we're all going to die edition
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>we're all going to die
hopefully just anglos and ameriKKKans
how come only old people are dying?
this was poutine's plan all along
Dare I say... based?
>We should make benefit claimants do this as part of their state funded lifestyle.
cause they're fucking weak cunts
really can't wait to get a mild cold and self isolate for 7 days while wanking myself senseless
based breeders getting their just desserts
reckon you could do this lads?
I'd rather be dead than live in a world with gay zoomers. I hope I get cornavirus and die.
too early for toil, too late to sleep again before toil
life is hell
doug the chink is going to give everyone in /brit/ the kung flu
toilberg made me isolate for 3 days last week because he was scared of getting sick and i had a cold
virus just starting to pick up here so i bet i'll be told to do it again
the state mandated gf has informed me that Saturday is date night and if I'm good she'll let me have a full hour of cuddle time.
Well, now if I were the president of this land
You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher man
I'd cut him if he stands, and I'd shoot him if he'd run
Yes I'd kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun
God damn The Pusher
wonder what the average age of a daily mail commentor is
suck my fat nigger cock white boy
Steppenwolf was a proud irishman
Imagine a Johnny Cash cover of this
Go workout
Pretty sure that the reaction to the coronavirus by governments just proves how serious it is
>that before picture
Not gonna lie, probably would sodomise
because they know it leaked out of a research lab
>no noo nooooo muh height potential
lmao incels are stupid
he should just kill himself
They're against Irish nationalism which was never a thing before the Crown unified Ireland, Ulster always stood on it's own through history. Doesn't make much sense but they have all their own esoteric spin on events
Me? Irish but nationalists are as big a whingers as loyalist kulturers
moni looks like THAT?
playing depraved awakening
in the USA
when will people realise coronavirus isn’t real
>"The English, meanwhile, are smug and inherently right-wing."
Is this true lads?
grim lad
got called racist for referring to it as the wuhan virus
wuhan virus research lab was funded by americans
Small brain; hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer
big boy brain; hoarding bottled water and rice
imagine actually believing this
he's a he now
So what's kinda funny about this if you have a cold stay home for a week is that I literally work in the service that delivers shopping. If we're all off for a week, how are you going to get your food.
mad how all of italian is dead of the a virus now
would you shag a girly lad, lads?
what if nobody ever found out?
biggest brain: not being a moronic normie and not hoarding
when they put you in quarantine they kill you and replace you with a clone. don’t let it happen to you
doug's been hoarding the rice for years
250+ died in the last 24 hours
if the death rate keeps increasing exponentially thousands could be dying every day by next week
No because I'm not a mentally ill bent freak like you are lad
Do we believe that cases of corona in China have slowed down so much? Went over 80k on the first of March and still haven’t reached 81k. If this is peak corona then it’s not so bad
for the first time since i've known him, my mate today finally made a reference to our height difference, talking about how annoyed he was that he wasn't just a few inches taller while i got to be a gigantic man. never actually heard a lad complain about how his height limits him from his full shagging potential before today. lad does more shagging than i do fs but doesn't seem to realise it.
what about a laddy girly lad
girly lads are just lads, so no. and I say this as a tranny barger
would probably tell you a different answer if i were horny
i believe theyre probably on about half a mil cases but that they have virtually dried up due to incredible lockdown efforts all over the country
>All these goys doing exactly as Toilberg demands
You can do whatever the fuck you want sheeple, our jewish overlords can't keep us all at home.
>believing the chink commies
this is my fetish
No we aren't, stop ovary acting
>I was raised up believing I was somehow unique
>Like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes
>Unique in each way you can see
>And now after some thinking, I'd say I'd rather be
>A functioning cog in some great machinery
>Serving something beyond me
>But I don't, I don't know what that will be
Got another 3 cases of corona in my city ffs
only talking to people throughst the letterbox
What happens to snowflakes in the summer?
what's the point in doing anything if you were born a council estate
I plan to do the same things I did with the swine and bird flus.
Go about my day and not overreact like a retard.
I'm not your lad, buddeh
Thing about self-quarantine is, if I was at home off work I would definitely be making runs to Tesco to get snacks and that.
how tall are you, ladberg?
25% of Italy is under quarantine now. this is going to kill us all.
>“I know there’s suspicion [that China’s messing with the numbers], but at every testing clinic we went to, people would say, “It’s not like it was three weeks ago.” It peaked at 46,000 people asking for tests a day; when we left, it was 13,000. Hospitals had empty beds.
>I didn’t see anything that suggested manipulation of numbers. A rapidly escalating outbreak has plateaued, and come down faster than would have been expected. Back of the envelope, it’s hundreds of thousands of people in China that did not get Covid-19 because of this aggressive response.”
- Dr. Bruce Aylward, leader of the W.H.O. team that visited China to assess the country’s response to the coronavirus outbreak
authorised 2 wanks today, and shall doubtless authorise a third afore bed
They fly south for the winter
What about email
There's definitely something they aren't telling us about this whole thing.
i'm pushing 6'7" bruce
Was sat in work today and thought "I hope I get this virus and die so I don't need to go to work anymore".
Same person silly yank
already out of date cos italy is top
hospitals can only give out a certain number of corona diagnosises before they are required to lie and say it was caused by something else
there's probably a few hundred thousand cases now
This is why normoids are panic buying stupid shit, they're not used to the concept of staying indoors
Need lanklets out of business
government needs to step in and declare martial law