Harri Morgan edition
/brit/ aka /pryd/
the janny's going to hate this
first for welsh pirates turned privateers
would rather shag arse than fanny but only girls
Wish I was a serf.
>honestly toil the fields
>come home to your lovely plump wife and 6 kids
>drink some beer
>enjoy the festivals with your community
>die at the ripe old age of 35
Thinking of getting a tattoo of a willard on me willard
>Harri Morgan
*audience bursts out laughing*
ah yes, the modern leftist mindset
Just go and live in a remote rural village user
english nonce
What if Coronavirus really is some sort of alien invasion and first contact will happen with them offering a cure or toppling our society?
Almost convinced all the "remote rural villages" in the UK are just full of millionaire's 2nd homes and have no community anymore as they're literally emprty until christmas
Or in a council house.
Reckon this is how child prodigies are formed
be quiet you twat
Got £50k saved up for a house deposit, but I might just spend it all on dominatrixes instead.
This this THIS
people have less freedom now than ever before. The only freedom we have is what our masters let us (not real freedom)
Let me expand, peasant rebellions were actually quite common. If conditions ever got SO bad the peasants could easily overpower the king.
But what about nowadays? Young people are quite clearly extremely disaffected but out police state + surveillance state makes any real rebellion impossible. Any white supremacist militia that tries to form is immediately infiltrated by FBI agents for example
me and the mrs are expecting a baby boy soon, reckon we’ll name him after hp lovecrafts cat
question is when and not if
Who is in the right here? Our Alan or Rashid?
I mean it is entirely possible that Coronavirus came from a meteorite that crashed somewhere in China. Who knows.
Got a blowjob from a self proclaimed "lesbian' while Cherry Bomb played in the background on Saturday
What you goofs been up too since I have been gone?
gawwwd you really are an imbecile
parents flying round the world in business class all the time and will only give me 30k for a deposit! Seething!
What a dribbling fucktard!
You forgot watching your kids and loved ones die from gum disease.
Calm down Rorkey
It simply can't be true that the worlds biggest penis belongs to a white gay man whos never shown it in pictures or on tv as IF what faggot wouldnt love to wave his massive dick about
>beeping at a orange light
Not a fan of this particular /brit/ character
is anyone applying to be a janny then?
>hot brown girls with British accents
Oh yes it is painful being a trust fund kid
Go do your homework kid.
You are a serf
So are you to be fair.
Just remembered that time my dad thought I was asleep and I caught him bombing it up the stairs on all fours
Haha ironic
14/15 YO middle-class Belfast schoolkid.
I'm not gay
>the police in the comments replying to someone and literally just saying "didn't you hear him swearing before someone crashed into him from behind? that means the crash was his fault too"
Going to go to the chippy at precisely half past 7.
2 lots of scampi and chips should do me. Might even get onion rings.
>how do you do fellow kids
Ireland is a region of England snatched away by puppets of France, America and Germany. It must be reunited with the Saxon motherland.
are you familiar with the work of isa guha?
I feel like they should just arrest noncey looking men like this mong on suspicion, chances are they'll be up to no good soon enough
is he one that acts like he's in the uvf and all that?
The future facing Diego
Absolute slammer coys
ok, i feel bad
why would you think such things when reasonable explanations exists
The only good brit is a dead brit
In killing their language we've hollowed out their souls.
Refute it
>they're on their saxon celtic juteish nonsense tripe talk again
Time for vidya I think.
Ugly slag but her accent/voice is probably hot af.
Can draw direct parallels between the NYPD and Rodney king to the Janny and /brit/
Alri mikey
Nice cuckstamp flag
Yep. Forgot himself on his vocaroo though. Grammar school kid, voice still has the post pubescent wobble.
Find it concerning there are actual socially isolated freaks on here imagining me as a 14 year old. Kind of grim probably some type of nonce fantasy
Wise up you utter spastic.
would love a plump wife
any plump slag pics?
Makes life more fun and it is entirely possible that bacteria or viruses can exists on meteorites if things like water can.
You could rent a cage in a dominatrix's dungeon for a long time with that kind of money