Burn the coal, pay the toll

>Burn the coal, pay the toll
>Eat the rice, pay the price

What do we say to a person who fucks whites? We need to do some brainstorm here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Eat the mayo. you can't stayo

Sex the white, say goodnight

Fuck the white gentleman, enjoy monetary safety

Drink the bleach, pay the leech

Bang a wh*te, catch the blight

Date the white, pay for life

Fuck the pale, can't wear a veil
Fuck the white, your children's future won't be really bright
Drink the bleach, you're a bitch.


funny how everybody pretends to hate whites but when it comes to looking like one everybody is like OMG I HOPE MY BABY HAS BLUE EYES

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White male appreciation thread

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Nigga pissed his pants

neck yourself nigel, blue eyes are inferior to built in glasses

I was waiting for it.

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That's just the precum

>blue eyes are inferior to built in glasses

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Marry the white, you'll be alright

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chinks collect foreigners like trophies to be displayed

Drink the bleach, support a leech.

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touch a cracker, catch a smacker.

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>enjoy monetary safety
Kek ask the Philippines how that is working out for them.

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Nice one

There's a reason she couldn't find an Asian husband
That's because she is the Asian husband

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imagine growing up as her son, seeing this, and realizing that you are just an accessory in her life. like a favorite purse or shirt

That's mostly anglos. Anglos aren't people.


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t. Panchito viviendo en España.

Mess with white, catch frostbite


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I see enough cancerous wmaf shills here. GTFO cumskin sympathizer.

fuck a paleface, disgrace your race

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>Her face when she realizes that all white babies have blue eyes when born but quickly lose it

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>it’s another macaco thinks he’s white episode

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>The kid

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I dont know but I'm giving that kid the nickname yellow snow.

Eat a cracker, then smack her

fuck a wh*Te, take a kite.

(as in a take a kite and fly out of my village)

Fuck a nigger get a nigger

I am not a wmaf shill, I am a white male shill.

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wtf is a wasian

Based Brazilian making Yas Forumsoids seethe and scream you are better than me desu


race traitor


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It's just a cuckold.

enjoy your creatura kid, its your life

fuck a whyte, get ready for his wyfe

Why is she shaking her head at all of them?

Asian girls on Tiktok are literally female white supremacists

>Asian girls on Tiktok are literally female white supremacists

white supremacists? mixing asian+white will result in non-white mix, they white lineage ends... doesnt sound like a white supremacists thing

Ah it’s that guy okay


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They dont think that far ahead they just insult asians men and talk about Chad

this will be the result

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I'm a mutt, I have no race.

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of course she goes to guelph

No spice, no dice.

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