Can someone translate what's written on her boobies? Also why are women like this?

Can someone translate what's written on her boobies? Also why are women like this?

Attached: kiLHEDm_d.jpg (640x454, 38.1K)

"I wear what I want" in lebanese dialect

"Our pussies belong to the Big Polish Pole"

"Come back our French colonial master "

"Pls let me into Israel"

>Muh freedom, muh life muh rules
>Nooooo you can't just stare at my melons
Do holes unironically lack awareness?

"Israel: greatest ally"

When will indians be potty trained?

this is the third time I see this photo
what the fuck is wrong with this board

>an incel
What a surprise.

"I will open bob and show vagene if you send nudes and work in the Indian military or government"

"kill all wh*tes then gas the parasitic Zionist entity they planted in our holy land"


Its always filled with shit threads though

"allah is the greatest"
damn islamist feminist now i have seen it all

Good looking girls can wear what they want.

"I had a nice body but I decided to write all over it to make it ugly because I'm retarded"

>our holy land
>mudslimes came AFTER christians and jews
How pathetic can you get?

this board is filled to the brim with simps
if you filter the words "gf" , "qt", and "milk" the catalog would show 5 threads max

"made for big french cocks only"

>mudslimes came
islam isn't the start of Arabic/semitic history

She looks like a girl in my class and now I have a massive urge to ask her out because I did catch her staring at me a few times in my class and she always comes up smiling and laughing to me and her friends try to pair her up with me but I never felt that much attraction to her until I saw this pic.

Wish me luck faggets.

Those don't sound like religions. So why exactly would the land be holy?

because Islam didn't make it holy you dumb fuck
they were holy to pagans

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>they were holy to pagans
But there aren't any pagans left

I don't agree with him whatsoever but what makes you think he is an "incel"?

Who the fuck else unironically calls people holes?

I donned my hijab for Allah, but Abdullah’s dick was too good to pass.

Lol of the three abrahamic death cults islam is the most pathetic

nigga get on our level

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doesn't matter
our christians and jews and muslims all considerd jona's tomb sacred
isis blew it up and lo and behold there was an Assyrian castle and temple under it
these things get inherited through religion
we don't cut down a tree unless we make a sacrifice of a goat or a lamb or smth , even tho we stopped worshiping trees thousands of years ago
like if europeans converted to Islam, they would start their own sect with reverence to black cock

stfu slanty corona vector


Lol cope habibi
Just be grateful we let you have internet.

You can fuck off from my country then. My country is filled with your kind and they all carry the same shit mentality. Almost all the rape cases here are also done by Indians.

who the fuck are "we"

Still doesn't make that land holy

I really, really, REALLY want this girl to have sex with me, or at least let me grope her tits for a few minutes. How should I go about this?

You sure about that? Our behavior may come across as creepy but by and large we respect rules of the country we migrate to, you will rarely see indians committing any sort of crimes abroad. You are probably confusing us with pakis or bengalis.

itt: skyddaddy team A vs skydaddy team B argue which version of their desert manga is canon

Does this happen in your country too?

Attached: 1069124866-1.jpg (2000x1333, 582.27K)

Only if you pay 'em well

Maybe, I'm not sure to be honest. There was a case very recently of a couple of south Asian students who raped a British English teacher here, cut her body into small pieces and threw her in a dump.

it's entirely subjective
black cock isn't holy to me, but it to your people, and i respect that
all i ask is that you respect my holy things in return

There is nothing holy to czechs so you can go worshipping trees as much as you like and we will support our nice and civilized Israeli allies

people with balls

>our nice and civilized Israeli allies
>this is your brain on western media
Israelis are just as subhuman as us if not even more. Read on the constant human rights violations they commit.

>There is nothing holy to czechs
there is, money
but you're too cowardly to admit that you installed hedonism as your god
>Israeli allies


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That would require arabs to be human in the first place. And to wage wars like that.
>installed hedonism
lol, let me tell you about your country from my few haram wanks to czechcasting

>It's my body, so I can show my tits all I want
"bikini beauty contest"
>nooooooooooo, you are sexualizing women. It doesn't matter if they do it of their own free will, I don't like it, so this time I decide for them. Cancel it!

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Ah ok, I see you're just baiting for replies or probably some Czech Jew who knows nothing about what happens in the middle east apart from what his western media tells him. Have a nice day.

>islam isn't the start of Arabic/semitic history
Arabs arent from the holy land but there have always been nom-mixed jews there.

wtf i thought maghribis were based

>You sure about that? Our behavior may come across as creepy but by and large we respect rules of the country we migrate to, you will rarely see indians committing any sort of crimes abroad. You are probably confusing us with pakis or bengalis.
Someone post the old Indian guy with his penis outside at night outside some store I remember seeing that webm

>Arabs arent from the holy land
some are
>but there have always been nom-mixed jews there.
bulk converted to islam and became arabs

>old indian guy
might as well have been a punjabi, bengali or one of the hundreds of ethnic groups in south asia

What's the difference? Only they can tell each other apart because the language has a slightly different accent or something

>lebanese dialect

>what happens in the middle-east
Wars. Except unlike in Europe where one side in a war admits it lost and makes a peace deal, this somehow is incomprehensible to arabs so you get shit like Gaza where the local "resistance" relies on the Israelis not wiping them out and shoots a chimney pipe at Israel from time to time to feel better about themselves.

>american education

Threads are reposted almost everyday on fast boards

the difference is that they all hate each other lmao, idk why but slightly different ethnic groups within large federations is always bad and leads to instability

Except they do. Israel and Egypt do have a peace treaty with each other, because Israel lost a war against them 4 times. But go ahead, keep telling me about your amazing knowledge of the middle east and its politics.

uhhhhh hello? based department?


Lebanese is directly descended from Phoenician not Arabic

>because Israel lost a war against them 4 times
Lol, this is exactly what I was talking about. If Israel REALLY lost a war against arabs, there wouldn't be any Israel left. Last time I checked, Israel is bigger than when it started out. But even if you lost, you proclaim it as a victory. It's amazing the delusion you live in.

because women are the great Satan. Mohammod (pbuh) said that hell is full of women

If you reverse search the image it gives you Arabic results where they blurred her cleavage lmao

>Czech education
You're unironically retarded desu. The wars were over the Sinai Peninsula. Go prostitute yourself in western europe for some shekels.

actually Islam is older than chirstianity and judaism

Is not. Their book explicitly names jews and Christians

Wrong. Islam was made up on the spot by muhammad and his delusionals.

Actually not. First was Judaism, then Christianity then Islam.

No, islam is the true religion, Christians and Jews were led astray

Judaism and christianity corrupted Islam
so Allah had to send Mohammad to restore it

Nope. You're wrong, muhammad was a false prophet.

I wish I was a pretty girl with big boobs which I would use to get people to do what I want, have infinite social contacts and make money

>War of Independence
>Israelis beat arabs including Egypt and establish a state, Israeli victory
>Suez Crisis
>israelis and allies beat Egypt like redheaded step-child until the US and USSR say no more, israeli miliatry victory
>Six Day war
>Israel captures Sinai and other territories, Israeli victory
>Yom Kippur war
>Israel BTFOs invading forces once again
The continued existence of Israel despite arab reeing is proof enough you've won nothing