French people because they allied to the godless Turks.

civilization peaked with european monarchies in the early 1900s

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Wha'll be king but Charlie?

>kept degeneracy in check
Herodian commented that Elagabalus enhanced his natural good looks by the regular application of cosmetics.[50] Cassius Dio says Elagabalus delighted in being called Hierocles' mistress, wife, and queen.[10] The emperor reportedly wore makeup and wigs, preferred to be called a lady and not a lord, and offered vast sums to any physician who could provide him with a vagina;[9][10] for this reason, the emperor is seen by some writers as an early transgender figure and one of the first on record as seeking sex reassignment surgery.[9][10][59][60]

I agree. Edwardian times was a glorious era of advancement and peace and prosperity. Until 1914, of course.

i think peak was in high middle age

it is better than hereditary monarchy, but still shittier than republics
>A meme and do not exist anywhere.
last time i checked murika and chinkland are very different in their rights, so stop saying bullshit
>My goal is to be a humble peasant
well its good to have a goal
>absolute monarch who does what it takes to protect her people
good joke, learn history idiot, ever read the phrase absolute power corrupts absolutely? probably not cause you havent even learned history basics
>Democracy has failed every single time.
maybe in your bumfuck state, id take a republic than whatever fascist system youd prefer
good for you
shut the fuck up mentally ill lunatic

Republics were a mistake

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russia is gonna be shit no matter the system

Do you really think that France did not fall on its own accord for their betrayal of Europeans?
And you call me mentally ill?

Yes please, I love reading yet another multi-million euro corruption scandal by our monarchy, give me more.

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i might as well say germany is suffering now because they destroyed christian rome, yes that sounds mentally ill, especially since there is no god, so stop spewing garbage

power corrupts the most those who want to have power it was known so long it's in the Bible
guess in what system only people who want to rule can be chosen as rulers

any proof on Tolkien fighting alongside the Carlists?

It's already better than the most of Europe.
Compare Russia to your subhuman shithole and you will see.

that's a good point, I never thought of that

Our PLC monarchy defeated Turks under Vienna and (with Austrian and German help of course) saved Europe before Turkish menace
100 years ago it was partitioned by neighboring countries. And that was period when Poles were one of the most devoted Catholics in Europe
How did you explain these things?

>but they kept degeneracy in check

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as opposed to multi-million euro corruption scandal by our political parties

the fuck are you talking about? are you gonna imply hereditary monarchs are THE system cuz they WANT to rule? the bible has squished your tiny brain
have you been outside your oblast? other people dont live in the late 1800s like you

You're right

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Well to be clear he did not FIGHT with them, but he supported them. Peter Kemp fought for them, he was a writer at the time and got wounded. He also joined the SOE during the war and made many raids on Nazi occupied France.

A fifth of those won't even exist in 50 years

They were the degenerates, but it's cool though

>It's already better than the most of Europe.
>Compare Russia to your subhuman shithole and you will see.

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>last time i checked murika and chinkland are very different in their rights, so stop saying bullshit
We are different in our laws. But rights don't exist outside of the law and never haave.

>good joke, learn history idiot, ever read the phrase absolute power corrupts absolutely?
nice stupid saying with zero real world application. elected tards are already corrupt because it takes a corrupt sociopath to run for office.

>maybe in your bumfuck state, id take a republic than whatever fascist system youd prefer
I live in Chicago, a city more relevant than your entire nation put together. Fascists are far more likely to be elected or win power via violence than to be born into power. Because democracy appoints sociopaths.

I knew a guy from New England who flew the old Union Flag outside his house. Good chap.

no i imply that d*mocracy is bad because the candidates all want to rule suggesting they are unfit to it
maybe you should practice reading with understanding before posting maybe read more Bible :^)

Yes, Ive been outside my country.
I will say it again to a subhuman like you.
Your country is a shithole filled with subhumans. Every baltnigger is a genetical waste, no matter what country they are stealing money from, they will always be cultureless, stupid subhumans without any accomplishment another hundered of years. After that, baltniggers will finally die out.