/balt/ + /ausnz/ and friends

The cost is free

Attached: god.jpg (720x960, 52.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Capture.jpg (247x719, 34.97K)

Attached: 1563443105215.jpg (918x3635, 1.24M)

evening, chaps


Ok, important question - do you have this in your kitchen or not?

Attached: IMG_20200309_201829-01.jpg (1496x2000, 759.74K)

tere amigos

tere õhtust

siema pl

a disgustingly dirty piece of wood - yes

that - no

i'll say it

There is nothing disgusting about some dirty wood.

Okay so I posted that shitty wolf yesterday, traced back over it and fixed it a little, thoughts? Thinking about adding a colored border or accents but I’m afraid of ruining it. High risk high reward you know? Thoughts?

Attached: 92B2DDE1-5B3B-4304-80E2-74013E9CC930.jpg (1125x896, 228.43K)

eyes are like retards

Attached: 14546587678975.png (1920x994, 1.18M)

How could I fix them or do them better next time?

dont know im not drawer but they look asymmetric, gives down syndrome retard look. some people irl have it too

Like Finns?

wheres the knot

>wiping blood from my asshole
>face is red
It is over for me bros

based, fuck swedes

Dinner post

Attached: 20200309_212514.jpg (3264x1836, 1.69M)

Last supper
Sourcream with spices

Attached: 95182DB1-403C-44AE-BA50-15231A13AB97.jpg (750x992, 667.13K)

you sure you arent australian?

Jesus what a shithole

Attached: 1583754413051.png (590x660, 386.5K)

this hurts my soul
no but i saw his post, we're now ass cancer mates in arms

Sorry to hear that lad. Hope you get better soon :)

Attached: 1531606904545.jpg (500x667, 73.22K)

Mr. Minister looks like he is about to magdump bunch of Bolshevik bandits near Minsk SS style

i will write your name on my will, thank you..

>mag grip
based ozzie

kuidas sul läheb? :)
What does that mean?

Yeah. I'm thinking I'm based

>front grip
>grabs the mag
No wonder even airshit is banned in kangaroo land

Attached: 1529140850210.jpg (638x558, 63.57K)

> Aurimas Kačinskas
Is this lithuanian name?

>What does that mean?
you are lucky to not know


Anything ending with -ski is Lithuanian by default.

Got my internet back.
Feels good.


how do we go back to this?

Dėkit (you)s į maišą antraip šausiu!

Attached: 1452154215.jpg (928x1300, 94.67K)

Pribaik mane, Pitai.


2000ds where awesome


Rokas augšā!
Liec (jums) maisā vai arī saušu!
*Piff-Paff* *Piff-Paff* *Piff-Paff* *Piff-Paff*....

Miss playing Novuss with the boys

Kā nekā Latvijas nacionālais sports
Ja neņem vērā apģērbu, tad jā
>wow, milzīgas bikses
Šodien darbā ienāca Latvijas krievs kurš runāja angliski? Kas notiek?



>Latvijas krievs kurš runāja angliski
Progresīvie elektorāts.


Attached: 1578517705279.gif (187x155, 1.87M)

Progresīvie? Kas tas tāds?Politika nav mans lauciņš.

>Last name ends with -ski
>Gf's name ends with -saare
Being Latvian is great.


es esmu šeit, lai tevi visus drāzt pa vienam

Aš ne Nacis prisiekiu

god i miss car bombs

>Latvian surnames
>German surnames
>Germanized Latvian surnames
>Latvinized German surnames
>Latgalian surnames
>Lithuanian surnames
>Polish surnames
>Livonian surnames
>Estonian surnames
>Swedish surnames
>Belarusian surnames
>Ukrainian surnames
>Russian surnames
>J*wish surnames
Yup, I'm thinking we're mutts of Europe

Es esmu šeit ieradies, lai drāztu visu pēc kārtas.
>I have come here to fuck everybody one after another
Es esmu šeit, lai drāztu jūs pa vienam
>I have come here to fuck each one of you

What are you trying to say you sexual man of Uralic heritage? Are you gone fuck us good or just one after another?

> drāztu visu

You forgot:
>Catholic Estonian Latvianized last names that end with -ēns

Not gonna lie this patch looks very nice

Attached: yo.jpg (626x554, 26.82K)

Domāju "visus", bet esmu dzēris kā nekā man brīvdiena.

t. Rimi wagecuck

>Catholic Estonian
all these wacky culture groups we have lost

There is only one Lithuanian empire and Chokodiewidtz is its prophet
