/ nican tlaca /

amerindian thread
>invited guests: native siberians and central asians (not muslim ones)

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What percentage do I need to be to post here?

at least 40%, but if youre a zambo then this is not the place for you

>at least 40%

if i dress like a muslim does it counts?

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I'm .1 percent. Hey brothers, where's the firewater at? LoL jk, can't believe what those asshole Europeans did to our glorious unga bunga nations. Small picks, am I right? Did you know Elizabeth Warren had .1 percent native DNA? I'm Squanto just like her. Can't wait for my free college, government gibs, and high rates of addiction

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>tfw probably of mayan descent
>tfw mayans were the soyboys of prehispanic civilizations

>at least 40%
Nah castizos should be allowed too.
t. 60% native


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Most advanced in the Americas, developed their own writing system.

Tecumseh's Rebellion was fucking based.

Dont exclude castizos

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Most of Latin America is castizos

You can be pro amerindian but there is no need to be anti european. Amerindians were ancient eurasian mutts anyways not pure mongoloids

Attached: caucasoid eurasian.jpg (236x386, 17.97K)

We should only dislike castizos who dislike natives. Castizos may have more european blood but they still share amerind blood with us.

>mayan descent
I do not think so, the natives from your region are the pech & Mayangna

If hes not from guatemala or yucatan it is very unlikely he has mayan ancestry.

Attached: mayan phenotype.jpg (268x304, 23.2K)

Pathetic cope.

Do you like vidya?

Attached: Aztec Gameplay.webm (750x422, 2.97M)

>that indio power fantasy
fucking keke

I respect you but I'm not leaving
t. first gen immigrant slav

It won't matter when the two races are intertwined and form one homogenous mixture.
Truly ,it will be a glory to behold

Attached: Abbott Thayer.jpg (1412x1536, 699.47K)


You do not have to leave as long as you are fine with getting assimilated into this amerimutt genepool

Ciao cazzo

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I think we will be better off than afro eurabia

Op is not injun tho

Undoubtedly comrade, things will only go up from here.Europe will become a derelict husk,an example of the hubris of whites.They'll waste away by their own arrogance and decadence.
Once the races mix we'll be all the better for it,an übermensch that surpasses any of the old world races.

Attached: sir Frank Bernard Chivalry.jpg (541x700, 128.89K)

>Muh eagle nose
Pinches chicanos.

cope olmec

>t. Mexican Andy

She looks like one of the women who does my laundry.

Mexican andy has the olmec phenotype, he has nothing to do with mayans

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hello my fellow siberian-americans.

Olmecs had diverse facial features.

Attached: 924.jpg (450x600, 18.65K)

What kind is this?

>She looks like one of the women who does my laundry
The type of women who do does jobs are usually oaxaco injuns with broad niggr olmec noses

Attached: 0283.jpg (450x582, 165.15K)

Mixed. You are probably mix of various injun types

It does not matter anymore, you are a thing of your own now that you are mixed

This is laundry woman phenotype

Attached: olmec nose.jpg (480x720, 151.52K)

is this a man or a woman

hi guys, I am in a US native discord.

My neighborhood has Puebla Mexicans, Ecuadorians and a bunch of central americans. Some have the nose you pictures but one definitely has the nose in the picture I was referring too.


>90% USA flags


Vos tambien eres indio

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Pure mexican

Im glad you do not want to corrupt mayan bloodlines


el general para chicanos jaksjaksjka
terrible baranda jakskakja

Native is not an ethnicity

i am a castizo BVLL u dum larper, ur pathetic bloodline is not worth my genes

You are the new euroasiatic race that was created when conquistadors and various amerindian mongoloid subtypes mixed into one

Attached: average mexican.jpg (650x488, 24.02K)

Behavior yourself,people might mistake the two of us.I wouldn't cast stones at the mezzies either when you yourself have such boorish behavior.Perhaps you're descended from the moors?

Attached: El Caudillo2.png (500x745, 24.99K)

>i am a castizo BVLL u dum larper,
Nice bro, Im also mix of iberians and amerindians

>ur pathetic bloodline is not worth my genes
Im not mayan, I just think mayans not getting corrupted is a good thing.

Attached: mayan nose.jpg (370x471, 21.37K)

I'm roughly 40-50% English as well,perhaps that threw it off.


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Ok, neo american

i was just shitposting, i like native cultures 2 and i hope they stay alive

Indians (by which I mean native americans, rather than actual Indians) are ok with me and have my seal of approval

>i like native cultures 2 and i hope they stay alive
I only care for mayans andeans and north american ones. The average mexican injun should be assmilated into the neo amerimutt race

no one cares.

Indians (by which I mean native americans, rather than actual Indians) are no longer ok with me and no longer have my seal of approval

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Ok footfag, thanks

>I'm roughly 40-50% English
White america dad mexican mum or what?

Are you actually the foot fagDisgusting ,be grateful you weren't born on this continent,you wouldn't survive the first culling degenerate.