Which has more better future Developments of Taiwan or Korea?

Which has more better future Developments of Taiwan or Korea?
And which has more better culture ,History and people?

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The future of korean semiconductor Hynix and Samsung are really absent today, while most semiconductors are system semiconductors, while Hynix and Samsung are memory semiconductors.

Incidentally, Taiwanese .USA and Japanese companies control all of the system semiconductors, and Hynix Samsung has no room to enter.

In other words, Hynix and Samsung are in the year of decline.Instead, Taiwanese semiconductor companies have more vision. Now, system semiconductors are going to become mainstream.

Who does Japan owe more war reparations to?

Taiwan useually never ask endless compensation as like korean shameless beggar of the endless compensation from japan

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I prefer Taiwan

Well, I'm not aware of what Japanese did to Taiwanese people during WW2 but what they did to Koreans between 1910 and 1945 was really cruel and the mere fact of denying the atrocities and war crimes Japan committed makes me dislike Japan and support Korea for this cause.

Hahaha read this reality of Japanese rull of korea
This book is made by proffesor of Seoul uni

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So what You want endless beggar
Too bad eat korona and economical sanctions from japan
We never give any money to beggar gook any more
Eat poop wine as much as you want it’s gook tradition

Korea is doing better economically and is getting developed more.
Taiwan is more progressive and free, less fascist government, less conforming and more independently thinking people.

I would never be able to live in Korea, but Taiwan seems like a nice place to live. Japan is the nicest though.
Advantage of living in Korea is the huge tax cut for foreigners, same in Taiwan for foreigners who live there less than 181 days per year. Japan has no tax cuts for foreigners.

I'm Taiwanese and am in the states seeing family.
I think Korea has a better future than us mainly because of China's pressure on the world. Korea is its own independent country and we are not.
I am obviously a bit biased but I think Taiwan has better culture and history. From what I've noticed in my travels, it seems that Taiwanese people are universally liked so my vote for better people would be Taiwan as well.
If I had to choose between Japanese or mainland CCP rule, I would choose Japanese in a heartbeat. It is unlikely that we will ever be fully independent and Japanese rule would be much better than CCP rule.
I wasn't alive back then but from what I've heard from many older Taiwanese, the Japanese treated them fairly well. Many young Taiwanese (like myself) like Japan and have a positive view of the Japanese. A lot of Taiwanese whose grandparents lived under Japanese rule can speak fluent Japanese and many Taiwanese self learn Japanese. Lots of Taiwanese go to Japan for tourism as well.


sks birth rate is the worst in the world. its a simple fact that they will decline.

Japan nowadays is obviously different than Japan before 1945 but it doesn't change the fact the modern Japan should bear the costs of reparations.

> wasn't alive back then but from what I've heard from many older Taiwanese, the Japanese treated them fairly well.

So that's obviously a different experience than Koreans had. But I'm not surprised, it was the same with Germans, they were fairly ok in western Europe but true devils in eastern Europe.

if modern Japan is so different why should they pay reparations?
the Japanese have treated us Taiwanese very well, I see no reason for reparations

>Korea is doing better economically and is getting developed more.

Korean economical development was ended at 2018.
Korean economy is actually in crisis right now

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You're definitely right about the better culture. Christianity and capitalism wiped out much of Korean traditional culture, much more so than in Taiwan or Japan.
Also, Koreans are quite rude compared to Taiwanese and especially Japanese. Korean dating culture is insane as well.
The Taiwanese I've spoken were all really cool people. I've met a few nice Koreans as well, but almost every Taiwanese person I've met was really nice.
The only things I don't like about Taiwan are the stinky tofu smell on some streets and that it's extremely hot.

>if modern Japan is so different why should they pay reparations?

Because the modern Japan is the only successor of the Empire of Japan. Succession is not only about assets but also debts.

>the Japanese have treated us Taiwanese very well, I see no reason for reparations

Ok, I said I didn't know how Japanese people behaved in Taiwan, I only know what it looked like in Korea. So still the point about reparations for Korea stands.

Shut up korea of the west

Every country is in crisis atm due to corona, no stuff from China, and a 25% oil drop.
Looking at today's news it seems we're entering a new global financial crisis.

>Korean economy is actually in crisis right now

There's going to be a severe global recession due to coronavirus outbreak, everyone is already in crisis. But since Korea handles the virus spread pretty well i guess they won't be hit that much.

Germany should already admit its atrocities, apologize and pay due reparations.

we paid to sk. we were gonna to pay to china too but mao declined it and stated they dont need it. so ccp hasnt actually demanded it

kek at the fact that posters here dont even know of the basics of history despite being obsessed with politics. are you guys ok? lol

Seems love you have a tsundere obsession with Korea and want Japan and Worst Korea to unite

The treaty of 1965 included huge payments from Japan to Korea.
The Korean government decided to take the money themselves and spend it on infrastructure instead of compensating the victims themselves.
They have apologised a huge number of times

Still the only thing Korea wants is more and more gibs. Many Japanese are afraid that giving them more only means that they will ask for more and more.

Taiwanese people, each of Japanese is thinking Taiwan is true china, and one independent country.
We will help Taiwan forever regardless directly or indirectly.
Just take all of business positions of South Korea. They are betrayer and being side of chinese aggressions now,
So both hand USA are not investing South Korea any more and result is this this whole world is under the effect of ideology of after ww2
But only Taiwan sees history very exactly.

See japan and USA both no longer trust Korea and all of invest of korea will go to Taiwan
Pls keep passion and culture of democracy and sprit of old time japan, Taiwan will eat up Korea and if japan also eat up by Taiwan its no problem
As long as Taiwan has sprite of democractic asian and old time japan in it. That’s all good just keep it and never lose by communism china
We willl help you as much as we could

>The treaty of 1965 included huge payments from Japan to Korea.

Those pennies can't be enough for the number of atrocities and exploitation of Korea for 35 years.

>and spend it on infrastructure

There's nothing better you can spend money on than infrastructure, it benefits the victims indirectly too.

i think western internet posters are pure retards lol. to be quite honestly. seems they dont even read any books or even dont wiki or research. outrage culture unironically kills your ability to think.

Idiot see the date !!This was started after economical sanctions from Japan and USA on South Korea
It’s not to do with korona virus idiot

Hey beggar
So what exactly want ?
Money? Too bad take economical sanctions instead you beggar

Here is summary
Read fucking beggar of endless compensation

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>Which has more better future Developments of Taiwan or Korea?
korea cuz taiwan is being eyed by china to conquer, but if taiwan stays free it has a good future too
idk, i think both have something good
you mean only the RoC and RoK history? id say korea had it better, cuz taiwan had a civil war and commie fucks dont give them peace, but i guess taiwan history was more glorious before commies came
i think both are good, liberal and not insectoid like the mainland chink subhumans

>Those pennies can't be enough for the number of atrocities and exploitation of Korea for 35 years.
They are more than enough. Don't forget the Japanese also greatly developed the country.

>There's nothing better you can spend money on than infrastructure, it benefits the victims indirectly too.
Yeah, that's right, but now the victims are pretending it was the Japanese who chose not to compensate them.

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Doesn't change the fact everyone's gonna have a big crisis now. And Korea will handle it better than other countries, look how they stopped the virus, no other country did it as well as them.

Seriously, I can understand Japanese people dislike Korea but I don't understand how you can try to demean these people and belittle their economic and civilizational achievements. I'm pretty sure deep in your heart you're surprised and full of respect for Koreans, Japanese people always looked down on, who turned from a backwards, third world country into the most modern and one of the most advanced and developed first world countries just within 50 years.

>4:40 am
>a random Jap make a post about Korea
yep, Taiwan is better than us, why you ask question that you know answer to?

Tell me even one wellknown korean culture which is really a korean.

Problems of A lot of wellknown Korean culture is "Invented traditions" for businesss and origin propaganda.

Tell me what is exactly korean culture which is not saying "this was stealed by japan! Korean is origin! Statement."

Kumdo! Copy from Japanese kendo

Haidong gumdo! Copy from japan kenjitsu

Samrang. Copy from samurai

Yudo. Copy from judo

Hapkido. Copy from Dai To ryu aiki jiujitsu and aikido

Teakwondo . Copy from shotokan karate and removed punch move

Manfa. Copy from manga

Jongie Jupgi . Copy from Japanese origami.

Samsung ,Posko ,LG and so on. Made by teacnological aid and transfer from japan and usa after ww2.

Kpop. The word kpop is copy from the word jpop. Old days kpop was full copy of jpop. Nowadays it’s copy from USA pop add kawaii culture.

National popular snack
Pokkiy since 1966
Pepero since 1988
It’s simply copy from japan.

More and more without end

>but isn't Japanese culture is copy from China as likes a lot of korean culture copied Japanese culture?
relationship of japanese culture and Chinese culture is as like the similar situation of the western culture and Semites middle eastern civilization.

Or Japanese culture is more derivative than an imitation like how the US was influenced by the UK

Saying japanese culture is just imitation of china or so Is typical Western hypocriteness and delusions due to lack of education.

In that logic of you Semites middle eastern brought civilization to primitive noth west who has primitive Celtic and primitive Germanic culture (as like Jomon of japan.)

and western culture is based on the Semites middle eastern civilization.

Nothern Europian are useing Indian number
Latein alphabet which is developed from Phoenician alphabet which Is Semites.
Natural sience from Greece which is learn from Egypt and Mesopotamia
And Christianity from Jewish from Middle East.
And Greek and Phoenician culture which is developed from Egypt ,Mesopotamia and Babylon.
Western Architecture was based on bricks and stone building invented by eygipt and Mesopotamia.
Iron and sword making of west is originated in middle eastern ancient civilization as well.

Western hypocrites

In that logic "except of ancient Mesopotamia Iraq Of now who was invented first oldest civilization " would be all not invented anything.

relationship of japanese culture and Chinese culture is as like the similar situation of the western culture from midddles east.

Korean is just doing invented traditions and fake origine propaganda for the budiness

If you can’t understand this difference then lack of intelligence so no hope for you

>not liking stinky tofu
so the son should pay for the supposed crimes of the father? in the case of taiwan, I see no reason for reparations because the Japanese treated us well

>Those pennies can't be enough for the number of atrocities and exploitation of Korea for 35 years.

dude this is just your "sentiment". sentiment or emotion cant subvert historical facts and the treaty.

both japan and sk officially signed the treaty on a national level. do you understand? you are actually as shitty as these japanese alt-right spammers. spammers chimp out because the level of Yas Forumss or redditors discussion is exactly the same as their low iq.

jap, youre worse than us.

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>Which has more better future Developments of Taiwan or Korea?
Korea by far, specially with Samsung, k-poop and US daddybux. But Taiwan has a decent tech industry and they could definitely catch up in that field.
>Which has the better culture?
Taiwan, no doubt. It's like a less strict japan with traditional chink culture, and they're also really chill.
Korea is the true shitty knockoff japan. Ugly women with $3K worth of surgeries, ran by feminists, shitty food, deranged BRAAAPPP-tier humor and children raised with the fucking talmud.

Attached: peak korea.jpg (387x599, 46.45K)

Hahaha non of your comment is correct

1 korean korona virus is no longer controll
So USA and japan both Banned korean to enter and let people to enter korea

2 Korean stock prise and won doller chart is crashed now
Also korean has weak domestic economy so if goes well they will be crash

3 Korean has already crashed at 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2008 Lehman Brothers crisis
And now.
What are you dreaming about delusional gook

>so the son should pay for the supposed crimes of the father?

He should pay his father debts if he inherited his father's wealth, that's pretty obvious.

>3 Korean has already crashed at 1975 1988 and 2011. What are you dreaming

And? I mean the general view, Korea is one of the most developed countries in the world despite crises that happen in every country (it's pretty funny to read about it from a Japanese person when Japan has been stuck in crisis since 1990). You must admire Koreans for their achievements and you can't look at them the same way you did 50 years ago, when they were no match for you. The fact you're talking about them so much proves how much you're afraid of them and how important they are to you.

Your stock price is more desperate.

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I really liked the rest of the food though.
Also the tea is great.

When I went there we started at Taipei and also took a day trip to Jiufen, then went on to Tainan and Gaoxiong with a day trip to Liuqiu from there, then on to Taidong and finally Hualian with Tailuge. It was awesome.
I also really love 草東沒有派對 and also 老王樂隊.

This song in particular seems kinda relateable.

Also Chthonic's acoustic songs are great. I'm not really into heavy metal, but I really like these folk songs that seem so different from the rest of their songs.

what was life like in Korea in the early 90s?

I don't know. I was born in the mid-nineties.

Sad news for you
Korean economical development was ended at 2018
All of economists know that
So all of investments from the west was gone

Only demon chinese money in korea
If you know what this meaning

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didn't your parents tell you? It must be really great feeling to live in a country that is developing by 10% every year and sees skyscrapers popping up around you like crazy.

That's what Chinese people are experiencing right now.

still better than you

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Why you are thinking japan and Korea is the same things
Japan has 4 times bigger economy and already fully developed nation

Korean is still way of developing and 4 times smaller tiny nation
What will happen if korean goes the same way of japan

Don’t forget korean already crashed two times at 1997 and 2008

My parents are ignorant, I never talked about past days with my parents

Read idiot tiny gook

actually 2.9 times bigger than us
and your minimum hourly wage is lower than us
so koreans don't go to Japan anymore

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Sad, I love talking with my parents about the past.

Keep that delusion gook
Let’s see THE NEWEST NUMBERS of the 2019 to 2020. That’s the only things.

List of countries by income equality - Wikipedia

List of countries by income equality 2019

Japan ranked 18

korea ranked 28

List of countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

PPP ranking 2019 ,

japan is ranked 4.

Korea is ranked 14.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia

HDI ranking 2019

japan is ranked 19.

Korea is ranked 22.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia

GDP par capita ranking of 2019

Japan is ranked 22

korea is ranked 27 (5 ranked Lower than japan. Italy is ranked 26.)

2020 Military Strength Ranking

Military power ranking 2020

japan is ranked 5.(But still not yet full potential real army but just only Japan defend force still,but already surpassed korean real army.)

Korean is ranked 6.

World’s Top 10 Industrial Robot Manufacturers | Market Research Blog

>Top 10 Ranking of 2019 world industrial robot company.

6 companies from 10 is japan.

1. ABB

2. The Yaskawa Electric Corporation (JAPAN)

3. Midea Group KUKA

4. The Fanuc Corporation (JAPAN )

5. Kawasaki Heavy Industries (JAPAN)

6. Epson Robots (JAPAN)

7. Stäubli

8. Nachi Fujikoshi Corporation (JAPAN)

9. Comau

10. Omron Adept Technology Inc.(JAPAN)

japan is earning by those real high teacnological industrial machine and materials and financial by the Yen hard currency of the world as like USA and EU as a developed first world.

>where is korean company?

South Korean is earning by assembling household machine like phone or semiconductor for it. As like China or India or Taiwan is doing as one of those developing nations.


Not sure but curtain things is financial times says that South Korea suffers worst contraction since financial crisis At 2019.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

South Korea set for one of worst growth periods in half a century at 2019.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

this is remind me of the same path of economical recession of japan.

But one things ,

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia

Size of GDP ranking

japan is ranked 3

Korean is ranked 12. (Korea has Almost 3 times smoller DOMESTIC economy size than japan)

let’s see what will happned if korean went the same path of japan.

lol fake from the first sentence.

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This summary can explain almost everything of korean society and industry.
Korean economy entirely dependent on exports and the export industry. the 8 big companies make up something like that 80% of their entire GDP, which explains why so many of them lives miserable lives and kills themselves if they fail their exams, because they don't have a well developed diverse economy, if you don't get a job in one of those big export companies, you have bleak future.


And worst things is those business of korean run by that 8 big companies which is 80% of korean GDP is replacing and loseing by chinese business every year.


Japanese has third biggest DOMESTIC economy and almost all of Japanese economy is DOMESTIC.

This is Exactly opposite of korean that almost all of korean industry is depending on export.

(Japan has 4 times bigger domestic economy size than korean.)
and also add more, Japanese is earning by real industrial high technology as like USA and EU.
>Top 10 Ranking of 2019 world industrial robot company.

6 companies from 10 is japan.
1. ABB

2. The Yaskawa Electric Corporation (JAPAN)

3. Midea Group KUKA

4. The Fanuc Corporation (JAPAN )

5. Kawasaki Heavy Industries (JAPAN)

6. Epson Robots (JAPAN)

7. Stäubli

8. Nachi Fujikoshi Corporation (JAPAN)

9. Comau

10. Omron Adept Technology Inc.(JAPAN)
>where is korean company?
South Korean is just earning by assembling household machine like phone or semiconductor for it. But problems are China or India or Taiwan is replaceing those business of korean in 2020.


South Korea's youth employment rate is 42.1 percent, the 30th lowest among the 35 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).


Korean suicide rate is far higher than japan.


Do you seriously believe korea has more greater life quality than japan?

Why are Korean women obsessed with white men?

>List of countries by income equality

Reality hurts you?

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what is this? why don't korea have a figure?

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Don't take this jap’s post seriously. your a notorious schizo shit poster who everyday spams incoherent anti-korean 24/7.Keep doing ctrc + ctrv